More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 09:44:36

Title: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 09:44:36
I know that most of us avoid the BBS like a plague (some more than others  ;) ), but I wanted to point out a thread I made in the Suggest an Idea forum at the official site.  I really think Maxis does read them and if enough well-spoken Simmers who understand the game better than the average 12-year-old AOLer screaming about pets and weather were to post with their observations, then perhaps we could get some of our ideas heard.

My post is not really about bugs, but more small *features* in the game that could be better done a different way, etc. 

Anyway, here's the thread (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.23).

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Simlover on 2006 June 04, 10:06:47
Nicely said.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 10:23:06
Definitely well put, Blue!  I think you've managed to sum up a lot of our grievances, and let's all hope that Maxis takes note!

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 10:25:30
Hehe.  I figured if I went into bugs, I'd never get out.    :P

Now, I loaded up the game to get Brandi to woohoo someone, and I can't remember why now that I've got her in the bed...

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 11:14:45
Well, knowing Brandi - there's only ever one thing on her mind!

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 04, 11:20:51
I have replied.  I would have given you a bene, but I don't know how (rofl).

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Ivy on 2006 June 04, 11:34:14
Excellent post!

The bodyshop lighting issue is major for me.  Spend time in bodyshop, exit, start TS2, wait, go to neighborhood, wait, finally open up CAS, figure out what else needs done, exit, go back to bodyshop (wait an unordinate amount of time for it to load, of course), wash, rinse, repeat. Bah...makes you not want to bother after a while!

Why on earth is it so dark in there? And why can't we adjust it!!!???


Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 June 04, 13:58:51
Yeah, I hate the lighting in Bodyshop too.  I haven't made much stuff, but whenever I do, it's almost always too bright when I get into the game. :(

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: stormygsa on 2006 June 04, 14:07:16
Very well said Blue.  I avoid Body Shop like the plague. Its too small and dark, and I can't see the small changes I'm only able to make in there. 

Thanks for putting into words what most of us have been feeling for quite a while.   ;)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: jrd on 2006 June 04, 14:19:29
As for your point 6, my mascot clothes hiding mod does just that. If MTS2 ever comes back up grab it there (look for my (jordi's) profile).

Some good points.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: kacidama on 2006 June 04, 15:09:22
jordi - I'm sure I d/l your mod but I can't find it so I think I'll have to do it again :-[

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 June 04, 15:54:53
 Way to go Blue!
 You and Twain would would make an awesome debate team.
 I can't believe I posted at the BBS, but you had some excellent points, and I added my two cents worth too.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: jrd on 2006 June 04, 16:41:01
You can grab the hiders I actually use here:

hidemascotoutfits.package hides the OFB outfits and hats
hidetoddleroutfits.package hides the badger and frog toddler outfits
HideweirdSP1.package hides some of the worst FFS outfits (dragon suits etc.)
hideweirdXP0.package hides some of the worst base game outfits (elder hula suits, racer outfits, etc.)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 04, 17:07:24
Well done, BlueSoup!  And I'm still too much of a coward to venture into that BBS.  I did once...or twice.  A long time ago in a place faraway.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 17:32:21
Oh Jordi, I know your mods do what I want Maxis to do (I have them) - but the point is I want Maxis to do it.  And I don't think all those silly hats should be under hair.

Ancient Sim - thanks, but I don't need any benes lol (just hit the sheep thanks button!)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 04, 17:37:03
Why on earth is it so dark in there? And why can't we adjust it!!!???
It's very dark, so you might be eaten by a grue. You can't adjust it, because if you turned the lights on, the grues would be run off. And Maxis doesn't want that, because if you get eaten by a grue, you can't bother them anymore.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 June 04, 18:17:55
Excellent post!

The bodyshop lighting issue is major for me.  Spend time in bodyshop, exit, start TS2, wait, go to neighborhood, wait, finally open up CAS, figure out what else needs done, exit, go back to bodyshop (wait an unordinate amount of time for it to load, of course), wash, rinse, repeat. Bah...makes you not want to bother after a while!

Why on earth is it so dark in there? And why can't we adjust it!!!???


Could this help you solve this problem until Maxis do something about it:

All good suggestions in that post.  Hope Maxis will read it :)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 18:27:32
Oh Jordi, I know your mods do what I want Maxis to do (I have them) - but the point is I want Maxis to do it.  And I don't think all those silly hats should be under hair.

Well, it makes sense since hats are supposed to be a turnon/off, that they should be separate!  And WHY can't you have hairstyle A and hat B?  If you have hairstyle A, it doesn't have a hat, and if you have hat B you HAVE to have hairstyle B!

And I know quite a few people have made hat meshes from the glasses meshes, but as turnon/offs, they are GLASSES!  So it would be good if hats were a separate thing, and people could then make hats which are HATS!

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: jrd on 2006 June 04, 18:29:35
Hear hear MissDoh. The logical thing to do would to have them separate from hair (so you could combine them with any haircut!).

Likewise uniforms should be in a "costume" clothing category, separate from normal clothing.

One thing I'd add to your list is to have the Uni CAS work for normal 'hoods as well, it does not make sense that we cannot chose different last names for Sims.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 18:42:30
Absolutely!  If two sims are merely living together, they should not have the same last name, it just doesn't make any sense!

And I definitely agree about the uniforms and costumes! 

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 18:46:39
I posted your idea to the site Jordi (credited to you).

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Twain on 2006 June 04, 19:12:57
Way to go Blue!
 You and Twain would would make an awesome debate team.
 I can't believe I posted at the BBS, but you had some excellent points, and I added my two cents worth too.


Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 June 04, 19:16:20
Why on earth is it so dark in there? And why can't we adjust it!!!???
It's very dark, so you might be eaten by a grue. You can't adjust it, because if you turned the lights on, the grues would be run off. And Maxis doesn't want that, because if you get eaten by a grue, you can't bother them anymore.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2006 June 04, 19:52:37
"Bennies" to both BlueSoup and Twain for being brave and venturing onto the official site!  ;)  (Hits thanks button) Baaaaah!

I had to add my 2 cents worth about the Uni LTWs not being added when the "Own 5 Top-Level businesses" was added with OFB. (Yeah, that was me.)

I use the lot debugger to re-roll the LTW if it's something I know I'll never try for, but it's so inconsistent to add the one and not the others.  And adding the ability to change LTWs in-game with the Renu-U would be a great idea!  Of course, you have to have the right EP for it, but they could also come up with a new object that would allow sims to change.

And, really, the LTW shouldn't even show up until they become an adult, anyway.  After all, who knows what they want to do for the rest of their life at 13?

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 20:07:28
Well, you do get the occasional teenager who does have an ambition, but mainly, the change from one day to the next!  And I definitely agree about the Uni LTWs, after all, there are many RL careers that are closed to non-graduates!

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 June 04, 20:10:13
There are so many minor changes they could make that would make playing the game so much better.

My three top wants (each of which I would pay the full price of an EP for):

1. Enable collections in the "Buy Clothing" catalog. That way sims who have a custom body shape would be easy to shop for. Also enable collections for hair, makeup, glasses, masks... and make them accessible from within the mirror "Change Appearance" option. Things like freckles (in the masks category) are almost impossible to see in the thumbnails, so it takes a lot of clicking to find what you want.

2. Enable eyelash-bar and pointy-ear reduction in CAS and/or surgery machine.

3. Allow us to remove unwanted clothing from sims' wardrobes. After a few generations, it takes forever to find the right outfit because the wardrobe is clogged with junk. Also, make the wardrobe more like the buy clothing dialog, so that we don't have to scroll through the outfits one by one, but can select them from thumbnails. I use Pescado's clothing tool because I can't stand the dressers. Also, STOP forcing ugly outfits down our throats each time the sims grow up. I always have tons of oufits available, so why can't they just grow up into a random one from what is already in the wardrobe?

My other wants are basically what has already been said...

More Turn On/Offs -- I want to see ones for Aspirations, Career tracks, Have Kid/No Kids, Pregnancy, Alien and Zombie skintone, Business Owner, Diva/Mr Big or just rich sim, Lifetime Platinum, College graduates, Neatness/Niceness/Outgoingness/etc, and maybe even some of the Interests.

More LTWs... and not just ones for careers, but definitely ones for all the top careers in the game.

Fix the memory stupidity surrounding resurrection.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: gjam on 2006 June 04, 21:07:47
Great post BlueSoup.  I added my 2 cents' worth.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 June 04, 22:13:21
Wow, BlueSoup! I didn't know you were GilmoreFan. I used to see you post there, maybe two years ago, and think, "Man, this is about the only sane person here." Cool. I noticed your name because I am a Gilmore fan too. :)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 June 04, 22:27:48
Way to go Blue!
 You and Twain would would make an awesome debate team.
 I can't believe I posted at the BBS, but you had some excellent points, and I added my two cents worth too.

Yeah, I know,  but you both are quite good at presenting a reasonable, persuavive argument. Meant as compliment to you both. jeez

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 22:38:28
Yeah, I know,  but you both are quite good at presenting a reasonable, persuavive argument. Meant as compliment to you both. jeez

I took it as one.  Twain is quite a good speaker when he wants to be.

Wow, BlueSoup! I didn't know you were GilmoreFan. I used to see you post there, maybe two years ago, and think, "Man, this is about the only sane person here." Cool.

Yeah, I was quite noisy there before, before I got sucked into the Awesomeness here.  And then they culled like 5000 of my posts, ironically leaving one that was not beneficial at all, but received the most benes of any of them.  :P

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 June 04, 23:23:23
Well blue, you managed the impossible. You actually got me to post on the BBS.

You managed to create a well written, persuasive, and very well thought out thread,  and therefore it will most likely be ignored by Maxis.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 23:25:47
Let's hope you're wrong!

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Twain on 2006 June 04, 23:39:11
In the spirit of this thread... Here is a recent suggestion post by LK...and just as a point of matter what the Maxoid says..LK is a guy:P

Here (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.23&threadID=e046304c5db712f9e8dd1e8e10b02e0b&directoryID=2&startRow=1#9688690808688067bf57455ff5a3e9f6)

Also here are some of my most recent "rants" for those who are interested but may have missed them...

I am tired of EA/Maxis ruining my Sims Experience....a rant by Twain. (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.23&threadID=b62f4fe8b2357d68470a9d000c8f3950&directoryID=2&startRow=1#5b80cd6da62292d051679662ffb8b9c0)

EA/Maxis should be doing more to improve the Sims Experience. (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.23&threadID=2ba1794ff45da167be3f1026b2c571e7&directoryID=2&startRow=1#8ed5a46d6a338adab6041d14edfb7d48)

Does EA/Maxis ignore this site? (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.23&threadID=e9ffcfc7ee38148ecdf3f425f42ee379&directoryID=2&startRow=1#5cc16021fc3c93603414c9d20b4259f4)

Wake up EA/Maxis.. where are the Patches? (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.23&threadID=c323118f2c8766ddf367f9e5cf5818fb&directoryID=2&startRow=1#548c4b212ba0d72a93edcfb5ea018bb1)

EA/Maxis fails to do the right thing again and again. (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.23&threadID=a50c43e02a429141e4ed3841e4a0546e&directoryID=2&startRow=1#831d97079223485fca5cf02e91f7a455)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 June 05, 00:28:36
I posted, and yes my screen name is Chzymffn.  Don't ask.   ::)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Twain on 2006 June 05, 02:11:33
So what's the deal with your TS2 screen name being Chzymuffn?   :P

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Simlover on 2006 June 05, 02:18:15
He said not to ask Twain ::)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 June 05, 03:14:50
*she  ;)  All the other cheese related names were taken.   :(  And I can't seem to resist answering a question, can I?  :D

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Nailati on 2006 June 05, 17:43:06
Hehe. "Beefy arm."

I really, really hope Maxis takes some of those points into consideration. If only they weren't in such a constant rush to add new features (OMG PETZ), they could make changes which would improve gameplay on a much more profound level.

The problem with Body Shop, to me, is the camera. It seems to have a different focal length than the in-game camera. (I don't really know what that means, I just know that in Poser, changing the focal length of the camera has a similar effect.) The result is that it's impossible to know exactly how the face will look in-game, because what looks good from one camera can look distorted from the other. It's really a huge problem.

Yes, the lighting is crappy, but that I can live with--I just hit F3 and then turn the sim toward the light source.

But I quite honestly would shell out $20 just for a tweak to make the BS camera the same focal length as the in-game camera. Hear that, Maxis? (No, of course they don't. They're working on making six flavors of day-glo doggie beds or whatever.)

I came so close to posting that. But I can't bring myself to do it. If someone wants to mention the focal length thing over there that'd be great.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 05, 18:22:56
I'll post it on your behalf.

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: Nailati on 2006 June 05, 18:36:40
Grazie, cara.  :)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 07, 22:14:13
Okay, just wanted to give an update on this thread:

I linked it to the new community manager, MaxoidMel (is she HappyMoonBelly, does anyone know?), and she said she thought a lot of the ideas were good ones, and she was going to pass along the suggestions made.  :)

Title: Re: Several Suggestions For a Better Experience (BBS Post to Maxis)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 07, 22:33:23
Let's hope someone listens!  fingers crossed everyone!