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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: dadditude on 2006 June 01, 13:17:53

Title: Aging for townies/downtownies?
Post by: dadditude on 2006 June 01, 13:17:53
Ok, this may or may not be possible, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

I know someone over at MTS2 has a mod to enable aging on community lots. While I wouldn't want this due to the whole double-aging thing, it got me to thinking that if someone could create a mod that would allow townies & downtownies to age, both on community lots and while visiting your playable sims, it might actually be a good thing. Is such a thing possible?

Title: Re: Aging for townies/downtownies?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 June 01, 14:48:09
I think that is a brilliant idea, but if all the townies aged; they would eventually die, there'd be headstones littering the neighborhoods and ghosts from asshole to breakfast time.  And how would the population be replaced?  ???

Title: Re: Aging for townies/downtownies?
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 June 01, 14:58:17
Making it as an automatic process instead of something one does by hand would be massively complicated before anyone even sat down to code, because they'd have to decide the rules by which it should work.

There are already plenty of ways to make townies age one at a time by hand.