More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Akharra on 2006 June 05, 16:48:39

Title: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: Akharra on 2006 June 05, 16:48:39 (

Title: Re: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 05, 17:31:09 (

Don't know about that, but this is TOO much cheating for me.  Skills should take some time to learn, even if they're enhanced by the thinking cap or smart milk bug. It shouldn't be virtually instantaneous -- for that, there's other cheats that let you set skill levels for the rare cases when you need to (i.e., a pre-uni sim you've upgraded to be a uni grad, and want to give him/her the skill points equivalent to what was needed for the degree).

Title: Re: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: Avie on 2006 June 05, 19:54:07
Where is the fun in playing the game if you cheat to that extent?
No point and no fun

Title: Re: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 June 05, 20:13:27
Maybe it's just because the modder's English is so-so, but I wouldn't put any of his/her stuff in my game, because there's no clear description of how any of their new content works, and some of it seems far too ambitious.

Title: Re: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 June 05, 21:23:28
The title of this reminds of the spam emails thread in RL currently!

"Genius Book - Increase Sims mind in 10000 times (All EP)"

Earn Simoleans from home, while growing a penis (without Crammy's mod) or increase your Sim's penis x10 (with Crammy's mod)!!!

Also, I like that it shocks your sim so they can have a flash of genius. This is pretty funny.

Title: Re: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: Akharra on 2006 June 05, 23:22:06
I thought it was funny, too.

Title: Re: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 06, 00:58:12
Not-awesome. Definitely not-awesome.

Title: Re: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 June 06, 01:24:23
I really don't see the point in this, isn't there already an object activated by BoolProp that just increases skills without all those "So-and-So has gotten a skill" messages?

Oh right, Boolprop is evil.

Title: Re: What do you think of this? BFBVFS?
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 06, 01:59:31
The most I'll use is the Insim skill cheat once in awhile, for a support character.  I saw this mts2 post a few days ago and shied away from it in a hurry.