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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Cat Moonshadow on 2005 August 29, 10:43:48

Title: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: Cat Moonshadow on 2005 August 29, 10:43:48
Once upon a time there were two sims, Spike and Morianna. Both of them were moderately Nice, but one had only 1 in Playful and the other one 3. I wanted them to fall in love, get married and have kids, but of course life is not that easy. I wanted Morianna to move in with Spike, so I had Spike invite her over on several occasions, and I continuously used Merola's Mind Control Mirror to check up on Morianna and ensure that she wasn't hungry, tired, lacking in fun, or about to pee on herself. It was easy enough to make them best friends, but whenever I tried to do a flirt or a kiss or a too romantic hug - regardless which one of the two initiated the action - it was rejected. Even when their relationship - for both of them - were at 100/70 or more, they still would not even Kiss/Peck. Finally I had enough and went into SimPE and checked the Crush box. That made them happy and they now kiss without rejecting each other constantly.

Is this normal or is it just them? How low does Serious/Playful have to be for a sim to not even want to Kiss/Peck? It serves them right to be stuck with each other.

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: Kestran on 2005 August 29, 12:20:50
Were their zodiacs compatible?

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: Renatus on 2005 August 29, 13:05:29
I doubt it has much to do with playfulness, as most of my sims are quite serious and have no trouble at all finding spouses. I also doubt it has anything to do with their signs, since JM has said, repeatedly, that signs don't have any effect currently.

Now, if you have the romance mod in, it will cause sims to reject advances from other sims that are not of the gender they prefer. That makes it so a situation that you've had be possible - Spike could prefer men, Morianna women, so when you have them flirt with each other you get a big fat rejection, no matter what.

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 29, 15:39:17
Sometimes 100/70 isn't enough.  Gregory tried to kiss Lilith in the hot tub when they were much higher than that, but it wasn't until he'd given her a back-rub that she started to respond to his flirting - and they both have a lot of playful points!  They're now engaged and Lilith is obsessed with him, every want she gets is centred on him!

Oh, and Moonshadow - what about lonely bachelors too?

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 August 29, 21:27:37
I usually don't try much more than the most basic flirts until the scores are a bit higher - unless I want to see rejection.

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 29, 21:33:38
I agree, scores need to be nearly max, especially for non-romance sims!  Even the most desperate of them are fairly choosy, I find!

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 August 30, 01:06:18
which is ridiculous as peeking into the mind of the other sim, you know they want it just as much...

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 August 30, 01:23:34
I get tired of seeing my Sims rejected so I'm very careful when matchmaking them. I use JM's autosoc, and I socialize friendly, then I romanticate, then I make sure they get a lot of flirting and hugging in before the first kiss, which will be a peck.

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 30, 03:32:34
Well, as I said before, backrubs work wonders!

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 August 30, 04:13:05
Yes, they certainly do. I also like charm and sweet talk for the early stages. :)

Title: Re: People who aren't playful grow up to be lonely spinsters
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 30, 08:15:36
Gregory went straight from backrub to hold hands, then leap into  arms and Lilith was hooked!