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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ivy on 2006 June 08, 19:58:29

Title: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 08, 19:58:29
Oh boy I've confused myself.

I have two hacks in my system:

"nogizmowants" from JM
"NL No Personal Electronic Wants" from twojeffs.

They've both been in my game for goodness knows how long with no problems.  Upon running the hack conlictor thingy mabob (I'm sure that's the real name for it, eh?) it is reporting that they're conflicting.

Oh great methinks.

So I go back and RTFMs.  (Feel free to point and laugh now.)  From twojeff's NOTE: This is NOT COMPATIBLE is JM Pescado's NoGizmoWants hack.  **sighs**

So ... question now becomes...then why have they been all happy happy in my game? I've not gotten any errors or unusualness and they've been residing there for quite a long time now.

I like features of both hacks.  Would it be possible for someone to combine features of these two hacks so that they don't get the want to buy gizmos, yet if they have the handheld game they'd actually want to use it? Or if they had a need for a cellphone, they'd want to buy it?

Or am I doomed to forever live with a hack conflict?




Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 June 08, 20:18:33
I thought they did the same thing.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 08, 20:26:20
The relevant parts of the RTFM...I should have posted this before :o 

"Sims will no longer want to buy useless gizmos, unless a kiosk is actually
or they actually could make use of a cellphone. Wants to play
handheld games no longer appear unless the sims actually HAVE one."

So here, they will get the want IF there is a kiosk present.  I don't want them to have the want even if there's a kiosk present unless they have a need of a cellphone (like, oops, Ivy forgot to buy them a phone at home...)

NL No Personal Electronics Wants:
"Sims will no longer get the wants to buy a cell phone, MP3 player, or handheld game."

This one, they don't want one at all, ever.  Which is what I like.

Make sense?


Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 08, 20:32:39
Just remove nogizmowants then.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 08, 20:35:42
Will they spin the want to play a handheld game without owning one then?


Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 June 08, 20:43:44
Yes. NL No Personal Electronics Wants doesn't seem to modify the play handheld want.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 08, 20:49:50
Okay, I don't want that then. 

I guess for now I will leave them conflicting.  After all, they aren't causing any issues for me.

Thank you simsbabay and neriana for your quick and helpful replies.  And for not pointing and laughing. :)

:) :) :)
Ivy...who is trying to get back into simming after being "absent" from the last 6 months for medical reasons and is on some pretty heavy medications now though they make her not think straight at moments and this just happens to be one of them so she really is thankful to both of you for your help.  *offers chocolate chip cookies*

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 June 08, 21:20:38
Okay, I don't want that then. 

I guess for now I will leave them conflicting.  After all, they aren't causing any issues for me.

Uhhh... that's not quite how it works. This is a case of a non-explosive type conflict. It is somewhat benign in the sense that your game won't 'splode but you won't get results as expected. Whenever hacks modify the same BHAVs, whichever hack loads last most likely will have the 'dominant' effect, usually in the sense that you will only observe the effects of that hack. Any other hacks which modify the same thing but were loaded earlier will essentially have no effect so it will be as if you don't even have those hacks in your game. :P

There are some cases where, hacks which modify the same thing cause much more egregious conflicts. This is probably because one of the hacks modifies something else in addition to the same/common BHAV(s) that the two hacks modify, and that additional something is used by the 2nd hack. To further clarify, here is a hypothetical scenario:

Hack_A and Hack_B BOTH modify BHAV 123 and 456.
Hack_A ALSO modifies BHAV 789.

Let's say BHAV 123 normally calls BHAV 789.

In load order, assuming you have WinXP, Hack_A loads FIRST and Hack_B loads Last. Let's say they both affect sleeping. Hack_A lets your sims sleep naked in coffins, Hack_B only lets vampires sleep in coffins.

Essentially, the sleeping naked from Hack_A will be broken and you will only 'see' the effects of Hack_B. This is an example of a benign type of conflict. Your game doesn't exactly 'splode, but you don't get the options you think you should.

A somewhat more egregious error is, say Hack_B depends on BHAV 789 acting normally. But Hack_A changes BHAV 789. Now you have some weird things happening, like only some non-vampires cannot use the coffin while other non-vampires still use it. You won't get any error logs from this kind of conflict, but it is also really hard to figure out why this is happening, without going through the dance of switching hacks out one at a time until you determine which hacks are conflicting (at least before we had tools to detect conflicts :P).

Trust me on this, as this scenario was very real for me, and I spent many hours tearing my hair out trying to determine what was wrong. :P

I can't say for certain how these two specific hacks that you are using will conflict, but most likely the nogizmowants will be the only one that has any effect. Using Paladin's or dizzy's conflict detecting tools, you can figure out which specific BHAVs conflict, but you would probably have to open both up in SimPE to see if one hack has more BHAVs than the other.


Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 00:24:53
Ste...thanks but I think my head just went 'splodie instead...

I definitely don't want gizmo wants, and I don't want them wanting to play gizmos if they haven't got one to play with.  That much I know.  I will have to wait and sort out how to accomplish this when I'm more up to it as it's over my head at the moment.


Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Simsane on 2006 June 09, 00:34:11
Hi everyone!  I don't really have anything pertinent to add 'cept I spent all morning trying to find the tool that checks to see if you have any conflicting hacks and had just about decided I must've misunderstood another post and that no such tool actually exists!  Obviously one does, so could anyone tell me where I can find it?

Thanks in advance.  Have a great day! :)

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 June 09, 00:37:55
Ivy, I think the combination you need to use is this:  "no personal electronic wants" and "handlheld and MP3 no autonomy", both are made by twojeffs and they are compatible with each other.  They won't get the want to buy them and if you decide you get them one anyway, they won't use it unless you tell them too.

Handheld & MP3 no autonomy can be found here:

Hi everyone!  I don't really have anything pertinent to add 'cept I spent all morning trying to find the tool that checks to see if you have any conflicting hacks and had just about decided I must've misunderstood another post and that no such tool actually exists!  Obviously one does, so could anyone tell me where I can find it?

It can be found here:

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 00:44:12
Simsane:  scroll down a bit to Sims 2 Programs, then click on Sims 2 Hack Conflict Detection Utility.

MissDoh, I have that one as well, but it doesn't say anything about not spinning up the want to play with them, only that it stops them from playing with it on their own.  Does it stop them from spinning up the want as well?


Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 June 09, 00:45:49
No you need the "no electronic wants" along with it. Like I said the two of them will work together since they are both made by twojeffs.

EDIT:  I personally choose to use JM no gizmo wants along with handheld & mp3 no autonomy.  It is a good combination too. :)

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 00:50:01
Sorry...I wasn't clear...I meant does it stop the want to play with the gizmo...not the want to buy the gizmo.

Edit...Miss Doh...I've just done confused myself yet again.

Which one is "no personal electronic wants" ?

Ivy...who really hates these fuzzy headed nights :(  and is really thankful for the help

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 June 09, 00:56:43
Lol No personal electronics wants will stop sims from having wants to buy either cellphone, mp3 player or handheld game no matter what are the circumstances.

Handheld & mp3 no autonomy, will stop sims from playing those autonomously if they own one but you can make them play whenever you wish if they own one.

You describe in another reply what no gizmo wants is.

It is up to you too choose which of those behaviors are the most important to stop knowing "no personal electronic wants" and "no gizmo wants" will conflict with each other.  But handheld & mp3 no autonomy won't conflict with either one of them.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Simsane on 2006 June 09, 00:57:55
Ivy and MissDoh, thank you both! ;D

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 June 09, 00:59:54
Ivy and MissDoh, thank you both! ;D

Were you all mixed up too lol  :P

EDIT:  I just realize it was for the link to the hack tool lol.... your welcome :)

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 01:06:49
Okay, so I've got the "buying gizmo wants" nuked then... and I've got the "not using them autonomously" covered then.

What I don't have nuked then (without a conflict) is the "want to play" with said gizmo (whether or not they own it).

Therein lies the problem...

I can either a) live with the conflict or b) beg and offer cookies for anyone who could design one to do all of the above. lol

I'm in no state yet to try and tackle writing hacks fully evidenced here tonight :)

Thanks MissDoh for your help *offers blueberry scones*

You're welcome Simsane...have a scone too :)

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 09, 01:08:25
I believe mine should have squished the "play handheld with people who don't have one" thing.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 01:11:11
EDIT:  nvm...I've lost it...

JM...Does your thing handle that?

And if so, can you point me to your thing?

Either way...have a scone :)

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 June 09, 01:11:55
Thanks MissDoh for your help *offers blueberry scones*

hummm yummy thank you.  ;D

EDIT:  no gizmo is part of the director's cut that can be found here: and to stop them from playing them if they have one you need "handlhled and mp3 no autonomy" since JM one's does not stop them from playing it alone.  These 2 are working fine together.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 01:19:48
You're welcome :)

Ooo is that the thing he means? Okey dokey, I have that one...that's part of the conflict...*laughs hysterically at the sheer insanity of it all*...

Oh boy...I'm so confused by now I don't know what I want. 

I think I'll just leave it well enough alone since it isn't causing any noticable problems and if it ever does come back up, I"ll heed the wise words of Ste and check back here and figure out how to fix it


So then...I'd have to avoid community lots with kiosks unless I actually wanted them to want to have the want to have a gizmo...gotcha.  That's the only thing I'd be losing out on. 

So really what I've done is triple covered my butt making sure they really don't spin up these wants.  I think that's the bottom line here.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 09, 01:23:05
/me points and laughs.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 01:24:40
Thank you JM.  I feel at home now :) :) :)

Here, have a cookie :)


Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 June 09, 01:30:39
Ivy, I'd assume that if the nogizmowants ensures that they only get the want when the lot they're on has a kiosk, then it shouldn't be too much to worry about anyway.

They'll never get the want while they're at home (unless you have a home business with a kiosk, I guess). They'll never get the want on a community lot with no kiosk. If you go to a lot with a kiosk then they MAY get the want, but as soon as their wants are re-rolled on a lot with no kiosk it'll go away again.

So the only thing you would have to worry about is sometimes having a want slot taken up with the gizmo want when they're out on the town, and not even always in that case.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 01:40:32
Thank you akatonbo that makes sense.  And the probabilities of me building a kiosk on a community lot (except perhaps at college) are slim to none.  (Mostly because they bothered me *that bad* when they were implemented, as you can tell, I did everything in my power to banish them from my

I had forgotten they re-roll the wants more often these days it seems as well.  Which is both good and bad, depending on what those wants are. 

I feel much better and have removed NL No Personal Electronic Wants. 

I have left in nogizmowants and handheld & mp3 no autonomy.  And no conflicts reported now. Yay :)

Happy happy again.

Cookie or scone akatonbo? :)


Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 09, 01:48:06
They'll never get the want while they're at home (unless you have a home business with a kiosk, I guess).

Actually, they'll roll the want for gizmos if you have one of Moniques shop-at-home (and so much more :)) computers on the lot.

Title: Re: Please help with "conflicting" hacks
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 09, 02:04:13
Ah thanks for mentioning that Jsalemi...I'm safe there and will stay clear for now.  I'm pretty far behind in my downloads of new and shiny stuff.  And besides, I have a business that needs tending to next! hehehe  *offers cookie*
