More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Jysudo on 2006 May 22, 14:54:51

Title: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 22, 14:54:51
Ok, I made a stupid error in my hair binning and I lost this file (the blonde hair shown below) for some age groups. As you know, PG2 file names are a huge mess. I would appreciate if you can indentify this hair and tell me the exact file name.

I have spent so much time in the folder and SimPE and FAILED to find this hair file.

Go ahead and laugh but give me the answer after laughing.

Thank you so much.


Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 22, 14:56:09
Why do people seem compelled to bring problems of other sites to here? Doesn't Peggy have her own freakin' forums?

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 22, 15:20:14
That's because the people are so awesome here at your more awesome than anywhere forums that I feel my problem will certainly be solved here.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: JenW on 2006 May 22, 15:31:47
If Peggy does have a forum it's probably as impossible to use as the rest of her site. I'd go look for it, but I don't feel like going blind.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Leeahna on 2006 May 22, 15:41:13
PeggyDonatehair0003_051006-recolor-yellow, mapname: Peggysims2Donate_hair0013_Britneyyellow_recolor, think thats the one.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 22, 19:18:24
My god, she could certainly take a leaf out of Seomi's book when it comes to clarity!

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 May 23, 01:05:04
If you buggered it all beyond repair, I have that hair set all binned and everything available *ahem* you know where.

Seomi's hair is not only free and clearly labeled, but she actually bins it as well! I seriously wish Peggy would start doing that.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 23, 01:20:34
Seomi's is the best hair I've found, and I paid a sub at simsconnection purely for hair, and then I discovered Seomi!  Not only does she bin it, but when she did the older hair, the sims wearing that hair didn't go bald or get something else, all I needed to do was change a few partners turn ons!  And her hair moves naturally without funny creases when the sim moves, and is neither dull and flat looking or overly shiny so that it looks like someone smothered it in oil!  I can't wait for her next creation, LOL!

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: MsMaria on 2006 May 23, 01:21:30
I love Seomi's hair. :)

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 23, 01:27:59
PeggyDonatehair0003_051006-recolor-yellow, mapname: Peggysims2Donate_hair0013_Britneyyellow_recolor, think thats the one.

Thanks for being awesome!! I will check it out. I just know that you people will know...!!  ;D

And thanks Lie, I will see if I can 'repair' that hair. *cough* I tried looking for it there but as the file name is such that I really cannot find it, I don't know how to begin looking for the hair in the first place. And its all PG2's fault and probably mine. I ought to have put pictures in those folders when I bin those hair and wouldn't have these pains now.

But PG2 is not the worst. Rose Sims' hairs are horribly named and labelled too.

Regarding Seomi, all I hope is that she won't take up the FA at TSR when TSR offers her. They will do it sooner or later because she is so talented. Once she takes  that up, she can't give us those awesome hairs at her free site anymore.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 May 23, 01:41:48
Well, if you do need it, it should be labeled "peggydonate3" or something along those lines.

I hope seomi doesn't go to TSR. It would make me sad. Or if she does go, I hope she maintains a free site on the side. It amazes me how many people buy at TSR when they can get it free elsewhere.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 23, 01:58:39
As all other things, they buy because it's convenient to get everything there. Why shop at ten places when you can save time and effort by shopping at Walmart?

Thanks Lie. Now I have the stupid file name, I will know exactly what I am looking for.. :P

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 23, 07:14:44
I tried some of Janna's hair and Rose Sims hair, the free stuff, of course, and it looked so nice on the site.  But once I got it in the game, it looked horrible.  I was terribly disappointed.  On some of them, the animation is totally messed up.  But on others, they just look like I cut out a picture in a magazine and pasted it on my sim's head, even though it is 3D.  It looks like it's made out of cardboard.  On the other hand, Seomi's hairs are beautiful, and I wish that she had more of them.  There was just one hairstyle she had made in which I found that the black female toddler hair texture is missing.  :(  She had retextured all ages, and the brown, blond, and red colors were available, but the black one just looked like a flat white background with black letters on it and a red X through it.  I tried to send her a PM on MTS2, but she never replied.  I thought about posting a message on her thread at MTS2, but I was afraid that she wouldn't see it, and people would get mad because they'd think I was criticizing her work.  Au contraire, I love her work, and I thought she would like to know there was a problem, as I was unable to fix it. 

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 23, 07:37:34
Rainbow, she no longer visits MTS2. Try her personal site or PM her using TSR. she goes to these places now.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 May 23, 07:38:34
I am not a fan of Janna's hair at all. Like you say, it looks like it is made out of cardboard, and some of the pay hair has textures that don't match up right. She makes lovely objects, but I deleted almost every one of the Sim Connection hairstyles I've downloaded. Some of Rose Sim's hair are better than others, but it does seem hit or miss.

I wonder if Seomi ever fixed that hair? I wouldnt worry too much about offending her by posting in her thread, I know if something I had put up for download was messed up, I'd want to know. As for other people, eh, who cares? Of course, if it was really bothering you, you could recolour one of the other colours with the black textures for yourself.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: JenW on 2006 May 23, 11:40:33
I've noticed Janna's textures are really hit and miss too. I think part of the problem is she has a really high end system, and some of her textures look like crap on lower end ones. When I upgraded my video card, some of her hairs which didn't look that good suddenly looked a lot better on my machine. Some of her old retextures/restyles of Maxis meshes are nice, and most of the long hair textures are nice too.

I agree with Jysudo, Rainbow, send her a PM at TSR and tell her about it.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 23, 12:58:04
I would agree with you about that, the only hair from Sims connection I use much now is Fionn's Affectionate Object hair, which looks far better in game than it does in the pictures!

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 May 26, 02:14:56
Seomi is quite nice. I PMed her about a poly mistake she made on one of her hairs, and she promptly fixed it and thanked me even.

I'd assume she just doesn't visit MTS2 much anymore. That's more likely the issue.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 26, 11:05:24
I've found that generally, good creators do like to be told about something that isn't right in their stuff, and will make every effort to put it right.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 May 26, 14:03:28
Regarding Seomi, all I hope is that she won't take up the FA at TSR when TSR offers her.

She apparently has.  I visited TSR this morning and tried to download her hair.  It is locked to those without paid subscriptions.

My game will do just fine without....

[Edit.  Downloads still available at her site]

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 26, 14:07:03
And another one bites the dust!!!!!  How long before EAGames decides to take up the offer to move to TSR?  But she's still updating at Seomisims, so...

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 26, 14:13:03
That totally sucks.  Hers was some of the best hair out there.  At least she is still updating her site...for now.  I worry that TSR will make her stop doing that.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: KellyQ on 2006 May 26, 14:24:13
There was just one hairstyle she had made in which I found that the black female toddler hair texture is missing.  :(  She had retextured all ages, and the brown, blond, and red colors were available, but the black one just looked like a flat white background with black letters on it and a red X through it.

Ahh, so that's what it is! I have this in my game too and couldn't for the life of me figure out what I had downloaded that gave me this texture for the toddler's hair. Another mystery solved. :D

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 26, 14:25:28
Well, as long as people keep being sucked in to pay for TSR stuff, and creators keep finding it difficult to go it alone, this sort of thing is bound to keep happening.  Just a pity she didn't go to Sim Freaks - she'd have been better paid and Heather wouldn't have made her close her own site!

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 May 26, 16:16:08
Regarding Seomi, all I hope is that she won't take up the FA at TSR when TSR offers her.

She apparently has.  I visited TSR this morning and tried to download her hair.  It is locked to those without paid subscriptions.

What do those things have to do with each other? There's no correlation at all between whether someone is a FA and whether their stuff is free.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 26, 16:22:20
Well, tell me what at TSR is always free?

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 May 26, 16:30:31
Well, tell me what at TSR is always free?

Very few things are designated always free. Most of the content that is free at any given time is part of the rotation. Items made by non-FAs are not free, unless they happen to be part of that week's rotation.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 May 26, 17:11:00
I took a look and I don't see where she is an FA.  She's there and she has her own mini-site (which I think any prolific creator can get), but she's not an FA yet.

And lots of FA's do have their own sites and submit stuff on other sites too - NeptuneSuzy has her own site, Windkeeper submits things to MTS2, etc.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 26, 17:32:53
FAs are allowed to do whatever they want but they cannot offer what they offer at TSR on other places. In other words, their TSR downloads are exclusive to TSR.
That is why people like me keep getting sucked into paying for subs. I cannot live without Tiko or SA99 or WK or BBS.

nope, she is not an FA yet but she will be one unless she reject them.
I saw frisbud's posting on FA. A mini site is always the FIRST step towards FA-ship so Semoi is very near there. If I am steve, I will pay pay pay to grab her.

Nothing at TSR is always free. So if you got tired of waiting for a mesh which is not free just want to pay. For me, I never bother with waiting for freebies. My life is stressful enough without this stupid anticipation.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 26, 17:39:42
It's too much stress for me coping with all the TSR stuff I already have from when I did have a sub!

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 26, 18:06:46
LOL, zz. Glad to have you back! I always enjoy your comments  ::)

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 26, 18:23:01
Well, thank you for that, Jysudo, though sometimes my comments do get taken amiss and I accidentally upset someone!  It's good to have sorted myself out enough to get back, though!

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 May 26, 23:45:07
What is going on with TSR anyway, is the freebie section screwed up this week (more than the usual) or are they going to start cutting way back on what's offered on rotation?
I went to go look at the body stuff and it's just totally messed up saying there are 94 eye colors, 104 makeup, 107 hair etc, There is nothing there but a page worth of hair meshes and recolors, same as yesterday. It's exactly this kind of thing that makes me leery of subscribing there.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 27, 13:31:27
What I really hated when I had a sub is there's no way of telling what you've already got, you have to keep scrolling through pages and pages of recolours to find something worth having, and so much stuff is available in sets and is then duplicated as individual objects!  The site is too big and in many ways it needs tidying up quite a bit.  What really makes me angry is to see how many creators keep getting sucked in, so that, even if they still keep their own site, TSR gets all the good stuff, and generally they don't update much on their own site any more.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 May 27, 23:09:12

Yeah, I really, really dislike TSR. For one, it is a cesspool of utter garbage and people keep uploading some of the ugliest, poorly made crap in order to get a free day or two. Another thing is that even if you can find something you like when it is free, you have to hope that the mesh is free as well, as they break everything up into individual downloads. The site is nearly impossible to navigate, and the whole thing is a bloated, unweildy mess. I'm not about to spend my money and my time to sift through the trash to find the decent downloads, and in the rare instance that the FAs do make something that I want, I'd rather sit and wait for it to come up free than shell out the $8 a month.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 27, 23:13:24
And some of those who have their own sites still, like Dincer,  put good stuff up on them too, and you don't have to pay for it!  But for all those who do still update with good things on their own sites, there are many more who don't, or just close their sites altogether.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Erica on 2006 May 28, 04:10:31
I for one haate downloading at TSR. I mean, hacing some wonderful things in my game i didnt have before is a pluss, but i only download sets. So, i download a set in a .zip/.rar file, extract it to my downloads folder, and after a while im like "hey, where is all this stuff i downloaded?" turns out sets are actually a file of a folder. So now, i have about 20 folders in my EA Games downloads folder with names like "194" or "210", and i have to open and guess whats inside?

More .zip and .rar files


So even with nightlife installed I cant enjoy the luxury of keeping the damn folders as sub folders because the game wont detect the things in the .zip are .rar files. So i have to extract them all. Cut/paste. Delte folder. move on to the next one.

About a 10 minute prossess which could have easily been avoided had the organization of TSR been a bit more easier.

Like not putting ONE package per ONE .zip file and than have that one .zip file coupled with 5 others in a folder IN ANOTHER .ZIP FILE.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: DMDye on 2006 May 28, 04:17:07
I tried to find the creator you mentioned and looked for Seomisims but got this web page instead: ( - I didn't look at every page, but did not find any hairs by her.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: rohina on 2006 May 28, 04:31:44

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 28, 07:43:14
Why do all of Seomi's sims look bug-eyed?

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 28, 08:27:37
Maybe they are part alien?

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 May 28, 09:35:25
Because most of them fit the standard of beauty common to asian countries. Larger, round eyes are considered more attractive than smaller ones.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 28, 10:02:08
I knew that really, and I'm sure Pescado did too.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Meska on 2006 May 28, 14:03:37
The hair pictured in the start of this thread is very pretty. Alas, I do not pay for custom content. I suppose that's why my sims all go around sporting Maxis hair. *le sigh*

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 28, 14:09:54
There's plenty of good free hair out there, you know!  For excellent adaptations of Maxis hair, why not check out Mermaid Cove? (

Another excellent site is Simpathetic. (

Seomi has already been mentioned in the thread.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 28, 14:53:48
Well, thank you for that, Jysudo, though sometimes my comments do get taken amiss and I accidentally upset someone!  It's good to have sorted myself out enough to get back, though!

I upset people all the time, zz! I  ::) Anyway, I love having you back!  ;D
For several weeks, I thought you have moved on to other games!

And I think PG2 models have bug eyes too lol.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 28, 15:00:22
Having played The sims ever since it first came out, and sim city for years before that, I can't think of anything that would stop me playing short of losing my eyesight or total paralysis! ;D  But it's really nice to know I was missed - but I was still simming like crazy, you know!

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 May 28, 15:06:11
Do you know both Ms Doh and I start threads in Retardo asking where you are?   :D

You are certainly missed. The podium don't seem the same without you and now you are back, JM must be cracking his brains over the XX title lol.

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 28, 15:08:54
Well, it looks like I'll still beat him to that score!  (Hey, I rarely go to RL, so I probably wouldn't have known about the threads if you hadn't told me!)

Title: Re: Can someone tell me exact file name of this offending hair?
Post by: Meska on 2006 May 28, 23:14:17
There's plenty of good free hair out there, you know!

*chuckle* I know. That wasn't the point of my lament.