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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: abcedf on 2005 August 30, 06:39:49

Title: University Technical Issue
Post by: abcedf on 2005 August 30, 06:39:49
Can anyone help me?I'm desparate to play Uni!

Okay,when I open Uni,it says:
The Sims 2 is not installed on this system, or some required files have been deleted. This expansion pack requires The Sims 2 in order to run. Please install The Sims 2 before attempting to run this application.
But I do have Sims 2!

What can be done to fix this problem? ???

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: gali on 2005 August 30, 09:50:53
Uninstall TS2 (after saving your downloads and neighbourhoods folder - my documents/EA games/TS2/downloads and Neighbourhoods).

Defrag your drive C (double-click on 'my computer', right click on C, sharing and security, tools, defragment).

Install TS2, then install the patch that was issued a few month ago (it's called "update", not Patch).

Install EPU.

After you launch the game, you can paste your downloads folder back - but be careful that all the hacks are compatible with Uni, otherwise you will  encounter troubles. You can paste back the neighbourhood you played.

...I am sure you used BoolProp a lot...didn't you?

Or, "deleteallcharacters"...?

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: abcedf on 2005 August 30, 10:38:56
Well,this is what actually happened:
My uncle bought a copy from China and TS2 and Uni installs together.I have to use a virtual drive.

So,when I download the patch,it says I need the 4th CD,which I don't have.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: gali on 2005 August 30, 11:16:29
Sorry, I didn't hear of TS2+Uni bought together.

May be JM Pescado has some solution? Send him a pesonal message, if he doesn't reply...:).

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: witch on 2005 August 30, 11:28:32
Well,this is what actually happened:
My uncle bought a copy from China and TS2 and Uni installs together.I have to use a virtual drive.

So,when I download the patch,it says I need the 4th CD,which I don't have.
Unfortunately this is what often happens with cracked software...

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 August 30, 12:37:50
Cheap uncle?  ;D

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: striker on 2005 August 30, 13:25:27
Actually Gali, you should NOT install the patch before installing Uni.  I didn't install the patch and I had no problems.  I've also heard from several people who did use it, that they had to start all over without the patch.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: gali on 2005 August 30, 14:05:33
Actually Gali, you should NOT install the patch before installing Uni. I didn't install the patch and I had no problems. I've also heard from several people who did use it, that they had to start all over without the patch.

I don't know, but each time I uninstall TS2+Uni, and don't install the patch before installing Uni, the installation of Uni stops at 67% (it has to stop at 68% to change CD), and I get error message, forcing me to cancel the install.
Only when I install the patch, after installing TS2, the installing of Uni goes right.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 31, 04:35:26
Well,this is what actually happened:
My uncle bought a copy from China and TS2 and Uni installs together.I have to use a virtual drive.

So,when I download the patch,it says I need the 4th CD,which I don't have.
I think you have a bad Chinese pirate version. Get a better one. :P

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 September 01, 03:03:19
Or, heck, go all out and get your hands on a Ukrainian pirated version. All the interesting cracking sites are in Ukrainian.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: witch on 2005 September 01, 04:37:39
Oddysey sig: "For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."

What, make sure every shooting is a fatal one?  :P

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: witch on 2005 September 01, 04:39:53
Or, heck, go all out and get your hands on a Ukrainian pirated version. All the interesting cracking sites are in Ukrainian.
Ain't that the truth! Trouble is even the alphabet is different, I can usually muddle my way through French & German etc sites, but Chinese, Russian and those ones are just too bloody difficult sometimes. ;)

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 September 01, 17:06:39
Oddysey sig: "For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."

What, make sure every shooting is a fatal one?  :P

Bush quote. The implications are simply priceless.

The other problem with Ukrainian sites is that if you even go there once, accidentally, they will NEVER STOP SENDING YOU SPAM! In Cyrillic! That you can't read!

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: witch on 2005 September 02, 05:07:48
Ahh, you entered a valid email address did you?

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 September 02, 15:27:12
Noooo. If they had gotten my e-mail address through my own stupidity, then it wouldn't be evil. EVIL! Evil, I say!

Bad Ukrainian data-harvesting websites! Bad! Although it is rather amusing to get spam that I haven't a clue what it's selling.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 03, 18:51:12
You could bounce it all straight back to them - a sort of Ukrainian football!

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 September 04, 17:25:00
Well,this is what actually happened:
My uncle bought a copy from China and TS2 and Uni installs together.I have to use a virtual drive.

So,when I download the patch,it says I need the 4th CD,which I don't have.

you're using a virtual drive? is it Virtual DAEMON Manager, with a lightning icon? did you mount the image?

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: Hairfish on 2005 September 07, 10:25:10
did you mount the image?
And, if so, did you engage in suitable foreplay beforehand?

I'm sorry. Were you being serious?

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 September 07, 15:38:44
suitable foreplay ??

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 September 07, 15:41:53
OH!! suddenly i understood what you were saying..bad bad Hairfish haha. yes i was being serious. it's called just that, mounting an image. at least my virtual daemon says so. i don't think Peter G.'s coming back though..i could try to help him

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 September 07, 15:46:15
did you mount the image?
And, if so, did you engage in suitable foreplay beforehand?

I'm sorry. Were you being serious?

I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair.  ;D

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 07, 17:47:25
It's just a shame that to save a few pennies people will buy pirated software, then wonder why it doesn't work as expected!

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 September 07, 18:32:44
i wonder how much he saved for a version that terrible...

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 07, 18:39:36
Well, probably not much more than if he'd bought it at discount somewhere!

And of course, if people didn't buy pirated stuff in the first place, the pirates would go out of business, the legitimate business would then be turning over higher profits and might be able to drop prices a little as things get older, ie bring out a new EP, drop a little off the cost of Sims2, so people who don't have either find it just a little less expensive to get both.  (Though I'd personally recommend that anyone who has never played the game should play Sims2 alone for a while till they understand the dynamics of the game!)

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: Danni on 2005 September 07, 18:44:44
Lollypop... I sometimes mount my uni disk 1 using Deamon Tools, because I keep losing the piggin' disc. I did buy both Sims 2 and Uni though... and I'm getting Nightlife for £14 (yay preorder savings! Now I get to find all the bugs :P).

I did find this absolutely fantastic no CD crack, that had all the different loadup options as extra icons (open in window mode, open in 800x600 etc.) but I can't find it now :(

And my local games store has reduced the Sims 2 to £28, although it was only £32 on release (the cheapest I could find on release date... most were £36-38). Uni is £18.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 07, 21:57:13
I get mine from Amazon, and Sims2 was £27.99 including p&p.  Uni was £14.99, I think, plus postage, but I'd have had to pay a taxi into town and back, so it was worth it (I have problems with standing around waiting for buses so I don't actually go into town much).  I'm not sure if I want Nightlife yet.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 September 07, 22:35:09
Why would you BUY pirated software? Doesn't this entirely defeat the point?

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 07, 22:39:53
Well, I certainly wouldn't! 

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: witch on 2005 September 08, 04:55:08
Why would you BUY pirated software? Doesn't this entirely defeat the point?
Yup!  ;D

Interesting to know Daemon tools will run virtual sims though, that would save the condition of my CDs.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 08, 04:58:13
Always annoys me how you're not able to make one back-up copy!

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: witch on 2005 September 08, 06:26:38
Yes, that's one of my pet peeves about sims2. Any other software I have, I like to make a backup copy of the CD(s). Sims2 won't even run if I have the backing up software - i.e. some CD burning s/w - on my hard drive. I've had to frig around with partitions and separate operating systems and stuff, just to be able to continue my normal computer operations.

I was always told when studying, that when you purchase software, you are in fact purchasing a license, not so much the physical CD. In that case, if this is true, I should be able to make as many backup copies as my paranoia dictates, as long as I don't share or sell the CDs I burn.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 08, 13:39:10
Well, most companies allow you one back-up, but it also annoys me how you can only use some software on one computer, and need to buy additional licences to use it on another.  A lot of people have a desktop and a laptop these days, yet legally would need two licences!  At least, i suppose, Sims2 doesn't stop you having it in more than one place!

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: Marg on 2005 September 09, 04:04:02

  I am not sure if this works or not, I haven't had an opportunity to try it.    This message came through one of the other groups I belong to.  If it works, it would certainly save the wear and tear on your cd's.

I discovered that Maxis made it easy to run your sims2 or university
without the cd.  If you look in the respective folders there is a
support folder that has a file named The Sims 2_Code or The Sims 2
University_Code depending on which parent folder you're looking in. 
If you click on that you can type in your registration code on the
back of the jewel case and it will save it to the computer.  After
that you don't have to have the disks in the drive. 

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: Katze on 2005 September 09, 04:21:31

  I am not sure if this works or not, I haven't had an opportunity to try it.    This message came through one of the other groups I belong to.  If it works, it would certainly save the wear and tear on your cd's.

I discovered that Maxis made it easy to run your sims2 or university
without the cd.  If you look in the respective folders there is a
support folder that has a file named The Sims 2_Code or The Sims 2
University_Code depending on which parent folder you're looking in. 
If you click on that you can type in your registration code on the
back of the jewel case and it will save it to the computer.  After
that you don't have to have the disks in the drive. 

I tried it and it doesn't work at least not for me.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 09, 08:22:01
Maybe you need to do it for both Sims2 and UNI.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: witch on 2005 September 09, 08:43:53
No. I had a look, the first thing I thought was that the 'The Sims 2_Code' file was part of the original install process, the dialogue box is incomplete and it has a 'next' button that doesn't go anywhere. I entered the codes for sims2 & uni in the appropriate places, took out my CD, no luck.

These are just the dialogue boxes used to capture the reg. number when you install the game. Pity, would have been useful.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 09, 08:46:23
Still, at least you don't need the discs in after you've loaded.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: witch on 2005 September 09, 10:34:18
Yes you do still need CDs in, that suggestion doesn't work, for me at least.

Your sims2 code is already stored in the registry when you install the game, running that .exe doesn't change anything, it is already part of the install process. Give it a go, you'll see, just run the .exe as suggested.

Title: Re: University Technical Issue
Post by: Marg on 2005 September 09, 14:34:37

 Darn, that's too bad.   It didn't work for me either.