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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: southernmom on 2006 June 17, 13:17:28

Title: Roof Angles...any ideas?
Post by: southernmom on 2006 June 17, 13:17:28
I'm trying to get different roof angles on a house, I thought I had it, and when I exited the lot, they reverted to the shorter angle.  I'm aware of the RoofSlopeAngle cheat.  Is there a way to get different angles on one house? any tips? Thanks!

Title: Re: Roof Angles...any ideas?
Post by: Emma on 2006 June 17, 17:23:19
Not as far as I know, if you use the roof angle cheat, all roofs will be the same height. You could try and mess around with different roof styles to get the effect you want though :)

Title: Re: Roof Angles...any ideas?
Post by: southernmom on 2006 June 17, 18:53:47
I was afraid of that  :'(.  I somehow got a 45 degree roof on the main part of the house, with 15 degree on the garage and front porch.  When I saved and went to neighborhood, it reset to 15.  I guess I'll just have to fight with it some more.  Thanks!