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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: gypsylady on 2006 June 21, 20:32:22

Title: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 June 21, 20:32:22
Could someone look at this and tell me what is wrong.Everytime one of my sims uses the toilet they jump when they flush it.
Also I don't have most options on any of the sinks.They can wash dishes and bath the baby but that is all.No wash hands, no drink. Those options are not there.

I  have taken all CC out and it is not my Hacks but when I take the Downloads folder out they all work fine I removed all of the CC toilets and sinks I could find but it still is doing it.
Any help at all would be great. Thanks in advance.

Oh also I forgot to say this is game wide. It happens with all sims and in every neighborhood.

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 20:40:13
Is the problem with all toilets and sinks, or just custom, or just maxis?  Is it all sims, or just one on a lot?  If just one, can they actually use the toilet or do they jump out of that action.  Does the same thing happen with the bath or the shower?

I'm only asking all this because when I had it happen it was all bathroom objects that were affected, and it was caused by an invisible attraction marker  which I had to remove from both the sims concerned (who both had the same problem, although on different lots).  If this is what is happening with your sim, you need to check any other sims they have LBs for too, and if one of them also has this problem, then a little investigation with SimPE should hopefully sort it out.

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 June 21, 20:45:10
It is all sinks and toilets Custom and Maxis .the tubs and showers are all fine.It is all Sims on all lots in all neighborhoods Also they can use the toilets  it is when they flush them that they jump.Also they cna wash dishes but that is all.

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 20:53:10
In that case, I don't really have an answer for you.  You say you removed all CC, hacks and downloads, and then it worked fine. 

In that case, I think you need to divide your object downloads in half, load one half, and see if you get the problem.  If not, you can leave all that lot in (put them all in a folder marked Test folder 1) and divide what's left in half, then put one half in your game and see if you get the problem etc. etc.

When you discover which group of files starts the problem, remove half of that group and see what happens.  (You may be lucky and hit on the problem fairly quickly, or on the other hand, maybe you won't.   depends on how many downloads you have.)

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 June 21, 21:04:52
Yes I figure it might be a download so I have already started the process.I am hopeing that it won't take to long :( I need to thin my downloads out any way but really wasn't ready to do it yet .Oh well I just hope that is what it is and not a more serious problem.

         Thanks for trying ZZ  :)

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 21:13:53
I hope it's one of your downloads and you find it quickly - but just one thought occurs to me - have you checked with the clean installer in case you may have duplicate files?  So many creators these days seem to upload the same item into different sets on different sites, and it's so easy to get something twice and not realise, especially if you subfolder your downloads.

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 June 21, 21:15:40
I think you are reading my mind that is what I am doing right now ;D I figured I better do this first then start sorting the downloads

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 21:24:20
You know what they say about great minds!

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 June 21, 21:33:46

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 21, 21:55:58
I blame the non-awesome.

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 June 21, 22:02:33
It wasn't a hack persay It was a download object. I found it with clean installer.It was a baby bath that I had downloaded. it was showing up in red in the  installer I removed it and all is well. I went to the creators site and she had already fixed it. :)

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 23:33:05
That's great that you found it so quickly, and that it was fixed too! 

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 June 21, 23:52:45
Yes I am very happy I found it.I had resigned my self to a few hours of agonising over my downloads. I was very lucky it was that easy. :)

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 23:53:57
Just think, instead of three hours reloading and checking your game over and over, you can actually PLAY!  ;D

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 June 22, 00:05:43
Yes That is just what I plan on doing now that it works right again.I was just doing a little organising of my downloads first.I figure if I do a little at a time it doesn't feel like such a chore. Then it wont be so hard to prune them down to a low roar. ;D

Title: Re: Broken toilet&sink
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 05:55:51
Sets are the problem, really, you download a set and it's very rare you use every item in it - a lot of the decorative stuff maybe you never use at all.  It's a pity when we go through stuff in Clean Installer looking for things to delete, that we can't see whether or not something is in use.