More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: starrling on 2006 June 04, 03:32:45

Title: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 04, 03:32:45
...either by satellite or something.
This is a mothersim.  She has six kids.  This is kid #4 she's thinking about and writing in her diary.  Said kid is standing right there.  Poor kid.  You know she'll grow up with simissues.  A simcomplex. 

What to do, how to kill... ( I won't, but I can take some small pleasure in thinking about it).

Edit:  hey, I just noticed I'm no longer an assinine airhead (I liked that title) but now I'm a blathering buffoon.  I guess this post fits right in.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 03:44:19
Moved to the Podium because it's not really Retardo.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 04, 03:50:11
LOL I just assume everything I say is Retardo  :P
Thank you Bluesoup.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 04:14:59
Actually, a question about dying/killing Sims - does your Sim give an inheritance when they die by anything other than old age?

Cuz I've been toying with the idea of killing off one of these Sims but I don't want them to miss out on the mass money-grubbing to be had.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 04, 04:16:06
inheritances only happen when they die from old age.

it's a shame - the insurance payouts for premature death could be really helpful!

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 04, 04:16:34
Nope. Inheritances are only granted for old age. It's a little backwards from how regular life insurance works. On the other hand, payouts for premature death would probably inspire players to murder sims, which is probably not the idea.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 04, 04:18:25
Reflecting on the original post...  isn't that just the usual shy sim reaction to someone being near them while writing in their diary?  I don't think it really has anything to do with the mother not liking her child.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 04, 04:18:56
It's much more interesting to think that way though.  ;)

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Meska on 2006 June 04, 04:19:47
aw... I don't know if that looks like the mother doesn't like the kid. looks to me more like she's clutching her diary to her chest and thinking "ack! she's trying to read my diary" *chuckles* I don't know if that warrents death plots.

edit: yeh... what ness said. ^.^

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 04, 04:26:47
You are right, BlueSoup, much more interesting to think that way.  But I'm in report-writing mode and things tend to be very literal at the moment!

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 04, 04:56:05
I would consider it just being the shy sim thing, but this simmom just isn't very nice to this particular kid.  I don't know, just an observation from above, since I spend a lot of time just watching them all.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 04, 06:36:46
I've always thought it just seemed profoundly stupid and unwise to write all your secrets into a book that someone can read. Wouldn't it make more sense to memorize them so no one will know they even exist, let alone have any evidence that can be used against you? If you were to write such a journal, it should be filled with lies, deceit, and treachery designed to lure spies to certain 3D doom.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Metalkatt on 2006 June 04, 08:04:42
Yes, JM, but diaries can be rturned into memoirs when you're old and don't care anymore, and can rake in a crapload of cash.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 10:16:43
Just seems to me that she doesn't have a near 100/100 relationship with the kid - probably too busy with all the others or having another baby to bond!

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 04, 10:33:08
I don't think relationship levels make any difference to shy sims when their diaries are involved!

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 04, 11:13:41
When I first saw this I thought it meant they didn't like the person, then I realised they were just hiding their diary from them because they were in the vicinity.  They do it even if the person is eating or something and not even looking at the stupid diary.  Haven't noticed that it's only shy Sims, though.  The only one I can remember offhand who does it a lot is Cassandra, who is of course very shy, but as far as I know they all do.  I can understand Cassandra doing it anyway, she wouldn't want Darren knowing she has the hots for practically every Knowledge & Family Sim in the neighbourhood.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 11:16:31
I think when they have a very good relationship even shy sims don't do it as much.  But if the one in the thought bubble is the one in the room, they do it.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: kacidama on 2006 June 04, 14:52:42
maybe it's both - she wrote something bad about the kid and realised she crept up on her so she hid her diary entry so the kid won't read it.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 04, 17:12:41
I'm going to check it out a bit more thoroughly in the game today.  This is a stay-at-home mom with a maid.  She has an excellent relationship with her other kids, and a fairly good one with the kid in the picture, but that might be because I "interfere" sometimes and make them do things together. 

On a side note - it's crazy fun to watch 8 sims in one house go about their business.  That's when the surprises happen (that's how they got to six kids).

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 04, 18:30:47
Possibly the kids has totally different interests to the mother - so talk-share interests might help to improve things.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 06, 01:49:53
I took a closer look at this mom and kid - the most obvious thing was their personality trait differences - mom is a slob and outgoing while the kid is a neatnick and very shy.  Maybe this is what's keeping them from getting full relationship scores with each other.  (heh, they're not even 1/3 relationship scores).  The nice thing is that as the older kids move on to college it may free up time for them to get along better. 

Anyway, thanks for all the input.  It turns out Sim relationships can be very much like my own dysfunctional relationship with my mother.   :P

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 June 06, 10:11:45
I just wanted to mention that the diary interaction is totally due to wanting to hide the diary and not necessarily because they hate the sim they are thinking of. I found this interaction when I was digging through the code a while ago. It may have initially been a shy personality thing only. It had been disabled, so I enabled it. Shy sims were allowed to pull out their diary from their asses and write in it. But whenever another sim was in the room, regardless of what age they were, :P they would try to hide the diary. I had a hilarious situation where I was testing this, and the adult sim was trying to hide her diary from her toddler. As if she was afraid her toddler would read it. I thought that was pretty funny considering the toddler couldn't even walk or talk yet, much less read. ::)

Anyhew, I took a closer look at the code, and from what I recall, I think it just checks to see if any sims were in the same room, regardless of age. This seemed to be the prototype for the diary interaction which I think was changed a little, and then added to the bookglobals. So now anyone could use it, but you had to have a bookcase. However, I think sims can still pull the diary out of their asses, no? I don't remember if they actually walk over to the bookcase to get their diary, and if they walk over to put it away.


Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 06, 10:52:52
I just wanted to mention that the diary interaction is totally due to wanting to hide the diary and not necessarily because they hate the sim they are thinking of. I found this interaction when I was digging through the code a while ago. It may have initially been a shy personality thing only. It had been disabled, so I enabled it. Shy sims were allowed to pull out their diary from their asses and write in it. But whenever another sim was in the room, regardless of what age they were, :P they would try to hide the diary. I had a hilarious situation where I was testing this, and the adult sim was trying to hide her diary from her toddler. As if she was afraid her toddler would read it. I thought that was pretty funny considering the toddler couldn't even walk or talk yet, much less read. ::)
I'm sure that could easily have been fixed to ignore, say, Toddlers, and the hallucinatory beings of others...

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 06, 13:37:13
I think diaries come from the book case - but I'd need to get back into the game to check.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 06, 13:48:09
Yea, they do come from the bookcase, but they disappear up the sim's ass when they're done with it.  Very odd. :)

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 06, 13:49:29
Like any classified document containing sensitive material, presumably, it is subsequently eaten. I recall Carrigon had an "Edible Diary" thing.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 06, 13:52:29
Yes, I must say I do remember when outgoing sims didn't have diaries! 

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 June 06, 18:40:30
It is always interesting when a Sim enters a room full of other Sims and proceeds to sit down in the middle of the room obstructing the path for every one and holds a stupid book to their chest wanting eveyone to leave the room.  By the way, is there a no writing in diary hack--this is one of my pet peeves. 

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 06, 20:11:04
I'm not positive, but I think Inge's sensible study bookcase has no autonomous diary in it?  Anyone confirm or deny? 

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 06, 21:19:03
Well, since they are playables - a visitor never does it - why not just cancel the action by making them skillinate!  That'll larn 'em!

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 June 06, 22:08:28
Aw, go ahead and kill her. Go to and get Danny's Hitman.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: bootsie on 2006 June 06, 22:59:25
I don't micromanage my sims anymore so I feel that way so often ("You really need to die") when i catch them doing something stupid like hiding the diary and jumping on beds, but I can't bring myself to actively kill them.  But I love using that squinge attack anyone hack.  Having sims slap annoying visitors and attack their own toddlers is so wrong, but it feels so good.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 06, 23:30:16
Toddlers no, annoying visitors, YES!!! why not!  Annoying visitors think it's alright to tease their host/ess, prank them (despite the antiprank hack) and generally annoy them - slapping would serve them darn well right!

Oh, and there is a nojumponbed hack which was recommended in a thread here and works really well, haven't had a kid do it since I installed it!  I think it would even stop Lucy Burb, though I can't check now, she's about to graduate!  Sorry I can't remember where it came from, but I think a search would find the thread and the link.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 June 07, 00:00:41
I just did a search for Squinge's attack anyone mod. I can't find it! I WANT that! I wanna slap ppl!

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: redmachine on 2006 June 07, 00:19:29
I just did a search for Squinge's attack anyone mod. I can't find it! I WANT that! I wanna slap ppl!

Here it is: (

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 June 07, 00:41:17
I musta gone right over it...Thank you!

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: bootsie on 2006 June 07, 02:22:01
Toddlers no, annoying visitors, YES!!! why not!  Annoying visitors think it's alright to tease their host/ess, prank them (despite the antiprank hack) and generally annoy them - slapping would serve them darn well right!

Oh, and there is a nojumponbed hack which was recommended in a thread here and works really well, haven't had a kid do it since I installed it!  I think it would even stop Lucy Burb, though I can't check now, she's about to graduate!  Sorry I can't remember where it came from, but I think a search would find the thread and the link.

I gotta try that bed jumping hack.  I have alot more kids now then when I first saw that thread you mention.

Well, I don't exactly advocate toddler abuse, but last night I had to know what would happen if i had an adult attack a toddler.  The fight, the thought bubbles afterward, and the toddler waking the next morning with the want to see the ghost of his mother were pretty hilarious.  The first use of the attack hack was to have Nina Caliente slap some townie who wouldn't stop pestering her toddler.  Loved that moment.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 07, 04:54:33
How the heck did the townie manage that?  Was she stupid enough to allow him into her house?

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2006 June 07, 06:23:03
I had a sim who did this when her toddler crawled by, as if he would know what she was writing about  ::)  It would work far better if the passer-byer could actually READ before they try to hide it. 

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 June 07, 06:57:32
Like any classified document containing sensitive material, presumably, it is subsequently eaten. I recall Carrigon had an "Edible Diary" thing.
Actually, that was an editable diary.

She has other edible hacks though, just not diaries.
I'm not positive, but I think Inge's sensible study bookcase has no autonomous diary in it?  Anyone confirm or deny? 

Yes, it can be found now at The Laden Swallow.  Inge helped me clone it for the other bookcases in the game.

Oh, and there is a nojumponbed hack which was recommended in a thread here and works really well, haven't had a kid do it since I installed it!  I think it would even stop Lucy Burb, though I can't check now, she's about to graduate!  Sorry I can't remember where it came from, but I think a search would find the thread and the link.

I uploaded this in that thread which I think had something about jumping on beds in the title, but I'd have to search for it.  I haven't seen a kid jumping on the bed in my game in ages.  I downloaded this back on VS when JM had his little forum there for people to upload stuff, and I can't remember who made it, but it still works several EPs later.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 June 07, 09:06:30
That explains why I couldn't remember where the hack was from, Rainbow - it was from here!  And it's brilliant, and certainly doesn't seem to cause any problems or wierdnesses in my game.  Must be related to code that hasn't been altered since the base game.  And here's a link to the thread, and hopefully, the actual post. (

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 June 08, 22:55:46
Aw, go ahead and kill her. Go to and get Danny's Hitman.
How does the hitman work.  I wanted someone to kill their lover's husband but the only choice that showed up was poor Checo Ramirez.  He didn't even know him--he had a lot of enemies but Checo was the only option.  Too bad, cause I really hate her husband and murder seems to be the most understandalble way to die for him.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 June 08, 23:54:45
I jst found the Hitmen a few days ago, just got them loaded into my game this morning. From what I understand you call him (a service) and then select the one you want dead.

Title: Re: This is why some sims just need to go...
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 June 09, 16:36:05
I called him but Checo was the only option.  Anyone ever use him.  How does he kill them--what color is the ghost??  Does it leave a unique memory--cause that would be cool.  Murder memory--what about the one who called--knocked so-in-so off.  COOL