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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jsalemi on 2006 May 21, 22:24:45

Title: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 21, 22:24:45
Ok, so I decided for a change of pace to play with the maxis characters in Strangetown and Veronaville for a bit (I've pretty much only played Pleasantview up to now). So after fixing all the farkled DNA strings, I played around with Strangetown first, and I've hit the following problems:

1) Johnny Smith:  ok, so I tried to get him to go to college rather than grow up, but when he calls to move to college, he can't leave the house.  The "I have other responsibilities and can't leave the little ones alone" dialog pops up, even though his parents are there.  Ok, so I let him age, and of course he starts crying about missing college (and gets the bad memory to boot).  So, I want him to move out to his own place, and he can't -- the 'find own place' option doesn't appear for him or anyone else in the house.  Not in the paper, not in the computer, not on the phone. 

2) The Grunts: so far, the only problem I've seen is that they to don't have the 'find own place' option, either. Otherwise, no problems there, and none with the other pre-made families (so far).

So is it the 'bugged pre-uni lots' problem I'm hitting here?  Should I just move them out and back in (or into a different house) to solve it?  I guess I could use the aging cheat to move johnny back to a teen and then send him off to college, but I don't know if that'll cause him to get farkled since he already has the 'missed college' memory (which I guess I can delete in SimPE).

Ok, on to Veronaville -- no problems with any of the pre-mades, EXCEPT for the Summerdreams.  I tried to get Oberon to propose to Titania, and the first "Propose" option that pops up is "Go Steady"!  So I pick that, and then they get the option to get engaged.  But they never get the option to get married!  It looks like the game is treating them as YAs instead of Adults. I checked them both in SimPE, and can't see any obvious reason for it, so I'm stumped.  Another instance of the 'bugged pre-uni lot' problem?  Or, is there a way I can just fix them without moving them out of the house (though I may anyway, since that house is WAY too big for 4 people).

Or I can just bag it, and go back to playing my Pleasantview and maybe set up a custom hood and just can ST and VV. :)

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Annette on 2006 May 21, 22:56:13
I restart Strangetown frequently and have always been able to move Johnny Smith to college. Also  sent the Grunt boys. I guess it helps to be non-awesome  :) I haven't fixed DNA or used Simpe ever, so perhaps you will have to go back and have another look at what you did there.
As far as the DNA issue is concerned, NL fixed problems with the alien skin tone, and now Jenny and Poll Tech #9 go on to have another green daughter in my game. They used to get a dark skinned red haired girl before.
I'm not sure tis is really helpful, but at least you know those kids can go to college  :) Good luck with your debugging  :D

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Dea on 2006 May 21, 23:13:02
NL may have fixed ther alien skintone but those sims are still missing DNA which they need if they are ever going to reproduce.

Check this out,  Jonny in my game has 20 days left until he becomes elder, but every day at 6pm he gets a pop up that says he has one day left and he doesnt age at all.   I have to use insimenator to subtract a day each night at 6pm.  This has been going on since he moved back to ST from LFT.  Ophelia graduated college with him and she ages normal. 

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 21, 23:18:28
Hmm, then some hack in my game must have interferred with him going to college at all. I'll try aging him back down and see if I can send him off to college.

I still suspect the inability to move out is the pre-uni lot bug.  I guess I can play around with them, since I really don't have much time invested in either of these neighborhoods, so I won't care if they become a BFVFS. :)  So long as nothing happens to my Pleasantview, which is well into its fourth generation, I'm happy...

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 22, 02:39:08
The only time I played them, before even NL, I had no problem with getting Johnny to college - I just turned Aging off until he'd gained a few skill points and was able to get a scholarship.  And I definitely had no problem with the taxi for any other residents either, in fact i found it a remarkably UNbugged hood compared to Pleasantview!

 However, Veronaville is another story entirely, I arrived at the summerdreams' house in the middle of the wedding party and never managed to get them married, as all hell let loose between the teenagers, and after that neither of them ever got the want again.  I eventually exited without saving as the whole thing was such a disaster and by the time I played them again all the Capp and Monty teens were friends, I entered the lot and all the guests just said they had to go and that was the end of the party - moral, pre NL, don't ever invite teens to a party that will go on after 9 o'clock!

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 22, 02:50:05
Well, I solved most of the problems I mentioned -- it was a hack conflict. I aged Johnny back down and he was able to go to college, and I got the Summerdreams married.  And the 'find own place' problem appears to have gone away too.

Alas, it was the famous kitten killer causing the problems. I had been on the verge of taking the hack out of my game anyway, so it was no big loss to do so for awhile.

I am duly chastised for using non-awesome stuff...  :-[

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 May 22, 02:58:13
Which hack was it?

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 22, 02:59:51
Use the quote function to read the very tiny print in my message. :)

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 May 22, 03:07:49
Oh, for shame!

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 May 22, 03:14:55
what was InTeen conflicting with? 

Strangetown and Veronaville are just plain buggy no matter what, usually spawning the clocks for the sims helped InTeen deal with those sims better...from what I have read  (I don't play those hoods)

I love InTeen but theres times I get tired of dealing with possible conflicts between it and other hacks that I want to try so I take it out and switch to using jenflowers woohoo (no preg) hack (updated now by jase) and if I do want a teen to have a baby, I use InSims "Independent Teen" feature.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Nec on 2006 May 22, 03:56:08
The only time I got that message with Johnny and the Grunt boys when I tried to send them to college was when I had the "no adult teens" flavor pack installed while testing with inteen. It only happens with those two households. In Veronaville, inteen will prevent the Summerdream couple from being able to marry.

You will also get, "General Buzz will grow up in just one day at 6:00pm" if you have InTeen installed and have not played the Grunt family yet. It is the premade stories that Maxis embedded in the lots and the characters on them.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 22, 11:36:25
TJs pregnancy for all allows YAs to get pregnant, and if I remember correctly, it will conflict with any other teen pregnancy hack, but will work with any teen woohoo hack.  Oh dear, I can cope with the thought of pregnant 13-year-old sims, after all, it happens in RL, but the thought of pregnant 13-year-old MALE sims??????  Although, come to think of it, if you create a CAS family with a teenager, something like that must have happened.......

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 22, 12:28:41
The only time I got that message with Johnny and the Grunt boys when I tried to send them to college was when I had the "no adult teens" flavor pack installed while testing with inteen. It only happens with those two households. In Veronaville, inteen will prevent the Summerdream couple from being able to marry.

You will also get, "General Buzz will grow up in just one day at 6:00pm" if you have InTeen installed and have not played the Grunt family yet. It is the premade stories that Maxis embedded in the lots and the characters on them.

Yup, that's exactly what happened in my game, on all counts, and I had 'no adult teens' installed.  Disabling Inteen solved all those problems -- Johnny is in college, and the Summerdreams are now married.  But I was thinking of taking it out anyway, and switching back to the 'woohoo_teens' mod for a while, since I need to do some population control on my Pleasantview, and didn't want anymore random teen pregnancies happening. I had a rash of oops pregnancies (I keep forgetting to turn birth control on  :P) lately, so I'll play without it (and any other risky woohoo mods) for a while. I can re-enable it sometime in the future if I decide to let 'nature take its course' again. :)

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 May 22, 13:56:17
I ran into the same problem when I was lotbinning sims to make my unified hood.  Sims from Pleasantview could move out just fine.  But many sims from Strangetown and Veronaville couldn't.

The culprit ended up being Inteen.  Just like you.  But spawning the biological clock on the affected sims fixes things.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 22, 14:16:27
The culprit ended up being Inteen.  Just like you.  But spawning the biological clock on the affected sims fixes things.

I tried that and it still didn't work; they were still stuck in their 'broken' modes until I disabled Inteen completely. Maybe an OFB thing?  Who knows...

And to beat JMP to the punch...

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 May 22, 15:12:18
We need an ad for Insim too.  But with puppies.   :)

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jase on 2006 May 26, 14:52:31
The culprit ended up being Inteen.  Just like you.  But spawning the biological clock on the affected sims fixes things.
The junk townie data that afflicts Strangetown and Veronaville sims is a a well documented phenomenon.  The fact that the InTeenimater can be disrupted by it, does not make InTeen "the cause".  InTeen is not the only thing that gets "thrown off the rails" by these crapped out sims.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 26, 15:02:30
I think one reason why I don't often play either!  It's not only the sims, in veronaville the houses are often affected too.  Try removing the staircase from the house with the maze, and you'll see what I mean!

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Dea on 2006 May 26, 15:46:02
The junk townie data that afflicts Strangetown and Veronaville sims is a a well documented phenomenon.  The fact that the InTeenimater can be disrupted by it, does not make InTeen "the cause".  InTeen is not the only thing that gets "thrown off the rails" by these crapped out sims.

I took out Inteen for a while and still had problems with Johnnie wanting to age too early so I put it back in...

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 26, 16:16:19
I found so long as I put aging off the moment I entered the Smith house, everything was fine.  I could keep him just young enough not to go and grow up, get him in platinum and as soon as one of the family had enough to get some elixir, he had some of that to aid the process (just in case...)

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: KellyQ on 2006 May 26, 16:42:12
The junk townie data that afflicts Strangetown and Veronaville sims is a a well documented phenomenon.  The fact that the InTeenimater can be disrupted by it, does not make InTeen "the cause".  InTeen is not the only thing that gets "thrown off the rails" by these crapped out sims.

I took out Inteen for a while and still had problems with Johnnie wanting to age too early so I put it back in...

Same here. I had problems with Strangetown with or without Inteen. I don't know about Veronaville, it's never interested me enough to play it that much.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jrd on 2006 May 26, 19:13:24
If you'd ever bothered to read the documentation, these bugged characters are well described in the inTeen manual complete with the fix: spawn the biological clock for all Maxis Sims (including playables, townies, and service NPCs) and it will automatically correct them. This is not needed in Pleasantview or for Sims born or generated in-game.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 26, 19:54:35
If you'd ever bothered to read the documentation, these bugged characters are well described in the inTeen manual complete with the fix: spawn the biological clock for all Maxis Sims (including playables, townies, and service NPCs) and it will automatically correct them. This is not needed in Pleasantview or for Sims born or generated in-game.

I've bothered to read the documentation, I did spawn the biological clocks for the characters, and it didn't fix them at all for me.  Only disabling inteen cleaned up the problems enough for me to play them 'normally'. I know it's not Inteen's fault -- the characters are bugged, which is why I tried the clock thing in the first place.  But since I wanted to play them for a while, and disabling inteen was the only way to do so in my game, that's what I did. Inteen still lives on my disk, and it'll be enabled again once I get my p-view population a bit under better control, because I like it, and was very happy when Jase got the OFB version out. :)

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Dea on 2006 May 26, 20:15:34
I tried to read the documentation but since I only have notepad its just a jumbled mess...I have to buy a  new program bc I lost the cds...So all I have to do is spawn the biological cllock and then do what

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jrd on 2006 May 26, 20:27:14
You can open the doc in Wordpad, included with all Windows versions.

Spawning the biological clock *should* fix the bugs—does so for me in any case. No further action needed.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 May 26, 21:45:02
NL may have fixed ther alien skintone but those sims are still missing DNA which they need if they are ever going to reproduce.

Check this out,  Jonny in my game has 20 days left until he becomes elder, but every day at 6pm he gets a pop up that says he has one day left and he doesnt age at all.   I have to use insimenator to subtract a day each night at 6pm.  This has been going on since he moved back to ST from LFT.  Ophelia graduated college with him and she ages normal. 

That happens with just about every sim in my game, I just figured it was a side effect of the kitten killer.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jase on 2006 May 28, 00:36:22
I tried to read the documentation but since I only have notepad its just a jumbled mess...

You can find WordPad located under Start | All Programs | Accessories on Windows 98, 2000, and Windows XP.

Quote from: Ellatrue
Quote from: StarrKist
...but every day at 6pm he gets a pop up that says he has one day left and he doesnt age at all
That happens with just about every sim in my game, I just figured it was a side effect of the kitten killer.
It's not normal.  The junk townie bug can cause this, however, there was a bug discovered two or three months back that occurred on systems where Nightlife had been installed but University was not.  This "redundant birthday popups" bug was corrected in a earlier release.  You may just need to download the very latest version of InTeen for your game.

Quote from: Jordi
Spawning the biological clock *should* fix the bugs
Spawning the Biological Clock fixes those conflicts that screw up the InTeenimater (mostly age related).  But there are other problems with Strangetown and Veronaville that InTeen does not address.  For instance, many of the sims have junk DNA, crapped out family trees, and memories.  If you're lucky enough to breed two of them together you can crash the game.  I've reproduced this many times in a completely virgin installation of the game devoid of kitten killers and any other content.  Other townies appear in the game as 65000+ days old.  I don't know what to say, except that those neighborhoods are ticking time bombs - Strangetown, being the worst of the 3.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: vilia on 2006 May 28, 01:33:09
Just wanted to second (or is it third) the comments that Strangetown is bugged without InTeen.  All I have are MATY hacks and I have had big issues with Strangetown - I don't even bother trying to play it anymore.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: jrd on 2006 May 28, 01:59:08
I keep forgetting not everyone bothers replacing Strangetown and Verona with a fixed template… then again I stopped playing the Maxis 'hoods before NL came out.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 May 28, 02:01:42
Bleh, i decided not to play them a long time ago. I stick with Plesantville and my custom neighborhood :P

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 May 28, 02:12:53
I cloned the Sims I wanted to play from the Maxis neighborhoods and put them in a custom.  At least the genetics are fixed in that sense since they're CAS.   ::)  Now to figure out how to make a neighborhood with a blank slate (no townies!) since these people are multiplying like rabbits.   :-\

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: vilia on 2006 May 28, 03:18:45
SaraMK did this already - see

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Dea on 2006 May 28, 03:23:26
You can find WordPad located under Start | All Programs | Accessories on Windows 98, 2000, and Windows XP.
Haha thanks guys I forget I have that since everything tries to automatically open with Notepad...Guess I should right-click and choose Open With the next time i get something that Notepad cant read...Of Course I could just go to Walmart and get Microsoft Office for $99, except the last Time i went they were out...
This "redundant birthday popups" bug was corrected in a earlier release.  You may just need to download the very latest version of InTeen for your game.
I have FFP now, but I do have the latest inteen.  I havent played Strangetown since I put inteen in though.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 May 28, 09:07:22
You can find WordPad located under Start | All Programs | Accessories on Windows 98, 2000, and Windows XP.
Haha thanks guys I forget I have that since everything tries to automatically open with Notepad...Guess I should right-click and choose Open With the next time i get something that Notepad cant read...Of Course I could just go to Walmart and get Microsoft Office for $99, except the last Time i went they were out...
Or you could download ( It's free, and has most of the features of Microsoft Office.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 May 28, 09:17:47
I was probably quick to point the blame at Inteen.  But a few oddities led me to assume that's what it was.  I had never had any problems before with moving Strangetown and Veronaville sims to college or finding their own place.  And it didn't start until Inteen was in my game.  But like I said, in the end it solved everything.

NL may have fixed ther alien skintone but those sims are still missing DNA which they need if they are ever going to reproduce.

Check this out,  Jonny in my game has 20 days left until he becomes elder, but every day at 6pm he gets a pop up that says he has one day left and he doesnt age at all.   I have to use insimenator to subtract a day each night at 6pm.  This has been going on since he moved back to ST from LFT.  Ophelia graduated college with him and she ages normal. 

I've got something that may be related happening with the main Monty household in Veronaville.  Patrizo and Isabella won't age, but Mercutio and Romeo will.  I finally just took matters into my own hands and used Merola's Multi-Painting to add days to their age when needed.  Then when Patrizo's age bar was full he wouldn't die.  So I had to use Rodney's Death Creator to make him die of old age.

Title: Re: Bugged Strangetown and Veronaville characters?
Post by: kacidama on 2006 May 29, 04:19:20
I've been playing Veronaville exclusively since the original Sims2 and although I have my own extended family I occasionally play the Maxis ones - my sims tend to fall for them  :-[

I've got something that may be related happening with the main Monty household in Veronaville.  Patrizo and Isabella won't age, but Mercutio and Romeo will.

I noticed that Patrizio Monty's age is 1 day or something silly - I sent Mercutio and Romeo to Uni so they aged like that and are now adults.  I haven't been back since one of my 3rd generation sims married Mercutio.  I'll have to play them again and see.