More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Syera on 2006 May 30, 18:02:10

Title: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: Syera on 2006 May 30, 18:02:10
New Downloads: Tons from TSR.  Ouch.  Lots of cool stuff from Dincer Hepguler.
New Lots: Two.
Hacks Sneaking in with New Lots: 0

Here's the trouble: I've only tested this in one lot, but whenever my Sim child attempts to take a toy from the toybox, time completely freezes.  I've ran SimWardrobe's conflict detector and used CleanInstaller to see if I could find anything... but I'm coming up blank.  I have nothing, as far as I know, that has anything to do with the toybox except for a couple of custom skins - no toybox clones, no toybox hacks.

Anybody know anything about this?

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 30, 18:03:49
Probably a Main/Init error on the Toybox or Toybox Prop. Delete the toybox and do not use it. It is useless, anyway.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: Syera on 2006 May 30, 18:06:39
There's one problem with that: it's the Maxis in-game toybox.  :P

Unless you mean taking the object out of the lot; it's hardly there now, as I exited the lot without saving.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 30, 18:22:13
There's one problem with that: it's the Maxis in-game toybox.  :P
My statement stands on both counts.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: Syera on 2006 May 30, 19:39:27
And as it stands, I rather like the toybox, and having a broken object loitering about bugs me, so... anyone have any notions as to what's the matter?

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 May 30, 19:57:41
The standard method for determining whether something you've downloaded is the cause of a problem is to remove your entire downloads folder and then test the problematic situation again without it present. That would tell you if something in that folder is contributing to the problem. You didn't mention whether you've done this, only that you'd scanned your downloads, which doesn't always identify problems.

You specifically said you've only tested this on one lot, which means there's no way at all to tell if it's a one-time glitch, a lot-specific glitch, or a game-wide glitch until you do further testing.

Another thing you can do that would give people more information would be to turn on debug mode and then try using the toybox and see if it generates an error log -- or, for that matter, the standard debug mode error popup, which would give you the option to try resetting or deleting the buggy toybox (resetting MIGHT fix the problem, deleting it and placing a new one is also a possibility). Even if debug mode can't actually solve the problem, if you attach the error log, someone may understand the error message.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: Syera on 2006 May 30, 20:36:50
After exiting the lot without saving, I went back in and attempted using the toybox again - the same effect occured.

I really should try removing my downloads.

Tried another lot; froze.
Removed downloads; tried in my testing neighborhood.  All went well.

Will try another neighborhood.

Edit again:

Replaced downloads; tried in another neighborhood.  Froze.  Used MoveObjects On to delete; time resumed normally.

Ergo, something in my downloads must be causing a conflict.  But what?  Ah, that's the puzzle.

Yet another edit:

Part of the error log generated in debug mode:
Object id: 194
name: Toy Box - Toy - Rocketship
Stack size: 3
Error: Reference to tree tree parameter when no parameter exists.
Iterations: 1
  Frame 2:
    Stack Object id: 0
    Node: 1
    Tree: id 4096 name 'Function - Init' version 3
    from toy_rocketship
    Prim state: 0
    Params:    Locals:
  Frame 1:
    Stack Object id: 0
    Node: 0
    Tree: id -1 name 'No behavior' version 0
    Prim state: 1
    Params:    Locals:
  Frame 0:
    Stack Object id: 0
    Node: 0
    Tree: id 4097 name 'Function - Main' version 1
    from toy_rocketship
    Prim state: 0
    Params:    Locals:

Interestingly enough, the individual toys appear in Buy mode.  I thought this had something to do with OFB, though not I'm not so sure, as the Custom asterisk appears on all of them.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 May 30, 21:30:40
The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. Check to see if you have a toy boat, horse, and rocket in your game in the children section of buy mode. I downloaded a house that had those toys in them. They were very badly cloned and the freezing is the result of it. Obviously, I'm not sure if this is what is happening in your game, but it sounds the same. My sim always froze at the exact same moment (when her head was in the toybox). Find them in the downloads folder and remove them. DO NOT remove them from inside the game! That will cause your houses to crash when a child uses the toybox. I don't think they are easliy found either...I used clean installer to sort through the mess. Until you find the files, just don't let your sims use the toybox.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 30, 21:43:13
Might be worth searching for anything ending in .0001, .0002 etc.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: Syera on 2006 May 30, 22:14:57
The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. Check to see if you have a toy boat, horse, and rocket in your game in the children section of buy mode. I downloaded a house that had those toys in them. They were very badly cloned and the freezing is the result of it. Obviously, I'm not sure if this is what is happening in your game, but it sounds the same. My sim always froze at the exact same moment (when her head was in the toybox). Find them in the downloads folder and remove them. DO NOT remove them from inside the game! That will cause your houses to crash when a child uses the toybox. I don't think they are easliy found either...I used clean installer to sort through the mess. Until you find the files, just don't let your sims use the toybox.
Yep, I have 'em.  They seemed to show up about the time I installed OFB, so I'd been suspecting they'd had something to do with that.

As for this house, I don't suppose you could give me a link to this exact house?  If you could do that, I could likely find the filename from the files therein.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 30, 22:55:12
Might be worth searching for anything ending in .0001, .0002 etc.

Or _0001, _0003 as they showed up in my game.  Thanks for the tips on getting rid of them --- fortunately, I haven't had any kids go to the toybox since I unintentionally installed a house that had them.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 May 31, 01:27:14
You might have also downloaded this: it would also cause the toys to appear in the catalog.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 31, 01:37:31
You would really think by now that all housebuilders would check their work with Clean Installer!

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: Syera on 2006 May 31, 02:12:34
Why yes, yes I do have that hack.  Thanks, Sara!

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 31, 02:20:06
You would really think by now that all housebuilders would check their work with Clean Installer!

Yup, yup, yup.  I usually disable everything and only install the lot, excepting cases where there's a wall or floor coloring I don't have, but somehow I missed these when I installed that lot.  Deleted now...

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 31, 02:21:10
If the house had been clean, it wouldn't have mattered that you forgot!

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 May 31, 04:43:02
Actually, it didn't show up as anything wrong in clean installer. I download houses that are empty just to fill in the gaps in my neighborhood. The toys didn't even show up as CC. I just happened to find them lying in a bedroom...and causing all this drama! Well, I'm glad you got it sorted out now. I actually reinstalled my game after this happened because it pissed me off so much...glad I did though, I really needed to trim down on my DL folder.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 31, 11:56:08
Well, I guess that once they are lying around and not IN the toybox, they don't register.  I've had toys that the sims can't put away, and I've had to delete them since they were unclickable.

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: Syera on 2006 May 31, 15:47:34
Well, it turned out that hack was indeed the cause of the problem.  Again, thank you, Sara!  :)

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 31, 15:50:32
Well, it turned out that hack was indeed the cause of the problem.  Again, thank you, Sara!  :)
A non-awesome one, no doubt! That's what you get for dabbling in the non-awesome. Haven't you learned anything yet?

Title: Re: Time-Freezing Toybox of DOOM!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 31, 15:56:13
I don't think Syera deliberately put this non-awesome hack into her game!