More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: syberspunk on 2006 June 21, 14:22:05

Title: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 June 21, 14:22:05
Since some of you don't frequent MTS2 or other certain puppy and kitten killing non-awesome ::) sites quite as often, I thought I'd mention these hacks that may be of interest:

1) Numenor created a global hack for the open/closed business sign with different meshes so you can place it on the floor or on a table in addition to the default wall placement. I figured that might be very handy for some of you. There is also a custom version (the global one replaces the Maxis default). Now that downloads are back up, you can find the custom one here ( and the global one here (

2) Squinge, love him or hate him ;) has created a non-awesome hack to prevent the romantic kissing and huggin greet and leave animation/interactions. I remember a lot of people requested that before, maybe as far back as VS. So I thought I'd spread the word since many of you here probably wanted something like that. He also made one to disable the 'Euro Kiss' greet, but I personally kind of like the idea of that, and haven't quite witnessed it in my game yet anyways. I don't remember if the romantic type greets even emit jealousy or not. Do they? I don't remember. In my limited experience playing :P I only probably ever had one situation where that would be a concern, which was a threesome-ish I had going in my game. But by then, I had been using the nojealousy hack, which eventually graduated to the romancemod, so it wasn't even really a concern. As such, I never noticed if those romantic greetings ever emitted jealousy or not. *shrugs*

Here is the less romantic one ( and here is the euro kiss one (

Anyways, hopefully this doesn't get Retardo Landed :P I had considered posting this directly in RL to begin with, but it isn't exactly Retardo, even though it isn't exactly specifically MATY related either. Hope you find these useful. :)


Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: Emma on 2006 June 21, 14:28:07
Mine only kiss-greet people they are in love with-not sure if it is to do with JM's romance mod though. I don't have any sort of no-jealousy hack though.

Thanks for the info though Ste ;)

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: KellyQ on 2006 June 21, 15:17:36
Cool, thanks syberspunk. I hate that makeout greeting/leaving thing sims do. I especially hate it when teens do it because they are crushing on someone but it doesn't count as their "first kiss". Or when a married sim greets/says goodbye with a huge kiss to another sim that they have a crush on but somehow it doesn't count and their spouse takes no notice that their SO is making out with someone. I think I would definitely notice if my husband was practically making out with their "friend" to say hello or goodbye.

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 17:08:58
I used to like it when they did the greeting with the hand-slapping (don't know what it's called) but I rarely see it now!

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 June 21, 18:47:55
Cool, thanks syberspunk. I hate that makeout greeting/leaving thing sims do. I especially hate it when teens do it because they are crushing on someone but it doesn't count as their "first kiss". Or when a married sim greets/says goodbye with a huge kiss to another sim that they have a crush on but somehow it doesn't count and their spouse takes no notice that their SO is making out with someone. I think I would definitely notice if my husband was practically making out with their "friend" to say hello or goodbye.

Hrm... ok, so it doesn't cause jealousy. I wonder if people would want these kisses to count as first kiss or actually make it so that they do cause jealousy. Alternatively, erhaps it can be hacked to make sure that the romantic kisses only occur if sims are in a committed relationship? And for teens, it should make sure they've had their first kiss.

Maxis probably prevented it from emitting jealousy because of all the drama it couild potentially cause from just greeting or saying goodbye. It seems kind of a like a cop out, like it just wasn't well thought out. :P


I used to like it when they did the greeting with the hand-slapping (don't know what it's called) but I rarely see it now!

Oh yeah. That sort of high five hand jive thing. I think that only happens if they are like friends/best friends with no romantic attraction. Although I haven't seen that myself, but then again I did reboot my game, so I'm not close to having anything like that yet.

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 21, 19:09:38
I seem to remember that romantic kiss greeting causing jealousy before. Maybe they fixed it with Nightlife. I have the romancemod installed, and now my Sims don't seem to do that if they're committed to a different Sim.

I miss the hand thing too, it was great with outgoing Sims.

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 20:19:46
Don Lothario used to do it a lot, especially with teenage friends.I thought it was realistic, too, whereas unless you're in France or Italy, you just don't see men giving each other continental kisses!  (At least, not often!)

Youknow what else I hate!  Sim A walks by sim B's lot.  Sim B greets him/her, and he/she immediately gives sim A a big hug.  They chat for a bit, and sim B tries to hug sim A back, and gets the big nono!  Why on earth is it ok to hug someone you've only just met, but not ok when you've got 10-15 relationship points?

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: ChamiMinds on 2006 June 21, 22:23:48
Don Lothario used to do it a lot, especially with teenage friends.I thought it was realistic, too, whereas unless you're in France or Italy, you just don't see men giving each other continental kisses!  (At least, not often!)

Youknow what else I hate!  Sim A walks by sim B's lot.  Sim B greets him/her, and he/she immediately gives sim A a big hug.  They chat for a bit, and sim B tries to hug sim A back, and gets the big nono!  Why on earth is it ok to hug someone you've only just met, but not ok when you've got 10-15 relationship points?

OOh I hate that too! It's so annoying that one goes to hug and it's ok but if the other initiates it :no don't you dare touch me you big freak!" ::shrugs:: Never understood that.

Since some of you don't frequent MTS2 or other certain puppy and kitten killing non-awesome ::) sites quite as often, I thought I'd mention these hacks that may be of interest:

1) Numenor created a global hack for the open/closed business sign with different meshes so you can place it on the floor or on a table in addition to the default wall placement. I figured that might be very handy for some of you. There is also a custom version (the global one replaces the Maxis default). Now that downloads are back up, you can find the custom one here ( and the global one here (

2) Squinge, love him or hate him ;) has created a non-awesome hack to prevent the romantic kissing and huggin greet and leave animation/interactions. I remember a lot of people requested that before, maybe as far back as VS. So I thought I'd spread the word since many of you here probably wanted something like that. He also made one to disable the 'Euro Kiss' greet, but I personally kind of like the idea of that, and haven't quite witnessed it in my game yet anyways. I don't remember if the romantic type greets even emit jealousy or not. Do they? I don't remember. In my limited experience playing :P I only probably ever had one situation where that would be a concern, which was a threesome-ish I had going in my game. But by then, I had been using the nojealousy hack, which eventually graduated to the romancemod, so it wasn't even really a concern. As such, I never noticed if those romantic greetings ever emitted jealousy or not. *shrugs*

The other day I had a couple at a new sim house who were married and the guy like the new girl so he did a friendly cheek kiss and the wife lost it and slapped him silly. I hadn't turned on my jealousy thing for the new lot yet so it was the first time I saw it when I didn't want it. LOL I use the lot by lot jealousy thing cause on some lots I want it. So now I have to repair that couples marriage cause the wife is madly pissed at him. Uhg.

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 23:39:52
Never mind, all that apologising is fun!

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 22, 00:36:19
Lot jealousy doesn't seem to work properly anyway, although maybe it depends on what you use.  I used the Insim to turn it off on my bordello business and it worked fine when I sent the owner there, but when I sent another Romance Sim there, although there was no jealousy with all the visitors, as soon as the Manager (non-controllable at that time) noticed one of the sims he was in love with at it with another one, he went crazy and slapped her silly.  Not sure why he was exempt, must be something in the OFB coding I suppose.  Will have to try something else next time, maybe TwoJeffs one from Casual Romance will work better.  Hope so, 'cos I don't know of any others.

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 06:11:44
There's a relationship level below which you get "Eww, not even if you were the last sim....." if you click on "Will I woohoo?"  But it's a great mod although maybe not designed for brothels.

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 June 22, 12:11:14
Here's another hack that might be interesting to some:

Relatively newcomer (well new to me at least) Hackster Manic has made a hack that allows you to sell photographs taken by the Uni camera for more than $2 simoleons. Might be nice for artsy photoshops. :)

Whoops, forgot to link it here (


Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 22, 12:24:10
You don't need a hack for that. Just click on the photo for sale, choose "set price", and then enter anything you want! You think I let a puny thing like how much the item is worth (not a lot) step me from peddling Eau de Brynne at outrageous prices?

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 14:06:47
You get a lot more than 2 simoleons if you just tell your sim to sell the photo!

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 June 23, 07:55:06
Hrm... my bad. I haven't tried it out myself. I assumed that the hack was needed if it was made. :P Maybe it's an OFB specific thing, that you can't use the pricing tool for several photos at a time? Do you have to 'set price' individually for all photos?


Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 08:37:59
I don't kow, but with paintings you have to do it individually.

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 June 23, 12:30:35
I remember back when I had the base game, Mary-Sue kissed her lover good-bye, right next to Daniel, and let's just say he was very, very jealous. :P

Title: Re: new hacks that may be of interest...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 12:35:55
Well, he would be!  I mean, what's sauce for the gander is not for the goose!