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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: DJsimmy on 2005 August 26, 00:31:07

Title: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: DJsimmy on 2005 August 26, 00:31:07
Aside from the contents of "Mrs. Crumplebottom's purse", did anyone actually learn anything from what was discussed?  It's disappointing that the Maxoids never answered any important questions -- just the silly ones   :(

Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: gali on 2005 August 26, 03:06:17
Oooohhh, Mrs Crumplebottom - I miss her for sure...:). I remember that when my sims were at the community lot, and she was around, I never gave them to hug/kiss, scared that she will "smack" them with it. Only when she went away, I dared slowly to allow them hugging and kissing...and I never understood what does it mean "make out", because always when my sim tried to do that, he was slapped...:). So I never used it...:).

Usually, you can learn things from the discussion, depends what was the question, or the experience described. You don't have to depend on the Maxoids to answer your question, they are players like you, and have one main role: to watch that the EA forum rules are kept. Some of them are TTT, quite new  players.

Don't go to the "General Discussion" section - there are all the nonsense threads; keep visiting Technical Help, Game Help, and University; I found there quite a lot good suggestions...:).

Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: striker on 2005 August 26, 14:31:17
As usual, there was a lot of garbage in the chat with a LOT of rehashing of things that have been known for a long time.  But there was some usefull information sprinkled in.

1. the skyscrapers shown are props, but you will be able to make your own skyscrapers.
2. You can click on a neighbors house and load the lot without going to the neighborhood screen, was confirmed.
3. Fire hydrants added?  Will the current firefighters use them?
4. several different driveway designs.
5. You can have a dj table and karoke machines on a residential lot.
6. Cars will have car alarms.
7. you can have alien/zombie/vampires confirmed
8. pleasure sim aspirational failure involves a lampshade on their head
9. Nightlife will try to fix as many of the bugs to university as they can.  The rest will be handled with the standalone patch.
10. largest lot size will now be 5x6 and cost 18,500.
11. you can put any object into your inventory.
12. teens can drive siblings to school
13. you can fight rivals or pay them off to get rid of them

Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: Zythe on 2005 August 26, 14:38:41
I'm sad. The alien-vampire-zombie thing sounds good to me lol :D as does the ability to put anything in an inventory, and so, make proper cemetaries.

Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: MutantBunny on 2005 August 26, 22:05:11
New cheat that will allow us to change pitch of roofs. Yay.

Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: DuckSpeak on 2005 August 27, 04:09:53
I never understood why they never made the 2x2 buyable.  ::) 5x6 sounds rather overkill - but then my ancient video card can't support anything near that.

Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: vector on 2005 August 27, 14:48:15
New cheat that will allow us to change pitch of roofs. Yay.

Oh, thank god!!

Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: LFox on 2005 August 30, 10:22:32
I was there for the entire chat duration and i can honestly say they answered only the stupid questions.  Yes there were a few new things but it seemed to me that the developers were rather childish.  Things we've heard about 3 dozen times before and cow plants going for dates were among a few of the things said.

I myself asked about 15 questions only one of which was answered.  You'll find it near the top of the chat scripts where i asked how vampires can even go to work if they burst into flames when they go outside.  It was one of my concerns since vampires supposedly die very fast in the sunlight but if their able to run to and from a carpool it can't be that excessive.

Overall i don't think you should ever expect much from the developer chats they seem more interested in seeming humourous to the hundreds of people that show up rather than answering intelligent questions.  If you want to know anything about the game i think you're best bet is to buy it or ask someone who's played it for a while.

That's just my two cents on the matter.

Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: tsrynolds on 2005 August 30, 22:34:12
Has any chat so far even been worth looking at.

Most chats revolve around answering dumb questions and giving vague answers.


Title: Re: The Maxis chat ... was it worthless?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 August 30, 23:01:00
Has any chat in the hisory of the world ever been worth looking at?

I am staying away from NL information until a month after it comes out, to minimize chance of going insane due to evil marketing schemes and buying it before the most pressing game crashing bugs are fixed. Also, if I wait, I have a good chance of getting it for my birthday.

The inventory thing sounds like it's going to be entertaining. Any object includes cow plants? Elegant way to hand the cemetary business, too. But I cringe when I consider the bugs . . . eep.