More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Lady Moiraine on 2006 June 19, 21:58:13

Title: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2006 June 19, 21:58:13
I looked on the list of workable hacks and didn't find this one anywhere.  I just downloaded it and tried it in the game but it never appeared on the pie-menu.  Is this hack still good?  I have all expansions except the fun pack and holiday pack. 

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 19, 22:10:47
I haven't used it for a while, but I think you just have to get your relationship below a certain point and the option to break up should appear.  But whether it's compatible with OFB I wouldn't know, as I only ever used it when I wanted an easy option, usually I make my sims work very hard at falling out of love!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2006 June 19, 23:01:28
usually I make my sims work very hard at falling out of love!


(  I use SimPE to just make them not be married anymore but for some reason, it's not working, everytime they leave the house, they're married again.  I was hoping this easy breakup would make it easier on my sims, as it is, I had to make them not be in love anymore and  I did lower their relationship to 70/70.  Before I go into the game again, I'll go ahead and do it the old fashioned way and lower it to 0/0 and I'm sure the breakup will be in the menu, I just hate the furious reaction, for such a loving couple, I really wanted to avoid that angry reaction.  I just don't want them to be married anymore, they started out romance sims but I wanted to see how their kids would turn out so I made them family sims and of course they wanted to get married.  It used to be so easy with SimPe by just 'unmarrying' them but that's not working anymore.

Thanks ZZ for your reply.   :)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 June 19, 23:19:32
This hack is not compatible with NL or OFB.  I tried it myself just to be sure because I wanted the same thing.  You might try looking at this thread from a couple of days ago where we were discussing this very thing.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 19, 23:35:38
This product has been discontinued as of NL due to the way they drastically changed the way it works, and it was judged to not be worth the effort of maintaining as part of the cutback program.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2006 June 20, 00:04:23
This product has been discontinued as of NL due to the way they drastically changed the way it works, and it was judged to not be worth the effort of maintaining as part of the cutback program.

Ok thank you!  I'll remove it from my game!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 20, 00:21:45
Squinge has an easier breakup hack though, check out that thread Blue linked to for the exact link. I'm too lazy to go look :P

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2006 June 20, 00:49:56
Squinge has an easier breakup hack though, check out that thread Blue linked to for the exact link. I'm too lazy to go look :P

Ok thank you!  I grabbed that one and the no furious one.  I've never used any of his hacks before, I've always been a Pescado girl myself but I also don't like the break ups the way they are.  Thanks again!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 20, 02:03:35
/me looks horrified.

NO FURIOUSNESS? Furiousness is awesome! The blood! The guts! The fighting! How can you not love furiousness?

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: MsMaria on 2006 June 20, 02:13:16
There's no blood or guts. Pfft. You're scaring people. :P

The fighting's pretty darn cool, though.  ::)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 June 20, 02:35:09
Sure, the furious state has flaws but I wouldn't want to remove it entirely.  Some of these flaws are fixed by other hacks, such as allowing your sim to ignore a fights and no furious states over balloon puddles.

As for break-ups, I've never found them useful at all.  It'll just increase the time you play if you sync and you'll have two families named "Whatever".  Also, why the hell are they married if you don't want them to be together anyway?

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 20, 03:18:21
It isnt always married sims, it's sims that are engaged or whatever. Also, its the only way to clear the stupid little hearts in game (without insiminator) without having them always slapping eachother around when they flirt elsewhere. So there, Mr. Rat Flail :P

I find myself enjoying the furious state much more since I've started using a hack that gets rid of the dust cloud. It looks stupid when they sink into the ground while fighting, but with the cloud my game absolutely crawls. Also, you can never go wrong with flaming bags of poo.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 June 20, 03:40:07
I thought they only left the bags of poo after a horrible date?

Breaking off engagement makes more sense, but I think a slightly better option would be to allow multiple engagements or enable fighting at near 100/100 levels.  I believe there was a hack that enabled all socials in TS1 such as fighting, and I think there might have been some pet ones in there also.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 June 20, 03:47:18
Squinge "easybreakup" version can be found here:

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 20, 04:48:52
I find the majority of romance sims are quite happy in a committed relationship as long as they get the requisite number of woohoos, and having 3LBs doesn't make the slightest difference to how much they fear being rejected by their partner.  Even the ones with the 20 lovers or 20 woohoos LTWs are totally devastated if they get found out and the partner breaks up! 

Now some family sims, on the other hand..........

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 June 20, 10:36:03
Family sims are whores, pure and simple.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 20, 14:06:19
True, the male ones are just as bad - John Burb is just a lech!

Now, I've never ever had a romance sim initiate a cheating action in front of their spouse, but family sims do it all the time!  (And usually it's some poor unsuspecting romance sim that they've brought home from work, at least that's Cassandra's method, bring them home and leap into their arms!)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 20, 14:58:18
I think the biggest irony of Family sims is that Maxis has set them as being compatible with Knowledge sims...

...except practically every player that would classify themselves as a knowledge sim recoils in horror from them!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 June 20, 15:02:14
Ok, enough with bashing Family sims.  :P  I don't know how you guys manage to have it happen in your games, but I have never ever had a sim, Family, Romance, or otherwise, initiate an autonomous romantic action towards a sim they aren't already romantically involved with.  Romance sims are sluts, male or female, because they always want to have more than one lover.  You give them one, they want two.  You give them two, they want three.  And so on.  Family sims are happy with just one.  In case you can't tell, I am quite fond of Family sims, although Knowledge is probably my favorite aspiration.  I play Romance sims for a change of pace, but apart from friendship, I keep them separate from the Romance sims.  I can't really identify with Romance sims.  Brandi and Cassandra were both very faithful in my games, they had several children and had very successful careers.  They might bring home a friend from work like all sims do, but they never acted inappropriately.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 20, 15:16:08
I concede I've never observed inappropriate behavior from family sims either.


This, in no way, stops me from recoiling in horror at what they represent: a BFBVFS waiting to happen.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 June 20, 15:18:57
I don't let them fill their 10 kids want.  I am only letting my sims have one child, MAYBE two, now.  Other than that, how are they a BFBVFS waiting to happen?

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 20, 20:10:07
I don't know how you guys manage to have it happen in your games, but I have never ever had a sim, Family, Romance, or otherwise, initiate an autonomous romantic action towards a sim they aren't already romantically involved with. 

That's odd. With the romancemod, my Sims won't initiate romantic interactions with a Sim if they are already committed to another one, but they will certainly initiate all over the place if they aren't already committed. Family Sims seem more likely than others to initiate as well. I had two non-controllable, non-lightning bolt Sims, popularity and family, fall in love at their friends' wedding all on their own, for instance.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 20, 20:21:50
I've long thought we need another aspiration, because the slutty 'romance' aspiration isn't at all romantic. I would like one where they want to fall in love and get married, then roll a want to have a kid or two, but mostly roll wants to do things with their significant other. Instead, I'm left with the choice to have a sim that wants to slut it up all over town, or a sim that wants to have a million mewling little brats.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 20, 20:39:13
I've long thought we need another aspiration, because the slutty 'romance' aspiration isn't at all romantic. I would like one where they want to fall in love and get married, then roll a want to have a kid or two, but mostly roll wants to do things with their significant other. Instead, I'm left with the choice to have a sim that wants to slut it up all over town, or a sim that wants to have a million mewling little brats.

Actually, that's pretty much what my most of my Sims end up being. They'll get obnoxious wants stuck there sometimes: have 10 kids, be abducted, woohoo in public with 3 different Sims (which every aspiration gets), etc., but after a few Simdays I'm usually able to make them want what I want them to want, and just ignore that one obnoxious want. The only exception I've found yet is the pleasure aspiration. When the "major wants" info panel on the character creation screen shows a bunch of measly 500 point wants, you know you're in trouble.

There's no easier Sim to keep happy than one with a romance aspiration and job-related lifetime want.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 June 20, 21:09:40
I don't use the Pleasure aspiration because it just seems like something Maxis included in NL to pimp all the new features.  It's not very well developed at all.  I think the wants have gotten better since the original game though.  I usually am able to have my sims have wants that focus on their SO, even fortune sims, which I had quit playing for awhile because they never wanted to have anything to do with their family or friends unless it pertained to them getting a promotion.  Now especially with NL, I can have them chat with a friend or check out their SO, and their wants will usually roll up things to do with that sim.  And all aspirations seem to roll up the Woohoo in bed want from time to time, which they never did before.  That's usually good for a quick boost to their aspiration score, as long as they have someone to woohoo with.   ;)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 20, 21:26:06
I think it depends a lot which starsign you give a pleasure sim.  Now, I have just created one who is cancer, and he has never rolled any of the prank, jump on couch etc. wants!  When he comes home from work, if he needs a skill point for the next promotion, he rolls a gain a skill point want.  He also gets talk to, invite over, be friends with sort of wants, so he's really acting more like a family sim without the desire to get married and persuade his unfortunate spouse to have oodles of kids.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 June 21, 14:26:43
Of all the aspirations, knowledge is the one I choose to play most as I really like those sims. Family sims do seem to have a tendency to flirt more, and be susceptible to affairs with random strangers - at least in my experience - and I've also had autonomous romantic interactions. As Z.Z. points out this does seem to be moderated somewhat by the zodiac sign you give them which means I like to assign pisces/cancer to romance/pleasure sims just to see if they can overcome a few more odds. :) I have also found that romance sims are easy to keep pleased as long as you don't marry them off and they have regular woohoo.

As for non-awesomeness... maybe. But my game is very carefully watched over so that nothing I don't want gets in. Control? You better believe it!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 16:54:24
Hey, some of my happiest couples are romance - as long as they are both romance, all they want to do is woohoo, so each time they do, they both get the boost!  I don't often make really lazy sims like capricorns romance - they just wouldn't have the energy to keep up with the wants!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 21, 19:22:11
All my Sims want to woohoo all the time, except pleasure Sims, who would rather jump on the couch ::).

My Sims are well-trained ;D.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: daephene on 2006 June 21, 20:05:04
I would be happy with just a mod that allowed sims to fight at a higher relationship level than the game currently allows.  I think my couples ought to be able to argue and have their relationship decline without resorting to infidelity.  Especially the ones who aren't married yet... I want the option of short term relationships, especially for my young adults.  If they've dated and fallen in love but aren't engaged, it would be nice to be able to actively decrease their relationship level below love and crush so that they can move on to someone they're more likely to marry.

I wouldn't use it with my romance sims, I just have them stop calling after they get the woohoo they want.  Whether they get caught cheating or the relationship simply dissolves from lack of content, is just a matter of luck and timing.  But my family sims might want to shop around before they choose a lifelong mate, and my popularity and pleasure sims like to go on dates, and I don't think it's normal for everyone to marry the first sim they flirt with.

I like the pleasure aspiration sometimes.  They're the most likely to go on dates and outings, and they're much more fun in college than knowledge or fortune sims because they always want to date and party rather than rolling wants to study after they're already guaranteed an A+ for the semester.  But the panel full of 500 point wants really is rather annoying.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 20:29:13
I have a pleasure sim who's married to a romance sim, and if they have a date they always roll identical wants, he wants to woohoo in the hot-tub, she does too etc.

Trouble with letting romance sims' relationships decline is if they have the 20 simultaneous lovers LTW, they have to stay in love with all of them!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 21, 23:23:14
Trouble with letting romance sims' relationships decline is if they have the 20 simultaneous lovers LTW, they have to stay in love with all of them!

I usually use the FFS Lot Debugger to reroll that one to the 'Woohoo 20 sims' LTW, just because of that requirement.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 21, 23:48:23
But it's an amazingly difficult challenge compared to all the others!  In one of my games, Keanu Broke managed it before he left college!  (But only because I built him Fernando's Hideaway!)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 June 22, 01:13:48
I got a hack that allows family members to interact romantically(because of a couple that her Mom and his Dad got married and now they can't have a relationship even though they have been friends since kids and lovers since teens)but now the whole town has gone haywire. I had never had a Sim  flirt with another, even if they only had a crush on a different Sim--townies and romance Sims included. Now,the whole town are whores.  Couples that have never even looked at another Sim are having very indecent wants.  I really have to watch the families cause they are always wanting to be romantic with each other.  I have to have them go to a community lot to call  each other to keep up their relationships up--they are very sneaky.  I went into Goneril's house first and I had just installed the patch so everyone was reset,and she grabbed her son Adam and made out with him-I was horrified--ever since I have really watched them--thank goodness they can't fall in love with each other--I would have a lot of editing in SimPE.  It has been fun though--I was getting pretty bored--not even my Romance Sims would autonomously flirt or less they already had hearts for them--how dull is that.  I had a greek house where all the guys had three bolts for all the girls and none of them where taken and nobody flirted--I hate having to always pick their mates all the time.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 06:23:21
I had a similar problem with two sim teens whose parents got married while they were still living in the family home, and it wasn't resolved after they moved out and lived together.  They got all the romantic wants, but they couldn't be fulfilled.  In the end, I had to get the parents to break up for just long enough for them to get joined, and then the parents were able to get back together again.  I didn't use SimPE back then, but I think in retrospect that when the second sim and his mother moved in with the first sim and his father, they got checked as family.  But the moral of the story - move the mother in and leave the teen at home on his own!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 22, 08:10:10
I got a hack that allows family members to interact romantically(because of a couple that her Mom and his Dad got married and now they can't have a relationship even though they have been friends since kids and lovers since teens)but now the whole town has gone haywire. I had never had a Sim  flirt with another, even if they only had a crush on a different Sim--townies and romance Sims included. Now,the whole town are whores.  Couples that have never even looked at another Sim are having very indecent wants.  I really have to watch the families cause they are always wanting to be romantic with each other.  I have to have them go to a community lot to call  each other to keep up their relationships up--they are very sneaky.  I went into Goneril's house first and I had just installed the patch so everyone was reset,and she grabbed her son Adam and made out with him-I was horrified--ever since I have really watched them--thank goodness they can't fall in love with each other--I would have a lot of editing in SimPE.
I blame the non-awesome.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 08:11:59
Send the teens to college and take the hack out of your game!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 22, 13:18:32
Send the teens to college and take the hack out of your game!

Yea, I agree -- that hack lasted maybe 3 minutes in my game.  I tried it because of a similar problem with unrelated kids not being able to interact due to their respective parents' relationship, but pulled it as soon as I saw a teen start farting hearts and making that 'call me' gesture to his mother.  Yuk...  :o

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 22, 13:17:30
If you're having problems with unrelated kids not being able to interact, that usually is overridden if you force them develop hearts anyway, via something like the Carrigonian bottle.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 14:10:55
I think the short answer is, make the parents wait until they go off to college.  Once they're out of the house, the problem doesn't occur, and I think it's due to the creditable attempt to prevent step-parents getting the hots for their step-child (not always successful, but commendable all the same).  Obviously, if you father/mother treats your best friend/sweetheart as family, you have to do the same!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 22, 14:13:59
Well, not only do they have to wait until they go to college, but they also have to get the hearts back. That's the main factor. The blocking doesn't apply if you already have the hearts. Since teens lose those when on transition, however, you won't be able to get 'em back afterwards!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 14:21:24
My two never lost them when they grew up, even though they should have done, and I had no hacks in my game back then.  But now you can use TJ's Teens Keep Loves and you can be sure they won't forget!

Even before installing that hack, I had a teen go to college, and a couple of simdays later I sent his teen girlfriend to follow him - she was in such a hurry to kiss him she didn't even bother walking in, just opened the front door and grabbed him through it!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 22, 14:28:57
My two never lost them when they grew up, even though they should have done, and I had no hacks in my game back then.  But now you can use TJ's Teens Keep Loves and you can be sure they won't forget!

That's the hack I misplaced/deleted for some reason and couldn't remember where I got it from. :)  Thanks -- off to download it again...

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 14:33:12
It's part of the Age Transition fixes now.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 22, 15:50:56
Yea, I remembered why I took it out -- the teens-keep-loves function is built into the kitten killer.  But I took the KK out for other reasons a couple of weeks ago, and couldn't remember where I got the stand-alone hack to keep the loves. :)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 15:55:54
Well, the Age Transition fix is critical, I think, so it's probably as well you got it!

Mind you, teens keeping their loves when the SO has been at Uni for a couple of semesters can cause a few problems too!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 June 22, 16:17:55
I got a hack that allows family members to interact romantically(because of a couple that her Mom and his Dad got married and now they can't have a relationship even though they have been friends since kids and lovers since teens)but now the whole town has gone haywire. I had never had a Sim  flirt with another, even if they only had a crush on a different Sim--townies and romance Sims included. Now,the whole town are whores.  Couples that have never even looked at another Sim are having very indecent wants.  I really have to watch the families cause they are always wanting to be romantic with each other.  I have to have them go to a community lot to call  each other to keep up their relationships up--they are very sneaky.  I went into Goneril's house first and I had just installed the patch so everyone was reset,and she grabbed her son Adam and made out with him-I was horrified--ever since I have really watched them--thank goodness they can't fall in love with each other--I would have a lot of editing in SimPE.
I blame the non-awesome.
Yeah,but it's quite a hoot--I hadn't played that town for quite a while cause they were so boring.  The only prob is that I have to play with no jealousy on cause it is so out of control--I think they should pay for their infidelity--but like in real life--it was the kids that were suffering.  I put in my test neighborhood last night and went to the Pleasant's house.  I had already put the Oldies in there but hadn't ever played them.  What a riot!!  Literally--It was so entertaining--I had been testing Danny's  DMA's and Lilith kept going to the girls,so she is now gay, and she flirted with Kaylynn after Daniel had already been caught with her.  On top of it,Dustin flirted with Mary Sue,Daniel flirted with Coral,Herb flirted with Cassandra,Angela is still dull but she did break up with Dustin--he is much more interesting than she is--especially if you take away his nice points.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 22, 16:18:54
Well, the Age Transition fix is critical, I think, so it's probably as well you got it!

Oh, I have the plain Age Transition fix in my game --- just forgot there's a version that includes the TKL hack. :)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 16:49:22
Well, I'm glad you remembered and got it!  It's a good mod and doesn't have any of the problems the kk does!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 June 22, 16:54:29
I think the short answer is, make the parents wait until they go off to college.  Once they're out of the house, the problem doesn't occur, and I think it's due to the creditable attempt to prevent step-parents getting the hots for their step-child (not always successful, but commendable all the same).  Obviously, if you father/mother treats your best friend/sweetheart as family, you have to do the same!
My problem happened after they went to College.  I thought that it wouldn't happen if both kids were out of the house--but it did.  What is weird is that the girl's mother married Consort--so,Tybalt would be her step brother,but that didn't stop him from having the hotts for her--I couldn't keep him off of her--and that is without hacks.  But,after Consort died,she married her lover,both of their children were in College already had several dates--she had gotten pregnant--and all of a sudden they have no interest in each other,no wants for each other.  I had to do something.  That just isn't right--Tybalt hadn't even met her till she was his sister???  

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 17:42:07
That's Veronaville for you!  Have you tried checking their stats in SimPE to see whether they are checked as family?

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 June 22, 18:03:51
Yea, I agree -- that hack lasted maybe 3 minutes in my game.  I tried it because of a similar problem with unrelated kids not being able to interact due to their respective parents' relationship, but pulled it as soon as I saw a teen start farting hearts and making that 'call me' gesture to his mother.  Yuk...  :o
Well, you know according to Freud, all males are secretly in love with their mothers.   ::)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 18:07:45
Oh, I think the Ancient greeks knew about that two thousand years before Freud!  (Oedipus?)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: vilia on 2006 June 22, 20:48:14
Oh, I think the Ancient greeks knew about that two thousand years before Freud!  (Oedipus?)

Well, we all know what happened with that particular relationship  :D

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 20:53:43
Well, most of us do!  Maybe not everyone knows the full story, though!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 22, 22:51:59
Well, most of us do!  Maybe not everyone knows the full story, though!

Go away as a small child, come back, kill your father (who you don't know is your father) and marry your mother (who you don't know is your mother). When you find out, blind yourself.

There, the 30-second Oedipus Rex. :)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 22:56:01
Well, it's concise - not very exciting, though!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 23, 02:48:57 if you want the full version. A great play that made for a non-great psychological theory. Freud was awesome in that he advocated listening to patients, but his theories were mostly bunk., Antigone, is an even better play and even more depressing, about Oedipus' daughter.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 02:51:29
Must admit, I only know the more modern French versions!  Same stories, different era!

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: noname on 2006 June 23, 03:51:46
The greek version is way better

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 04:08:59
I expect it is, but at my age all the reading I do comes in paperback and has at least two murders in it - and no poetry!  (Well, except for the occasional quote at the beginning of a chapter).

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: vilia on 2006 June 23, 06:39:34
Well, most of us do!  Maybe not everyone knows the full story, though!

Go away as a small child, come back, kill your father (who you don't know is your father) and marry your mother (who you don't know is your mother). When you find out, blind yourself.

There, the 30-second Oedipus Rex. :)

You forgot to mention that mum killed herself (35 second Oedipus Rex)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 23, 07:00:32
Now all we need is the skit of it, "Oedipus Rex in 30 seconds, reenacted by bunnies".

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 08:33:56
I wonder if Monty Python made that?

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 June 23, 09:30:51

Well, you know according to Freud, all malers are secretly in love with their mothers.   ::)

Every man wants a mother he can f**k, you mean?  ;) As for Fraud Freud, neriana, you might find his methodology somewhat questionable. But only just a little bit...  :-X

Anyone read Trojan Women? Seen one or two Greek plays performed and if they're done right it's very powerful stuff.

I wonder if Monty Python made that?

Heh... full chorus and masks.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 09:48:09
Marty Feldman as Oedipus!  John Cleese as Jocasta!  ;D

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: IcemanTO on 2006 June 23, 16:45:30
/me looks horrified.

NO FURIOUSNESS? Furiousness is awesome! The blood! The guts! The fighting! How can you not love furiousness?

* Iceman declares "Imagine all the people..."

Peace on the Earth to humans, Peace on the Neighborhood to Sims. :)

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 June 23, 23:32:11
Bah... Burnination is good.

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 June 24, 01:20:34
/me sings

la la la la peeeeace


Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 June 24, 05:52:38
Anyone read Trojan Women? Seen one or two Greek plays performed and if they're done right it's very powerful stuff.

Or better yet: "The Frogs". Political Humor at it's highest (and always reminds me of President "W" Bush George the Lesser and Billy Clinton, too!).

Title: Re: Easy Break Up hack
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 June 25, 21:03:09
That's Veronaville for you!  Have you tried checking their stats in SimPE to see whether they are checked as family?
They are family all right.  I noticed it with Benedick also.  But fortunately his step mom(very hott indeed)doesn't fancy him enough to cause probs.  The prob with Tybalt and Consort,is that Consort is a Scorpio and Tybalt is a Gemini and they both are attracted to Pisces which Whitney and Katerina are.  The girls are remakes of some of my favorite Sims that I cloned and put into all my games---they are game born so they aren't typical Pisces--they only have a three in niceness--which makes the Scorpios and Geminis crazy for them.  They are also outgoing--they were Identical twins, originally, but I made them Mom and daughter in Veroniville.  But in Pleasantview,they are sisters(because that is where they originated.