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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 20, 21:53:00

Title: I thought I was losing it!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 20, 21:53:00
Ok, today I put in a few hacks replacements, took a few downloads out, put a few in, then went into simPE to edit a couple of files.  Saved and exited, loaded my game, and lo and behold, N001 and N004 were missing - Strangetown and Veronaville were there, but no Pleasantview and no Little Venice.  Close the game, McAfee was downloading an update, so I though, it's McAfee again! McAfee wanted a reboot, so I went along with that, then went and checked the neighbourhood folder in my game, and all four hoods were there where they should be.  So I loaded the game again.......and again Pleasantview and no Little Venice.  I began to wonder if senility was approaching....

Loaded simPE and had it check the two hoods, which appeared fine, and the sims were all there too.  Then I opened the EA Games folder again, and it seemed odd, there should have been a simPE back-up folder there - it wasn't anywhere to be seen, until I opened up the Sims2 file - and how it got there I haven't a clue!

Of course, once I put the back-up back where it belonged, everything was fine!

Title: Re: I thought I was losing it!
Post by: Emma on 2006 June 20, 21:55:01
Silly Zeph :D

Glad everything is ok though ;)

Title: Re: I thought I was losing it!
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 June 20, 21:57:01
my friend had veronaville disappear once, but she had to do some funky replacement thing.  Glad yours was an easy fix that didn't require you to reset the neighborhoods

Title: Re: I thought I was losing it!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 20, 22:02:09
I just felt such a klutz!  I must have accidentally moused over the backup folder as I was going into the sims2 folder, and flicked it inside!

But yes, it was an easy fix once I realised what had happened!  And if simpE had as much sense as SimEnhancer, it wouldn't put the backup folder within the EAGames folder in the first place!