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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 04:34:27

Title: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 04:34:27
1-Pay Bills At The Box
2-Skilling On Community Lots

Sorry to bother you but I tried to find 2 above hacks and haven't found.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: jrd on 2006 May 29, 04:41:19
1: discontinued in NL and OFB in favour of Macrotastics - Pay bills.
  Uni version: (don't use in XP2 or XP3).

You can find all hacks in the subdirectories for the specific expansion packs on — if a hack is not listed under /hacks/ it may be part of the Directors Cut package and be contained in instead.

If you have FFS you must use OFB versions even if you do not own that XP.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 04:45:38
Thanks so much, mate.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 04:51:23


1: discontinued in NL and OFB in favour of Macrotastics - Pay bills.
  Uni version: (don't use in XP2 or XP3).


With regret, it's unavailable in NL and OFB?
As u can see, this hack is quite useful, while i'm enjoying XP3 (OFB).

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 04:55:17
I'm not sure about OFB, but I know in NL, if your sim received a love letter from a date, PayAtBox would cause the sim to get stuck in a loop of checking the mail, walking around the box, and checking again, never paying the bills.

Title: Re:More of update of 'Pay bill at the box' and others are expected ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 05:56:57
Thanks for your information, mate.

1-'Pay bill at the box'
It seems that all of us are expecting this useful hack will be updated very soon.
I was troubled with the bills quite often. My sims couldn't pay in time as they left the bills somewhere and i was confused to find where the bills were placed in, lol.

2-The same thing happens with 'homework'. Sim children'd just like to drop it somewhere when they come home (even though, i tried to help by putting it onto the study desk).

Any facilities to store them? Tried with bookshels but no way. So i think a hack to let magazines to be stored in is useful. The Sims just like to drop somewhere after reading.

Quite often, the Sims left so many wasted food dishes when they serve group meal. So refrigerator  used as  food-keeper is a good proposal? (Actually, I can use Sims inventory to stock dishes, but they get stinked very soon as u can see the food is available for only 6 hours)

Any idea is appreciated.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 May 29, 06:07:34
Payatbox won't be updated - it's officially discontinued.  If you want the feature, you'll have to install the base Macrotastics (available in the Firing Range).  When bills are ready to pay, Pay bills will show up in the Macros menu.  It helps if you have a small table or mailbox cover, etc. near the mailbox to facilitate this.

There are reservable desks by Inge, I think, at

I don't know about your last two questions.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 06:26:23
Thanks for your helpful info, mate.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 06:54:58
For paying bills, in addition to Blue's suggestions, you can also use Monique's computer to pay bills online, or if you use the InSimenator, the newest version includes an auto bill paying feature you can use on a per-lot basis.

Macrotastics is very helpful in sending your kids to do their homework, no matter where they have hidden it, they will find it and do it.  Also, Dizzy2 had a homework hack at MTS2 that made Sim kids put their homework on a desk or table in their bedroom if there is one.  I've been using it with NL.  However, he's not modding anymore, and I'm not sure how well it will work with OFB.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 06:59:48
Use Monique's computer to pay bills online?

Is it a hack or new stuff (in FFS)?

If so, i will rush for FFS now.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 07:03:01
Uh, no, that is not one of Pescado's hacks.  Monique is at MTS2.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 07:13:17
Thanks, mate, trying to look it up.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 07:17:35
Here's the link to Monique's computer:

It does a lot of other neat things also.  :)

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 07:20:07
Thanks, again, mate. :)

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 07:20:56
You're welcome, mate.  ;)  Glad I could help.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 07:27:30
By the way, rainbow,

if we can play The Sims 2 online, may our sims can meet each other?

I will throw a party for you, lol.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 07:39:34
LOL, that sounds like fun.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Little Dragonbaby on 2006 May 29, 07:44:56
It's not really a fun.

I wish my handsome sim will meet your beautiful sim someday,lol ;)

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 07:50:12
That's nice of you to say.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: jrd on 2006 May 29, 11:53:20
(…)Dizzy2 had a homework hack at MTS2 that made Sim kids put their homework on a desk or table in their bedroom if there is one.  I've been using it with NL.  However, he's not modding anymore, and I'm not sure how well it will work with OFB.

I am still using it with FFS (and with OFB), works okay with the old caveat that sometimes they still won't use their desks. But this problem existed in previous XPs as well.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 17:30:34
I was having a problem like that, but I went back and read what Dizzy said, and he said there has to be a clear space to the right of the desk.  I realized that is where the child stands when they put the homework on the desk, and in houses that had this, they would use it, and in ones that it wasn't working, it was usually because the desk was flush against the wall on the right side.  Could something like this be happening to you?   

I tried moving the desks, and in some houses they started using the desks.  But in a few, they still won't.  I think maybe they got into the habit after they put it in a certain place, they always put it there.  The weird thing is that this one kid I have is putting it right inside the front door like his mom and his mom's siblings did when they were kids before they went to Uni!  His mother moved back in with her parents and got married before they died.  It's funny to see him repeating the same behavior.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 May 29, 17:46:21
Whenever I have a kid put their homework somewhere other than their assigned desk, I move the desk like you do. (almost always I find I placed it with that square blocked). But then you have to manually place their homework on the desk before they do it. The next day they will put it on the appropriate desk.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 18:02:03
Well, I don't know what it is about this one house.  Every day I put their homework on their desk, and still they don't put it there the next time.  :(  I keep hoping maybe they'll get the idea, but I've about given up on them.  :-\

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: jrd on 2006 May 29, 18:12:04
(…)Could something like this be happening to you?

Nah, my problem is that the kids don't seem to know what their bedroom is. I really wish Inge had updated her reservable beds patch before she stopped modding :(

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 May 29, 21:45:33
Well, I don't know what it is about this one house.  Every day I put their homework on their desk, and still they don't put it there the next time.  :(  I keep hoping maybe they'll get the idea, but I've about given up on them.  :-\

I had a house like that. Sometimes they don't like the door nearby or an object near that is placed on a diagonal. Sometimes they get tripped up at the bus stop and just give up or they see another kid in the path they plan to take...even if that kid would have moved by the time they get there. Try moving the desk again until you find a place that the kid likes. Of course you have to go through putting the homework back on the desk each time they act stupid.

So it ends up like this...kid drops homework. Move desk. Place homework. Wait until next day. Lather, rinse, repeat. I finally got all my kids putting their homework in the right place, but the desk never ends up where I wanted it in the first place. Two desks back to back in the middle of the room seems to be the best setup.

Jordi: I have both the reservable bed patch and her reservable beds. Inge said you could use both in the game. You are right. The patch doesn't always work. The actual reservable beds work much better. Only problem is you are limited in what beds you can use and while her beds do pick up custom bedding they don't pick up custom frames. Sometimes I can get by with relying just on the patch if there aren't many kids in the house but for larger families I always end up putting the reservable beds back into play.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: jrd on 2006 May 29, 22:52:46
magicmoon: the global patch doesn't work in OFB/FF‏S‏ :(

I used some of the reservable beds, but not any more. I now rely on door locking.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 29, 22:56:52
Well, I don't know what it is about this one house.  Every day I put their homework on their desk, and still they don't put it there the next time.  :(  I keep hoping maybe they'll get the idea, but I've about given up on them.  :-\
Sims will not use a desk to do their homework unless it happens to be The One Desk.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 29, 23:07:49
Sims will not use a desk to do their homework unless it happens to be The One Desk.
I'm talking about when using Dizzy2's Homework in Bedroom hack.  They will seek a desk in their bedroom first and put their homework there.  If there is not a desk or table in their bedroom, they will look outside their bedroom.  I use the sleep clock, so my sim kids pretty much know which bed is theirs.  I think the problem is just the design of this house.

Title: Re: Can you attach 2 hacks ?
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 June 01, 08:26:01
im using dizzy's  homework in the bedroom  and also inge's  token to assign bedrooms and they usually get them on their own desk.    it was lost in the update and i havent found it again yet, but there was a hack on mts2 i think that had them do homework automatically at 7pm that was GREAT.