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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Myth on 2005 August 29, 22:26:01

Title: Carpools disappearing, Sims "appear" after work, no promos no pay - Help
Post by: Myth on 2005 August 29, 22:26:01
The carpools will appear on the lot but not at the mailbox portal, they appear at the far edge of the right side of the lot. (near the "Leave World" portal)  The first time I noticed it the Sims got in the carpool but the carpool vanished before the third Sim could get in.  I didn't notice him until I got the call that he had missed work.  (By that time I had saved)

The next Sim was scheduled to leave the house at 1:00 so I watched him closely, he acknowledge that the carpool was there and was heading for the car and the car flashed and then disappeared.  At the same time the kid that was at school appeared out of thin air.  (His homework was missing too)

When the Sims that had left earlier arrived home from work they too appeared out of thin air, no pay, no promotions.

Of course this is in my Legacy house.  I've searched three forums and the BBS and have found bugs with maybe one thing in common with my problem but not close enough to use the fixes.  I found of course the Blank Memories fix (restoring the objects.package file) that is for missing pay and promotions, but my Sims have all of their memories.  I also found the memory fix from TwoJeffs and the car fix from modthesims2.  I haven't used any of them because they are either related to the Slowdown bug or the memory bug.  (Which this isn't either.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit:  One thing I did try was to move the next carpool that came to my lot up to the mailbox with moveobjects on.  As soon as I set it and went back into live mode it moved back to the far right of the lot.

Edit 2:  Nevermind, I ended up debugging it and finding the error.  The CarPool.fix by Erzengel at MTS2 repaired the problem.

Title: Re: Carpools disappearing, Sims "appear" after work, no promos no pay - Help
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 30, 01:03:39
Thanks for sharing this with us!  I'm sure this will come in handy.

Title: Re: Carpools disappearing, Sims "appear" after work, no promos no pay - Help
Post by: gali on 2005 August 30, 03:31:59
I had the same problem, and carpoolfix of JMP fixed it too...:).