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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 23, 13:12:03

Title: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 23, 13:12:03
It's a long story as to why and I won't bore you with the details, but I had to reinstall from the ground up and my installation is not going smoothly, to say the least.

The first disk went fine.  The second disk had a corrupted file which I had sent to me and then it went fine.  The third disk had an error in a file which I had sent to me and then it went fine.  Now I'm on the fourth disk and there's another damn error!

So, what I am hoping is that someone can send me the file I need so I can continue reinstallation and back up each and every EP/game and then never have to do this again.

It is on Disk 4, then it's  It may be a big file, as the other ones have both been.  If you can do this, just PM me or post here and I'll give you the address to drop it into.

Thanks in advance and you can have a big cookie.  :-*

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 23, 13:39:21
Thanks for sending it to me, Simsbaby.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 23, 16:14:31
Just an FYI -- I had similar problems with my NL disks, and found the easy solution was to just copy the CDs to the hard drive and install from there (you'll still need the first CD in the drive for the copy protection thingy). Make a directory on your hard disk (call it whatever you like), and then make subdirectories called Disk1, Disk2, etc.  Note that there cannot be a space between the word 'Disk' and the disk number.  Then copy the CDs into the appropriate directories, and launch the install from the Disk1 directory.  Hasn't failed me yet.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 23, 16:25:55
I did actually do that, according to some instructions I found on EA's website.  And everything seemed to copy fine but once I went to install is when I got these problems.  So after I got the Disk2 file fixed, I thought maybe there was just a copying error on the Disk3 and tried to insert the actual disk (I renamed the folder so it wouldn't read), but it wouldn't even recognize that I had a disk in the drive.

Manually installing and correcting these corrupt CD's (which are always kept in the case, and are immaculate with no scratches, etc.) is the only way I've been able to do it so far.

Thanks for letting me know though, I imagine if I hadn't already done this it would have come in really handy.  :-*

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 23, 16:31:17
I had that problem too, BlueSoup.

I don't understand why a CD that manages to install your game the first time, manages to be corrupted when you want to reinstall.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Ambular on 2006 June 23, 18:32:25
I had that problem too, BlueSoup.

I don't understand why a CD that manages to install your game the first time, manages to be corrupted when you want to reinstall.

It's an evil Maxian plot, I tell you.  Self-destructing disks that force you to buy a new copy of the game or go through Hell like BlueSoup has been doing.

Is your game working yet, Blue?

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Metalkatt on 2006 June 23, 18:53:48
Yes, I'm curious, too.  You were having such a horrible time last night.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 23, 18:56:20
I'm at home right now for lunch, I'll let you know how it turns out.  :)

Edit:  OMGZYAY!  It finally freakin' worked.

eDIT #2 Okay, I spoke too soon.  It's installed but it gets an error immediately upon trying to play the bloody thing.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 23, 19:48:21

I had that weird problem when I tried to reinstall NL. (when I pulled a stupid and uninstalled OFB) The CDs, for whatever reason would never complete the install. No scratches, no nothing. Tried to do the manual install thing, and it only copied one file!

Very frustrating. I just bought a new copy of NL.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Metalkatt on 2006 June 23, 21:57:20
Blue, methinks it's time to azureus it...  That's just getting ridiculous.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 23, 22:06:22
Seriously. If you have a legit copy and obtain a backup copy, it isn't even illegal. 

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 23, 22:09:08
I really don't care at this point about legal and illegal.  If I can't get it running tonight (and I don't want to install any EP's yet - I am going back to basics for awhile, me thinks) then I'm so torrenting it.

I'm wondering if I have another damn problem with the CD drive.  I'll have to check that out later, because if it is that, it's also a giant pain in the ass to fix.  :-\

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 23, 22:31:40
I dunno, Blue. My original NL CD got corrupt-for-no-reason files when I tried to reinstall. It might be something about NL CDs.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: blubug on 2006 June 23, 22:37:50
I had multiple errors when I managed to botch up my windows installation. Something was corrupt with windows so I kept getting random errors when installing thesims2 and EP's. When I finally managed to install those (skipped some files) the game would crash to the desktop (randomly) with no error log. And I had the same problems back in TS1 days from a cd-rom that was begging for retirement. In both cases, my cd's were fine too.
And I managed to install the sims2 with no problems at all after I formatted and reinstalled windows- the extreme measure.
Sorry about your trouble, Bluesoup.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 23, 23:24:36
The only thing is, these are not the NL CD's - these are the base game CD's.

And I just formatted my entire computer like 4 times because of the stupid disks.  I am starting to think that's what it is too, with these stupid CD drive errors, and that's what I had to do last time to fix it.

I'm just going to cry and cry and cry if that's what I have to do.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: kacidama on 2006 June 23, 23:37:55
Blue, I really sympathise - you know I lost my saved game files when I tried to reinstall mine on the new hard drive - and I haven't been able to install  properly since.  I got as far as loading the game (after umpteen attempts and copying from one hd to the other) but the damn thing froze as soon as I entered a neighbourhood.

My disks seem to be unusually hot after too - methinks a cd drive prob  :'(

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 23, 23:55:35
That could be the case. My kid brother was once interested in installing TS2 on his computer, so after I installed it on mine (installation went fine), I went to install it on his and got errors all over the place. I ripped the isos and used daemon tools to install the game, and it worked fine. The problem was definetly his CD drive, it had been working half-assedly for awhile, and it broke down altogether not long after.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 23, 23:57:56
I've been having problems with this drive, but it's always been the software part of it malfunctioning, not the actual drive itself.  If it does burn out though, I have two more stockpiled so I can reinstall that.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Ambular on 2006 June 24, 02:50:07
If I had broadband, I'd just zip up my entire base game directory and send it to you.  : /  Well, hopefully soon.  In the meantime, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Just as a random thought, have you tried looking for a diagnostic utility that might be able to tell you if your CD drive is malfunctioning?  Also, have you considered cleaning the drive?

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 24, 02:59:54
The physical CD drive is fine, it's clean and works for other games and music CD's, etc.  I don't know what the problem is.  :-\

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Nailati on 2006 June 24, 03:14:53
Sounds like just cause to sail the torrential seas.


Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 24, 03:20:09
35.3% done :P

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 June 24, 03:29:57
A bitch of an experience, Blue.  Sorry your frustration level is in the red zone.

By chance do you have two CD/DVD drives?  I recall when I was having problems installing NL, the only way I finally got it on the hard drive was by popping the CD in the E-drive, rather than D, where I had initially started out.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 24, 03:33:48
I only have one real drive, but 4 other virtual drives.

And I just tried to install Uni, to see if that would work, and it doesn't recognize that CD at all.  What the hell is going on?  ??? >:(

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 June 24, 04:27:46
Could it be some kind of copy protection issue? I remember people with certain CD-copying software installed were unable to install the game.

Other than that, it sounds suspiciously like a failing drive.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 24, 05:27:20
Well, Sara hit the nail on the head.  It was indeed a copy-protection issue.  TS2 loads up and plays just fine now, after uninstalling Daemon Tools (a legal program).  Thanks for pointing me in that direction.  I was using a hider just in case that had anything to do with it, but apparently the hider didn't work.

Edit:  I don't know if this was the cause of the original file corruption thing though.  Oh well.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: kacidama on 2006 June 24, 07:36:52
Thanks Sara - I think that is the answer.   :-*

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 June 24, 07:42:24
If I'm right, then I really hate being right about stuff like this. What business do they have telling us what programs we can and can't have installed on our computers?! Unreal.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 24, 07:49:15
The hider makes your other drives appear invisible to the game, so that a mounted cd will work instead of a physical one. Otherwise for OFB the disk can only be placed in your default drive in order to work. Perhaps your hider was screwing up the install process by hiding your real CD drive during the process.

Or something. Daemon tools works fine for me, and I've had it installed during both installations of the sims.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 24, 15:02:28
Well, I tried to install multiple times (seriously, I can rattle off my serial number by freakin' heart!).  All those times I had Daemon Tools installed, but I only tried to hide it once or twice.  Nothing worked.  It wasn't until I removed it completely that the game would play.

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Ambular on 2006 June 24, 18:29:53
Well I'm awfully sorry it caused you so many headaches, hon, but I'm so glad you finally got it working!

Title: Re: Trying to Reinstall
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 24, 21:51:36
Must be a huge relief to have finally figured out the source of your frustration, Blue.  Enjoy playing for a while!