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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: knightguy on 2006 June 26, 00:23:16

Title: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: knightguy on 2006 June 26, 00:23:16
i'm looking for a mod to tell them have many to make of something or else they'll make hundreds or go broke if your not watching

kindve tell them to make 10 - 20 - etc

anyone know where i might find something like this?

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 June 26, 10:06:22
Temporarily takes ElfPuddle's place...

I need a hack with which to select the quantity of Make Many items, instead of having the Sim making items forever and ever until Armaggeddon finally arrives.

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: Eleonora on 2006 June 26, 10:23:48
Thanks Dr. Beast, that first post made my brain implode.

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 June 26, 14:25:51
That's a great idea for a hack. And the translation was pretty damn fine too, DrBeast.

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 26, 15:30:28
I never use the Make Many option even when I need it, because it makes them all thes ame colour and that irritates me intensely.  Just one of my many little foibles ...

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: knightguy on 2006 June 26, 19:48:22
i know my wording left much to be desired  :-\

tho i hope one of the hackers get interested in my idea  ;D

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 June 27, 08:49:09
I'm wasting my talents being a vet!  :P

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 27, 09:06:34
you make a damn fine stupid to english translator, DrBeast!

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: draranha on 2006 June 27, 10:27:01
You people here are so merciless!! ::)
Nobody is perfect! You know, I'm Brazilian...  :-[

Anyway, I think knightguy had a great idea and if that could be implemented it would be a nice mod.

Go ahead! You may correct my spelling/grammar if you want to. ;D

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 June 27, 10:33:10
Heh, and I'm greek, but I still speak England very best!  ;D
Thing is, sometimes a question, or a sentence if you will, is written so badly you can't understand a thing! That's why this site has an official translator (who has been reported as AWOL by the way...shame, ElfPuddle!  ::)).

Title: Re: Hack Idea: A count on how many to make?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 27, 10:55:27
Eh, "Make Many" seems a little wiggy at best. Some items are made indefinitely until something causes them to stop, whereas for others, "Make Many" seems to translate as "Make One, but put it in the inventory instead".