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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: arielle on 2006 June 06, 19:45:18

Title: Very Strange Sim
Post by: arielle on 2006 June 06, 19:45:18
I created a sim family before any of the expansions came out, and one of them is an elder female.  Since I added Nightlife and OFB, whenever I move a sim family to a new home, or create a new sim family and move them in, she comes running into the house, madder'n hell, bitches out one of the sims in the house (that she doesn't even know!) and then runs home again.  This is completely separate to the "some visitors have arrived to welcome you to the neighborhood." 

I didn't know where to post this, as it isn't really a problem, just a really really Strange Thing.  Have y'all had any Strange Things like this  happen in your games?

P.S.  I'm still an asinine airhead - guess I'll have to start making more pointless posts just to get that to change.  How many do I need to graduate to the next level?

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: Tina G on 2006 June 06, 19:49:13
LMAO! Sorry, but that is hilarious.  :D

If I were you, I wouldn't worry about your title. The more you post, the more insulting they get. At least I know what an asinine airhead is!  ;)

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 June 06, 19:53:24
If your Sims are using the telescope during the day, the action is "Spy on Neighbors" instead of "Stargaze". For some reason, the game is coded so that it's always the same Sim who notices the peeping, and they'll come running over to pitch a fit about it. Unless you're sure your Sims haven't been anywhere near a telescope during the day, that's probably what you're seeing.

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 06, 20:19:47
I put the stupid telescope in my sim's inventory during the day.  Got tired of being assaulted by this one Bluewater guy  :P

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: Simlover on 2006 June 06, 21:32:14
Sometimes pointing in the direction of no houses helps with the spy problem.

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 June 06, 21:44:05
Wow, Simlover, I didn't know that! Too bad my main 'hood is so full. I just use Pescado's "noshove" hack, and they can gaze at Mortimer's wrinkled bum all day long.

A weird thing that I used to get was one downtownie who used to stroll by and go into Sims' houses and start grooving to their stereo. If you'd turn the stereo off, he'd start fighting with everyone there until he was kicked out. Finally, he made firends with one of my PC's and then stopped. I guess he was lonely.

I just was Housten Chen, with the neckerchief and snakeskin jacket. That is quite a look.

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 June 07, 10:11:53
LMAO! Sorry, but that is hilarious.  :D

If I were you, I wouldn't worry about your title. The more you post, the more insulting they get. At least I know what an asinine airhead is!  ;)

You know what? My favourite title is actually Tasty Tourist. Kinda wish I could get that back... :'(

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: kacidama on 2006 June 07, 12:11:00
P.S.  I'm still an asinine airhead - guess I'll have to start making more pointless posts just to get that to change.  How many do I need to graduate to the next level?

I wish I was an asinine airhead again - although this reflects my rl status  ::)

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 07, 14:22:20
I just use Pescado's "noshove" hack, and they can gaze at Mortimer's wrinkled bum all day long.

I think TJ ( made that actually.

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: Tina G on 2006 June 07, 14:24:05

You know what? My favourite title is actually Tasty Tourist. Kinda wish I could get that back... :'(

Ha ha!  Hmmm, I don't know. Tasty Tourist sort of sounds like Pescado could 'devour' you at any moment!  :D  Dimwitted Dunce seems to suit me at the moment. That's about how I'm feeling with all the trouble I've been having with the hair binning tool. After all, I don't believe it's rocket science.  ::)

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 07, 14:25:44
I had far too much trouble with the hair binning tool as well, so I went back to the manual method.  Works fine.  And now that all my hair is done, I only have to do the few hairstyles I add.  And since I'm so picky about hair, that's hardly any.  :)

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 08, 22:12:22
I didn't have problems using the binning tool, but I had a lot of other problems associated with it. For some reason, when I made packages with it, the entire black hair section would refuse to show up in bodyshop. I too go the manual route, even though it takes longer and I am much less picky than blue :P

Title: Re: Very Strange Sim
Post by: Tina G on 2006 June 09, 12:24:40
The manual route is exactly what I have just done. I've been putting it off for months ever since I first read the threads on here about it. It took me a total of a couple of days with RL matters getting in the way. lol  I trudged through it though (with my hubby teasing me about playing with 'doll hair'.  ::)  Turns out it was pretty easy (thanks to Dewshine's helpful tutoriol, bless her soul) though very time-consuming and monotonous.

I think it was worth every hour!