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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Orbit on 2006 June 17, 17:36:30

Title: Oh Crap......
Post by: Orbit on 2006 June 17, 17:36:30
So today I'm installing the new OFB patch and I get this:


Oh crap....

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 17, 17:37:23
Move the Error window and see what's hanging it up behind it.  Don't uninstall just yet.

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: Orbit on 2006 June 17, 17:40:42
globalcatbin.bundle.package is behind it.  And I'm not planning to uninstall unless it renders the game unplayable.

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 June 17, 17:43:52
You can probably just copy that from the original OFB cd, no? I think other people have had the same problem. Browse through the thread about the OFB and FFS patches posted by BlueSoup. I'm sure I've seen this mentioned already.


Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 17, 17:44:08
That's an easy fix, and I've heard of many people with the same problem.

Here's a post I read on another forum, by FatedCircle:

Open up My Computer (with your OFB disk in the drive), and you should see the OFB icon associated with your CD-ROM drive. Right click on it and choose "explore". You'll see all the files there, you should be able to find the one you need. Just copy it, and then click on your C:\ drive, and browse to EA Games\The Sims 2 Open For Business\TSData\Res\Catalog\Bins, and copy it in there. If it asks if you want to overwrite, select "Yes". That should solve the problem.

The file is in, so you'll have to open the zip file, and extract the file to the correct place. You won't see the actual globalcatbin.bund le.package file, but it'll be inside the file.

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 17, 21:19:52
This seems to be so common with just this particular file, yet I can't imagine what changed it.  Especially since I had the same problem updating my desktop game (as detailed in the patches thread), yet patching went without a hitch on my laptop test game, which is otherwise completely identical (all eps and FFS installed).  So it wasn't FFS that changed this particular file, but obviously something out there did.

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 June 18, 00:21:58
It appears that having installed the 1st patch is what is causing this problem with the 'globalcatbin.bundle.package' file, for some.

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 18, 00:23:03
Well then, in that case, it's not very consistent.  I have the first patch and I didn't have a problem with this file at all.  The only problem I had was with the UI text thing of mine.  :-\

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 June 18, 00:27:38
Don't know.  ???
Most people that are reporting problems is because they either installed the 1st patch or have FFS installed.
People that didn't install the 1st patch don't seem to be having this problem.
I was able to install with no problems as I only have OFB unpatched.

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 June 18, 00:30:32
i had the first patch and FFS installed and did not have the problem. 

i dont understand why you can expect a whole unix server to install thousands of times without flaw but maxis cant get their games to install correctly. 

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: Kukes on 2006 June 19, 09:49:46
I got this error as well, though I have no idea how to fix it - my error came from the B001 neighbourhood, which I replaced with SaraMK's cleaned up templates to remove ugly-jerk-spawnage. I'm guessing I'll probably have to replace the original template from the CD, patch, then put my preferred template back. How fun.

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: blubug on 2006 June 19, 10:15:56
I lost half my saturday, because I had the said message, didn't think to look behind it, said OK. Then when I took my simsOFB CD out, stuck it back in, got the installation popup for the EP. I was shocked. I backed up everything, tried to uninstall OFB with the CD's uninstaller, it didn't do anything but was erased from Add-remove programs.

So I uninstalled all the other EP's from Add-Remove programs window, when I got to the base game it said "you still have an EP installed, first uninstall that" So I went crazy and deleted the EA Games folder from program files, from My documents and I'm sure I now have a ton of crap in the registry.
But I installed the game and all EP's and patches anyway and put my stuff back in, everything works fine. (at the moment) Temper is bad. :D

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 19, 23:34:48
/me points and laughs.

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 20, 03:48:07
I got the same error for the OFB patch, said "screw it" and installed the next patch (FFS) anyway.  No problems running the game.  It's not like I'll miss something if I don't get the patches right - Pescado's hacks are much better than a maxis patch any day.  (and now I must brush my teeth, for that truly did sound like asskissing and was NOT intended)

Title: Re: Oh Crap......
Post by: blubug on 2006 June 20, 16:00:18
/me points and laughs.
Thanks. :D (baaaaa)