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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Lmbroz on 2005 August 25, 04:14:23

Title: Stuck Sim
Post by: Lmbroz on 2005 August 25, 04:14:23
One of my kids asked dad to instruct her in using the surgery center (medical career reward). They headed over to it and she stood there and then he wandered off to do something else. When I clicked on her, she still had ask for instruction in her queue, but couldnt' do anything.  I tried to cancel out the ask for instruction, but the box is stuck there with a red X through it. I can't get her to do anything else and no one can interact with her.  I am sure that moving them out, and then back in would fix it, but I have a lot of career rewards, aspiration rewards, and masterpiece paintings that I would prefer not to loose. Any other options for fixing this?


Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: vecki on 2005 August 25, 04:27:42

Ooh I had that problem once when I first got the game!  I'd like to know why and how to fix it too in case it happens again.

(A housefull of sick adults and teens, plus twin screaming toddlers was not a great introduction to the Sims2 world, IMHO.  Especially when one of the sick teens got 'stuck' trying to pick up the screaming toddler.  All I could do was exit to the last save and go back in that time).

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 25, 04:53:43
Have you tried deleting her with moveobjects on?  You can also use boolprop testingcheatsenabled true to force an error on her and reset her.  If you delete her, she will be standing by the mailbox when you save and reload the lot.

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: Shivani on 2005 August 25, 07:01:14
I've had this happen with a fingerprint scanner that somehow got corrupted.  Poor sim would stand there motionless no matter what. I had to delete him, save/exit, and come back.  Then delete the corrupt scanner and replace it, since it would just happen all over again.

Of course, I found it odd that when I would re-enter the house, the sim ended up at the mailbox (as expected), along with his thinking cap, but the scanner was waaaaaay off at the far lot portal.

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 August 25, 15:37:22
I had the same thing happen with a sim who was studying from the bookcase. I have no idea why this happened but using moveobjects on/delete/save/exit worked for me. If you do end up having to move the family out for some reason, I would use Inge's keep objects bush to save everything in the house and then get back any career reward objects you had with the buyable collection from J.M. I wouldn't consider that "cheating" if that's what you are worried about since you're just replacing objects you had already earned.

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: Lmbroz on 2005 August 25, 22:19:06
Thanks for all your help.. I deleted her with moveobjects on and she showed up at the mailbox when I reloaded. I will have to check out Inge's keep objects bush.  Sounds useful!

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 28, 02:30:57
Just happened to me recently with one of the Nova twins. My fault, I went to put her in her crib with Move_objects on but didn't wait for her to finish sitting down, so although she "knew" she was in the crib, she couldn't lie down and she didn't sleep and no-one could pick her up.  I had to delete her and save, then exit and reload.  It's really wierd seeing a toddler sitting by the mailbox screaming for mum!

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 28, 03:01:53
I prefer resetting sims with boolprop.  It's much quicker than saving and reloading.  But if you are going to delete a sim, InSimenator has a handy "restore family" feature. :)  I just hate waiting for lots to load.  It's bad enough having to save every 10-15 mins (because I'm paranoid), and it takes about 1-2 mins to save, it seems.

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 28, 10:50:20
Well, it gives me the excuse to go feed the cat or make a cup of coffee - otherwise I'd never get up off my butt!

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 28, 11:32:27
Yeah, I suppose it does.  Kinda sad, though, but we do need all the little incentives like that we can get.

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: Cat Moonshadow on 2005 August 28, 11:37:23
I had a couple of sims get stuck while cuddling in the hot tub. I used the moveobjects on cheat and moved one of them out of the hot tub. That made them reset and they started doing what I told them to again.

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 28, 11:53:39
Usually does, but if they are in the middle of an action it can cause problems, like I said before.

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: Katze on 2005 August 28, 12:00:14
Well, it gives me the excuse to go feed the cat or make a cup of coffee - otherwise I'd never get up off my butt!

I can relate to that just played the sims 6 hours straight, well I'm back to work tonight so I'm not going to get to play to much.

Title: Re: Stuck Sim
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 28, 12:09:14
I prefer resetting sims with boolprop.  It's much quicker than saving and reloading.  But if you are going to delete a sim, InSimenator has a handy "restore family" feature. :)  I just hate waiting for lots to load.  It's bad enough having to save every 10-15 mins (because I'm paranoid), and it takes about 1-2 mins to save, it seems.

I'm afraid I never have much luck with boolprop, never seems to reset anything for me!  And I don't use the Insiminator, so I stick with what works - and I have to go into a different lot occasionally or I get bored!