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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 10, 16:32:24

Title: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 10, 16:32:24
So I just started playing again after uninstalling OFB (to let a friend borrow it) and now... my custom sims that I downloaded and or made myself are not appearing in the premade sims area of the CAS.


Anyone know of a fix?

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 10, 16:40:13
Oh, and my Veronaville is missing.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 10, 16:47:11
So I just started playing again after uninstalling OFB (to let a friend borrow it) and now... my custom sims that I downloaded and or made myself are not appearing in the premade sims area of the CAS.


Anyone know of a fix?
Yeah, don't be stupid and uninstall expansion packs. Why on EARTH did you do THAT, anyway?

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 10, 17:24:23
Because the only reason I liked OFB was the new haircuts, and well, I wanted to be nice and let my friend borrow it. =p

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: jrd on 2006 June 10, 17:57:31
So use a no cd method. Sheesh.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 10, 18:08:48
Well, you've pulled a stupid, and probably corrupted your files in the bargain. Put the expansion packs BACK and hope you have a backup.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 June 10, 18:57:37
And here's another thought: if your friend ever intends to give the EP back, he or she will be unable to continue playing the game, so I hope you told him or her to make a backup before installing.

Unless he or she intends to install and then use a no-cd crack. In which case, you shouldn't have uninstalled, you should have given the CD to your friend for the 10 minutes it takes to install, and taken it right back.

Anything you created, including houses, sims, and neighborhoods, while having the EP installed will not function once the EP is removed. There's even a pop-up warning when you install a new EP, that if you ever uninstall it, nothing will work anymore.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 10, 19:00:47
I know all that, I have no attachment to my sims, houses, or downloads, as I wipe them and replace them quite often.

And friend lives two hours away, which is why I did the uninstall. I didn't think I would've gotten the discs back anytime soon. And uhm, neither one of us are the types to use cd cracks.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 10, 19:22:42
And uhm, neither one of us are the types to use cd cracks.

Um, I don't know what the 'type' is, but I have perfectly legal copies of all my software, and I still use cd cracks for software that needs a CD to load simply because I hate having to constantly swap CDs (I'm always forgetting to check which one is in the drive, too) to play different games. Not to mention that my hard drive is way faster than my CD drive, and the games load much faster with the cd image in memory than on the CD itself.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: webwench on 2006 June 10, 19:52:16
Same here.  If you bought the software via legal means, you are not violating copyright.  Your friend, however, may be, if she decides to download a CD "crack" or no-CD software, since you bought the CD via legal means and she's only stealing a copy from you :)

However, I use a No-CD because my laptop weighs 3 pounds and I hate to have to plug in extra CD drives, but I buy each CD when it comes out.  It's not illegal.  And your CD, as JM pointed out, won't explode from overuse :)

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 10, 21:10:35
Oh, I guess I didn't know the other use for cd cracks. =p Never thought of it that way.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: jrd on 2006 June 10, 22:47:57
That's why I mentioned it. I use no cd exes (not "cracks" -- simple fixes) or mini-images for all my legally owned games.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 10, 23:08:33
Hmm, I might have to look into that.

At the very least, use it the next time my friend is in town so I can reinstall.

Also, I just uninstalled everything sims and reinstalled up to NL. That fixed things.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 11, 12:25:33
However, I use a No-CD because my laptop weighs 3 pounds and I hate to have to plug in extra CD drives, but I buy each CD when it comes out.  It's not illegal.  And your CD, as JM pointed out, won't explode from overuse :)
Actually, if you overuse your CD, it WILL explode. Into brightly colorful bits of deadly plastic shrapnel that, if not contained by your CD drive's case structure, will end up puncturing your internal organs and killing you. Fortunately, most CD drives are able to contain the shrapnel, but the process generally destroys the drive. And if you're unlucky to have one of those that CAN'T contain the shrapnel, perhaps due to a flimsy plastic door or some other structural trait, and you happen to be in the path of the ejected shrapnel, you're going to wind up as a CD shrapnel victim.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: kewian on 2006 June 11, 12:54:41
And i havent heard of this method of death in the top 10 causes of death in the U.S.  .... why? :D

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 11, 12:57:13
And i havent heard of this method of death in the top 10 causes of death in the U.S.  .... why? :D
Because it's not a top 10 cause, obviously.

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: webwench on 2006 June 11, 14:16:57
However, I use a No-CD because my laptop weighs 3 pounds and I hate to have to plug in extra CD drives, but I buy each CD when it comes out.  It's not illegal.  And your CD, as JM pointed out, won't explode from overuse :)
Actually, if you overuse your CD, it WILL explode.

*L* I think I worded it wrong, but what I -meant- was that if you use a NoCD software, you won't overuse your CD, thus, it won't explode.  Bleh :P More coffee! Bring me more coffee!

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 June 12, 02:11:48
With the new CD drives on the apple computers I could loose a kidney if a CD exploded. :P

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 June 12, 02:40:30
Man, you'd have to wear out a CD really badly in order for it to explode.   :o  :P

Title: Re: Hmm interesting, but frustrating...
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 12, 03:05:19
When my teen was in his rebellious years ---- wait... has that ended? ---- he would hurl cds he didn't like from his top floor bedroom window to the neighbor's single story house next door.  When we moved I glanced out and saw them shining like giant sequins (this was So. Calif. so everything was always shiny in the heat...gods, I hated that).  So, they will do no harm to anyone in their present state (unless of course the said 80-something neighbor were to climb up there trying to retrieve them).