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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: bootsie on 2006 June 13, 19:57:25

Title: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: bootsie on 2006 June 13, 19:57:25
Has anyone else here had problems when sending this particular sim to university?  My google skills must not be very good because I can't find any useful info about the subject.  I saw one post by somebody saying Melody's bugginess in college is well known, but no info about a fix.

The problem I'm referring to is Melody going to college, and instead of going to class at the normal freshman time she gets the notice to go to class at 11 at night and then never comes back.  I haven't gotten her to her first finals yet but I'm assuming that will be screwed up too.  I'll use the college clock to make her go to finals but does anyone know of a way to just fix it? 

Probably unrelated, but I had some weirdness with her before she even to college when I loaded the Tinker house sometime after installing Inteen.  I knew they would all be reset and she would have warped home from school, but she was standing in the backyard and then disappeared along with her thumbnail pic.  I had to bring her back with the tombstone of life+death.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: Eleonora on 2006 June 13, 23:30:56
My Melodie Tinker had exactly the same problem, but I have no idea how to fix it. My advice; stay away from all pre-made charcters as much as possible. Maxis did a great job in screwing them up in one way or another

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: sintrinity on 2006 June 14, 01:31:16
My Melodie just happens to be in college right now too and I had the same problem at first.  What I did for that semester was cancel out the auto go to class at 11pm and sent her when she was supposed to go (9am for the major I picked I think).  She would then go just the normal hours. 

If I remember right, it cleared up after her finals that first semester and she doesn't have that problem anymore.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: phyllis_p on 2006 June 14, 20:35:40
Melody Tinker and Tessa Ramirez both had that problem.  Once they finish that odd first semester, it resets and they have to do their first semester again, this time going to class at the correct time, but they graduate with no problem.  Be sure to keep their grades up during that first odd semester, because it does count toward their GPA.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: VyeOlin on 2006 June 15, 06:10:25
but she was standing in the backyard and then disappeared along with her thumbnail pic

Had the same problem with the Laandgrab house when I moved a female in with Malcolm. It was random as to who would disappear, sometimes it was him and sometimes it was her. I'd save, exit and go back and everything would be normal for a short while then they would pull the disappearing act.  Finally moved em out and back in and it stopped occuring and seems fine now.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 22, 18:23:25
I'd tend to agree that it's the lots in Bluewater that screw up the sims, while they are IN Bluewater, but I can't think why it should be the case with Uni.  However, it's worth checking them in SimPE as soon as they get there to make sure their Uni stats are as they should be for newly arrived students.  (You can put a new student in from CAS and compare the stats - don't compare with Maxis -mades, some of them have faulty stats too.) (

This is a post I made concerning the problem with the stats for certain sims.  The 5th post is where I posted my finding.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 23, 11:30:42
How strange!

I've put Melody Tinker through college before and had no issues at all.  Could it come down to the way she is sent to college, I did it through the sending multiple sims at the same time part.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 11:37:39
Well, in my game Melody is still waiting to go as I can't stand that family!  But all the townie kids went, using the multiple sims option, and they all grew up well and went to lectures etc. with no trouble at all!

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: phyllis_p on 2006 June 23, 16:19:53
How strange!

I've put Melody Tinker through college before and had no issues at all.  Could it come down to the way she is sent to college, I did it through the sending multiple sims at the same time part.

That's how I did it, but I experienced the problem described.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 23, 16:26:58
In that case, I can only reiterate, check her stats in SimPE and particularly what  grade she has and what semester etc. as sometimes these are wrong!  When you have put them right, also check in her memories for a went to college memory before she went to college! - and without the token.  I describe in detail what I did to clean up the files for the three Brights in SSU at the link I put in a previous post.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: MyPrecious on 2006 July 14, 09:13:07
I'd tend to agree that it's the lots in Bluewater that screw up the sims, while they are IN Bluewater, but I can't think why it should be the case with Uni.  However, it's worth checking them in SimPE as soon as they get there to make sure their Uni stats are as they should be for newly arrived students.  (You can put a new student in from CAS and compare the stats - don't compare with Maxis -mades, some of them have faulty stats too.) (

This is a post I made concerning the problem with the stats for certain sims.  The 5th post is where I posted my finding.

Bluewater? A totally retard question, is this a new NH for OFB? I have the ex pack but can't install it (Tescos have given me a cd with the wrong manual...don't get me started). I have a custom hood named Bluewater; just wondering what will happen if I install OFB and there are two hoods with the same name.

Title: Re: Melody Tinker in college
Post by: jrd on 2006 July 14, 10:19:32
Bluewater? A totally retard question, is this a new NH for OFB?
Yes. Comes with custom Sims including their dead relations and many townies, so I highly recommend replacing it with the cleaned template instead.

just wondering what will happen if I install OFB and there are two hoods with the same name.
The one you added last will be named Bluewater_001.