More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 09:22:31

Title: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 09:22:31
Just had another unjustified visit from the repoman!  The bills were paid, no stuck bills, post person had just collected the mail, and the darn repoman showed up!  Castor tried banning him from the lot, but no dice!  So, how about a hack which allows the sim to shoot the repoman if he is, in fact, stealing?

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 26, 09:56:33
Man, I've tried walling that guy in, putting teddy bears in his path...nothing stops him. Now you got me all riled up. I wanna shoot him, too! Death to the Repoman!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 09:59:04
I know I could just turn them into babies - did that to the burglars, and since then no burglaries - but I just want the game to play fair in this case!

Now I've been back to the game and gone to replace the stolen items, I find that the repoman has also stolen Castor's diploma!!!  How on earth do I get that back?

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: Katze on 2005 August 26, 10:48:40
I know I could just turn them into babies - did that to the burglars, and since then no burglaries - but I just want the game to play fair in this case!

Now I've been back to the game and gone to replace the stolen items, I find that the repoman has also stolen Castor's diploma!!!  How on earth do I get that back?

I don't know how you are going to get the diploma back but TJ has a hack so that the repo man in not taken the diploma.
You can get the hack here.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 10:55:03
Thanks, Katze, I'll definitely install that, but it won't help poor Castor!  In future, I think I'll leave them in the rewards!  That is a truly evil and nasty little Maxis "joke", since it's obviously intended, and rewards are worth nothing, so don't make any difference to the money owed - and in this case no money was owed!!!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 26, 10:57:02
You can also get a diploma on MTS2. It's in a collection of weird things, like roaches, garbage cans, mailboxes. I was happy I had that since I somehow lost my garbage can!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 11:02:40
Sim a Little Dream a Lot has a replacement garbage can and mailbox - comes with free pizza!  I'll definitely try the MTS2 replacement diploma, though!  Thanks!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 26, 11:06:59
I'm trying to find the link for you. It's Carrigon's and is now at vs:

It doesn't have diploma in her list, but I'm pretty sure that's the right collection, as everything on that list is also in my collection. She may have compiled the list before Uni, I don't know. But in my game it's under collections and it's called "weirdo" ::)

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 11:12:38
Oh, thanks, Brynne, I do have that, just haven't installed it.  I'll have to do so when I close my game again. 

I'm going into SimPE then, and I'm going to do some VERY NASTY things to that repoman!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 26, 13:03:52
TwoJeffs put the diploma in his career and aspiration rewards collection because someone requested it.  That was before he made the fix for the diploma so the repoman and the burglar can't take them.  I am afraid to put my sims' diplomas up, so I guess they carry them in their back pockets all the time, even in the shower.  ???

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 15:13:07
Since this happened, I think I'll tell my sims to do the same!  It's just never happened before!  But I've never had the repoman visit a graduate's lot before!  I've never had the repoman visit any lot before where the sims deserved the visit!!!!!  Every time it's happened, the bills have been paid!  The whole thing is more of Maxis' evil, stinking bad programming!  They need to sack all the idiots who work for them and employ TJ and  JMP instead!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 August 26, 15:49:06
I have TwoJeffs' aspiration rewards collection and the diploma is in that.  It works, too.  When they put it up, it's the right person's diploma with the right graduation subject.  Incidentally, had you checked with the lotdebugger that there were no stuck bills?  I think sometimes they pay them, but it doesn't 'take' and they're still there.  In fact, I do wonder whether just part of the bill remains, because once I had a Repoman come and what he took was worth far less than the minimum bill would have been.  It was something ridiculous like 10 simoleans.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 15:51:45
There was nothing at all showing wrong with the lot in the debugger!  Where can I get TJ's collection, oh Wise Ancient one?

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: C.S. on 2005 August 26, 15:57:56
TJ's Buyable Career/Aspiration rewards collection here:

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 16:01:49
Thanks a lot, Curious!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: C.S. on 2005 August 26, 16:08:42
I have TwoJeffs' aspiration rewards collection and the diploma is in that. It works, too. When they put it up, it's the right person's diploma with the right graduation subject.

No probs. Was browsing anyway, picked up a 'no autonomous hang-out',  ;D.

Ooh, on the subject of diplomas, is there a way to fix things in SimPE for pre-Uni sims so that they have one that isn't generic i.e. no major reflected? I tried editing, but only in the university section and didn't give them memories of graduating, game crashed on loading, so I went back to the backup copy and played them without diplomas.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 16:12:08
Well, apart from giving them the six want slots, I haven't tried anything else to upgrade them.  I feel it's more realistic that way.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: C.S. on 2005 August 26, 16:34:48
I was over the moon when I came across TJ's collection, no more having to boolprop career rewards back (I defy your disappearing acts, stupid scanner guns!! and then there were the odd stuck queues of training kids on the medical career's surgery station, moveobject on and delete to unstick sims), and I was curious if the diploma in the collection would do anything for pre-Uni sims. I am content playing the pre-Uni sims without the diplomas, at least they were able to upgrade to 6 want slots with the FFS Lot Debugger, some of the sims aren't even supposed to be alive in the first place (brought back from their graves) and that's pretty much the extent I would go in messing around with their files - no changing their live stages so they too get a chance to go to college. It's more of a want to see it hanging pretty on the walls, plus it can't hurt to gain additional know-hows in SimPE  :P.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 16:59:40
I see the point!    I've never brought anyone back from the dead, but I have changed life stages a lot.  My nannies and burglars are all babies and so long as I don't order any more nannies, they won't respawn!  I've turned some elders into adults again, Mortimer and his ladyfriend and the Oldies, to allow them to fulfill their LTWs.  I don't mess with their appearance, just leave them looking like well-preserved 49-yr-olds who walk and talk normally but dress like elders!

One thing I don't do any more, and that's turn any Uni townies into babies, or you find them lying around all over the place on community lots - didn't happen with the Pleasantview townies, though!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: Zythe on 2005 August 26, 18:14:58
turn any Uni townies into babies, or you find them lying around all over the place on community lots - didn't happen with the Pleasantview townies, though!

I have to do that. I can just imagine it. "T-Virus hits La Fiesta Tech". Excellent...

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 26, 18:25:55
Ah, guess that was why Carrigon left it off her list; it was in TJ's collection. I have that one, too. Oops. But if you want roaches, try the link I gave... :P
TJ's "no autonomous hangout" is awesome. My sims are forced to really socialize, now.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 19:36:28
I'll have to try that, hanging out is only really useful when making new friends or trying to get into a Greek House, otherwise it drains energy and fun out of all proportion to the effort involved in lounging around on the grass!

The interesting thing about turning sims into babies is they still look the same, but because they aren't small and wearing nappies, you can't actually get sims to feed them change them, bath them or put them in cribs......I guess without any flamingoes, they'd just fade away and die!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: veilchen on 2005 August 27, 14:02:32
It really is worth it. I have downloaded the 'no autonomous hangout' and played with it last night. Works like a charm. It really was worthless and draining, and aside from that, my dormies had the habit of plopping down right in the path/way of important other things (computer, stove, exit, chess-table, etc). I had to use Merola's mirror to take control of them and disperse them. No one does that now, not the playable character, nor the dormies. They all have to interact normally now, I like it.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 27, 18:47:22
Yes, I've put it in my game and it seems to work well, although since I haven't been in the College yet, I can't be sure, but my teens aren't doing it!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 28, 22:03:57
Well, it nearly happened again!  This time to the Brokes, as if they didn't have enough problems with OffWorld Loiterers (nannies and nannymobiles)!  So, I banned all visitors and that seemed to stave the repoman off, but yet again the debugger found no stuck bills!  So I think there may be something conflicting with the Payatbox hack!  I've taken that out to see if I still get the problem without it, but it's so useful and I'd like to find out which of my many hacks is causing the problem!

Anyway, all three Repomen are now 1 day off becoming elders, they are 1 point off the bottom of the scale in all their stats, they have maximum niceness and minimum everything else and I've changed all their Aspirations to nothing, plus they have no interest in anything, no skill points, are as fat as it's possible for a sim to be!  I said I'd pay them back!!!!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 29, 01:18:46
Unfortunately, I think the repomen could care less.  As far as they are concerned, they don't really exist until it's time to come snatch your possessions, and they can do that even if they are fat, elderly, and in aspiration failure.  Too bad  you can't use the Sim vac or the cow plant on them.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 29, 09:35:11
I don't suppose he cares, but it made me feel better!  Sim vac wouldn't do much anyway, not now all their skill points have gone!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 August 29, 15:08:27
I don't suppose he cares, but it made me feel better! Sim vac wouldn't do much anyway, not now all their skill points have gone!

Sometimes revenge is its own reward. Doesn't need a point, just the ability to provide a little satisfaction.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 29, 15:21:16
Exactly!  At least now I know that with 10 nice points he must hate his job!  And being desperate for a pee, maybe he'll just take a loo!  Maybe a good reason to get rid of flamingoes!

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 30, 00:44:34
It's always funny to see the victims of the sim vac run away screaming and crying.

Title: Re: Shoot the evil repoman!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 30, 03:20:24
Especially when they're one's least favourite townie!