More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MaximilianPS on 2006 June 22, 12:43:42

Title: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 June 22, 12:43:42
my sims and townies are totally crazy for coffe ...
if there is a Coffe machine (i mean the bar with bartender that made coffe) on a  Community loot every one drink coffe and ignore every other object.. no one swimm.. no one dance.. or order some dring at bar  :-\

i think it's sould an already  knowed bug.. isn't it ?
i've searched a bit here and on MTS2 but i'ven't foud any solution (i've OFB / FFS)

also.. my community lot are invaded from coffe cup :\
but i've lost the hack which fix it.

any help ?

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 22, 13:09:19
also.. my community lot are invaded from coffe cup :\
but i've lost the hack which fix it.

any help ?
Pescado made the coffee cup hack: You can find it in his hacks directory or 'moreawesomethanyou' director's cut.

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 22, 13:31:17
Barista obsession is on the chopping block now.

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 14:35:39
Behead the barista!  A la lanterne!  Viva Madame Guillotine!

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 June 22, 14:55:58
Thnx Alot  ;D

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 June 22, 17:10:06
You will probably find this mod interesting:

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 17:46:33
Seems like what's needed is a lot by lot kind of hack, so those coffee shops can thrive!

(Those Unleashed ones were so much less problematical! - and nicer looking too!)

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: Metalkatt on 2006 June 22, 18:29:57
Seems like what's needed is a lot by lot kind of hack, so those coffee shops can thrive!

(Those Unleashed ones were so much less problematical! - and nicer looking too!)

Amen.  I don't know who thinks up all these fugly meshes and non-matching default recolours, but they should be keelhauled.

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 18:36:44
They obviously don't have anyone on their team with design talent!  Now, sims1, for all it's faults, had some beautifully designed furniture.  I used to love the wrought iron cafe chairs and tables, they were so pretty!

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 June 23, 08:51:02
well if u need some object just ask .. maybe i could made it  ;)

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 09:01:21
I think there would be quite a demand for remakes of some of the old sims1 stuff.

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 June 23, 09:41:39
well if u need some object just ask .. maybe i could made it  ;)

Please don't hold back. Get those creative juices flowing!

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 June 23, 10:19:51
could you link some picture ?
TS1 have alot of chair and table  :D

when i'm at home, and i serve expresso...
the sim-visitor never drink a coffe with me :(
any fix ?

i think sometime this game have some laks in "locigal sims interaction"
(why you should go in my bedroom to watchin the tv while i'm in the livingroom watchin' tv ?)  ;D

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 June 23, 10:28:16
They won't drink unless they are tired.
I can get some pictures of my favorite objects.

Title: Re: Help me with coffe o_O
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 10:32:47
If you don't want your visitor to watch TV in the bedroom, lock the door so he/she can't get in there.  (if you have OFB)  If you don't have OFB, you can use the simlogical doors  which are available at The Laden Swallow.

Or simply have your sim ask the visitor to join him.