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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Karen on 2005 August 28, 17:28:11

Title: Build/buy catalog is empty
Post by: Karen on 2005 August 28, 17:28:11
All of a sudden I can't access any items in my Build/Buy catalog.  I can get to the items that are in collections, so the Collections folder is not affected.  But there are no objects in the Buy mode catalog, not even the Maxis default objects.  It's not that Buy mode is grayed out, but that there are no objects in any of the categories.

I have not downloaded anything new in a couple of weeks, and everything was fine earlier today.  Do I have to reinstall?  Is there anything I can do to fix this, short of reinstalling?  Everything else is working fine; the game seems to be able to access many different types of objects in my Downloads folder, including hacks like Macrotastics and the baby controller.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Title: Re: Build/buy catalog is empty
Post by: kasumiarmstrong on 2005 August 28, 17:56:28
This happened to me once.  It was when I downleaded JM's toliet control thingy.  I think it was because of the way the object was catagorized. I was dumb enough to change the item grouping into by room and then pressed the back button.  Poof!  No build/buy mode stuff.  I just had to reload the game though to fix it.