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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 May 21, 15:19:20

Title: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 May 21, 15:19:20
Brandi Broke had an affair with Darren Dreamer and became pregnant [got bored with my own families].  She had a test slice of post-coital cheesecake and delivered twins: a girl and a boy (Angelina and Brad).

She had just finished bathing Brad when he needed a diaper change, but she could not leave the bathroom to get to the changing table in the adjacent nursery.  This bathroom has never presented an issue before nor did the "change diaper" command work.  She just kept pacing back and forth in the bathroom while more intense green fumes developed from Brad's butt and the kid kept screaming (joined by Angelina in her crib; she also needed changing).

Nothing worked so I used moveobjects to delete Brandi.  When I returned to the game she was at the mailbox (Brad was under the car) BUT she returned as pregnant as she was just before the delivery!

She can only wear maternity clothes.  I had to move Darren in to help with the babies.  He can do the "rub belly/talk to baby" interaction, yet the "try for baby" option appears under the WooHoo menu. [Tried once, but no results]

The twins have aged into toddlers and Brandi is now into her 8th day of pregnancy.

I should have figured something was odd as when I first played her after installing OFB, she walked around in the buff for a good five minutes before deciding to get dressed.

Any suggestions?  Watching her waddle is getting irritating.  Almost as irritating as the thought of more Broke babies.

Title: Re: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: Metalkatt on 2006 May 21, 15:31:23
I had something similar happen once with one of my family Sims.  If I remember right, I had to use InSim to actually get her knocked up so she could *have* the damn thing, and then she went back to normal.  (For all his fertility before, Frederick just could not hit the mark when this was going on.)

Title: Re: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 21, 18:32:17
Did you save your game BEFORE deleting the sim? You should always save before deleting a sim, because sometimes information from a deleted sim does not quite take hold unless you save the game first, prior to deletion, an old TS1 behavior.

Title: Re: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 May 21, 19:24:20
Did you save your game BEFORE deleting the sim?

Absolutely.  I've learned through [bad] experience to always save before doing something chancy.  I also back up my game weekly so I guess I could revert to the last backup, but not sure if saving Brandi from waddling about the rest of her days is worth reverting the families I regularly play.

She's nine days away from elderhood and may not even look pregnant after she transitions, thanks to the terrific elder clothing Maxis provides. She'll probably just look fat and walk as if her Depends are full.

Title: Re: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: webwench on 2006 May 21, 19:33:43
Did you try using the inteeninator to either force delivery or to have baby with Brad (or Darren, whatever)?   Also, the Tombstone of Life and Death can do the same thing.  Just boolprop and spawn the tombstone, make 'er pregnant, speed it up, and see if that fixes things. :)

Title: Re: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 21, 19:59:51
Or simply go into simPE and take away the tick in the pregnancy box.

I don't know if Bandi's going to have any more babies in my current game, she's got herself hooked up to a romance sim (no LBs either way, but wherever they go they can't keep there simhands off each other!) so Brandi may well be due for an aspiration change!  So far, throughout all my installs, she's the only Broke who hasn't been down that path, so maybe it's her turn!

But if you untick that box, tick her as fit if she isn't, she may well just do a quick muscle-flex and tummy tuck, and get back to "normal".

Title: Re: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 May 22, 14:38:55
I think I'll try ZephyrZodiac's approach but not until after Brandi turns into an elder.  I really want to see what a pregnant elder looks like.  ;D  That is, if her age transition isn't screwed up as well.

Title: Re: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2006 May 22, 20:22:13
I had this happen after installing NL with one of my pg sims.  She had the baby, and I don't remember what her problem was, but I tried deleting her, saving, then coming back into the lot and she was in her maternity clothes and looked just as pg as she was before.  Since the "try for baby" option showed up, I decided to have her get pg again.  When she delivered, she was back to normal.

And she didn't show up as pregnant in SimPE after she had the first baby and before I had her get pg again.  So even if you don't want to change the setting, you might want to look and see if she does show up as pregnant in SimPE.  If the "try for baby" option is showing up, I would guess it doesn't.

I don't remember if I tried to force a reset on her, but I have been finding that problems I've had showing up on some of my lots won't be fixed if I use force/reset in debug mode on the sim or object that's giving me trouble.  But if I use the lot debugger's reset function, and force a reset on all or on in-world, that will be more likely to fix whatever is causing the problem.  It may be something else on the lot that's causing it.

Title: Re: Perpetual pregnancy?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 23, 13:26:48
True.  I was playing one of my houses when everything slowed to a crawl, and Lilith appeared at the portal in furious mode (I supoose whe must have fallen out with one of the residents of the lot, but I can't remember it happening).  Anyway, I deleted Liiith, but the lot didn't return to normal until I forced reset on everything in-world, after which it became playable again.  Presumably Lilith had immediately returned after being deleted and was lurking!