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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 05, 00:06:36

Title: He's just a love machine
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 05, 00:06:36
I have a sim that I created some time ago and turned into a romance sim. Then I used the 'puppy killer' to pump up his romance skills to the highest setting, which I have also done with other sims, but never to the same effect. Here is the weird bit though, just about every sim he meets rolls triple lightning bolts for him. Male or female, townies and playables, they all line up to flirt with him and then get in brawls with eachother over him while he stands there and cheers. This is insane! I hired him to work in another sim's gallery selling art, and I have to admit that he is very good at what he does. Almost every customer that walks in buys and buys in order to stay around him longer, and then hang around for hours after they are done buying. If I have my owner ask them to leave, they walk off the lot in one direction and imediately walk on again from the other, and head straight for my romance sim. The only way to get them to clear out for more than a few minutes is to send him home. Now, my owner sim has rolled three bolts for him as well, and I have to keep an eye on her or she sneaks off to snog with him in the corner while the customers stand around and get cranky. It is funny for awhile, but I'm bewildered as to exactly what is going on with this guy. Anyone have any simmilar experiences?

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 05, 00:53:33
I was under the impression that the Romance skill thing had never been implemented.  Whenever I send my Romance Sims to 'study' it, it just gives them Charisma points.  I think I'll try giving a likely candidate (Don Lothario springs to mind) full Romance points and see what happens ... 

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 05, 01:02:26
There are a bunch of hidden skills that are editable with the insiminator, like pool, dancing, painting, homework, that kind of thing. As far as I can tell, uping the romance skill usually makes my sims a little bit more attractive and less likely to get rejected for flirts and things.

But this guy...last time he was on a welcome wagon, it turned into WWIII as both of the other welcome sims AND the owner of the house all triple bolted for him. They didn't even make it into the house, they just brawled in the street.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 June 05, 01:27:56
Hmm the only times I've had people brawl in the welcome wagon were between Don Lothario and Nina Caliente, and Lazlo Curious and the old lady Jaquet.   ;D

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 June 05, 03:36:17
If this is function that Maxis never implimented, like weather, maybe your experience was why. It sounds like it interferes with gameplay a bit, whereas the other "secret" skills don't.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 05, 03:37:27
There is no "Romance" skill. Anything that alters is it is writing into what is PRESENTLY an unused variable, but could potentially *BE* used, likely for something else, at some point in the future. Certainly messing with it has no positive results and may potentially have negative results.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 05, 03:51:24
well, then it shouldnt do anything. I'll lower it and still see if he gets the same reaction.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 June 05, 05:08:40
Let us know. I have never seen that!

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 05, 21:13:56
Well, I did an experiment. I loaded his lot and summoned a random group of sims, a couple playables, a couple townies and an NPC. They rolled two three bolts, a two bolt, a one bolt and a couple no bolts (but he still had the bolts in the pie menu). I then exited without saving, reloaded the lot, and lowered the romance skill to zero. When I summoned the same group of townies, the chemistry was exactly the same. So it isn't the romance skill points at all. There is just something about this sim that makes everyone go nuts.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 05, 21:22:26
Is he a Sagittarius? Sagittarii have no innate repulsions, so it is difficult for them to get X-bolts.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 June 05, 21:26:14
Wow, I didn't know that. Does anyone know if there is a complete list like this, with innate repulsions and attractions?

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 05, 21:27:15
Is he a Sagittarius? Sagittarii have no innate repulsions, so it is difficult for them to get X-bolts.

How do the astrological signs work for attraction, anyway?

Edit: Basically the same as Assmitten's question.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: nectere on 2006 June 05, 21:36:12
Amberdiceless did one a while back

heres another
and another
and other stuff

and you are welcome...

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 June 05, 21:36:48
Sweet. Thanks, Senator.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 05, 21:39:57
Wow, that is nothing like I thought it was. I thought that they'd base it on "real" astrological compatibility.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 05, 21:46:59
I'm not sure if he is a sag or not, but he does have a couple of xbolts.  I'll take a look at the chart though, it seems interesting.

I think my sim is most likely something of a fluke, or maybe he's bugged. As long as he isn't causing havok with the flirting brawls, he's generally an okay guy.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: nectere on 2006 June 05, 21:50:39
It makes no sense to me at all: (an apparently not too many sims like geminis - like 2 according to this chart)

Zodiac sign  Attracted to                Repelled by 
Aries           Gemini/Taurus             Cancer/Libra 
Taurus        Aries/Libra                   Virgo/Cancer 
Gemini         Pisces/Virgo                Capricorn/Aries 
Cancer        Taurus/Scorpio             Gemini/Aries 
Leo            Sagittarius/Cancer         Capricorn/Gemini 
Virgo          Aquarius/Sagittarius       Leo/Taurus 
Libra           Virgo/Cancer                Pisces/Scorpio 
Scorpio        Pisces/Leo                   Libra/Aquarius 
Sagittarius    Pisces/Capricorn            Libra/Scorpio 
Capricorn      Aquarius/Taurus           Leo/Gemini 
Aquarius       Capricorn/Sagittarius     Scorpio/Virgo 
Pisces           Scorpio/Gemini            Leo/Aries

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 05, 21:58:35
Yeah, the compatibility is totally unbalanced. I wonder if it could be changed.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 06, 00:31:45
I thought Amberdiceless' chart was needlessly hard to read, so I made one of my own:

Sims Compatability Chart (

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 06, 00:43:11
It makes no sense to me at all: (an apparently not too many sims like geminis - like 2 according to this chart)
Gemini has a mutual relationship with Pisces, so you can pretty much expect a 3 bolt match assuming aspirational match is not totally shot, certainly nothing less than 2. They also have a decent match with Virgo, one-way with no antipathy. Note that in most cases, signs are NOT evenly distributed in the neighborhood: Mine, for instance, has a strong bias towards Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Virgo. I should include Astrologies in the census tool, come to think of it.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 06, 01:47:57
So where do turn-offs and turn-ons come into play here, if Sims can get three bolts with mere astrology?

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 06, 02:07:48
It probably has to do with the neutral combinations, like a leo meets an aries and isn't instantly attracted or repelled, so the turn ons come into play.

Or one would think anyway.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 June 06, 02:10:59
To give an extra boost to Sims whose signs or aspirations don't match up well.

Besides, Sims are perfectly happy to be hooked up with anyone they have a high enough STR/LTR with. Attractions just helps Sims who don't know each other well get to know each other faster by enabling interactions that would normally be unavailable or rejected.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 06, 02:12:04
So where do turn-offs and turn-ons come into play here, if Sims can get three bolts with mere astrology?
Turn-on/turn-offs are basically a marginalized system that has only minimal effect. Their effects are basically trumped by everything else, and it's not uncommon to have sims that get 3 bolts despite a total failure to match any turn-ons and matched mutual turn-offs.

Title: Re: He's just a love machine
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 06, 04:02:03
Good to know, thanks for the info.