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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: skandelouslala on 2006 May 15, 00:01:24

Title: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 May 15, 00:01:24
I read the thread below about the mismatched LTW..however I don't think that is my problem however maybe it's related  ???

I noticed while sending some of my sims to Uni, that they arrived with different aspirations than what they left home with...I did nothing for this to happen.  I first noticed it when I discovered what I thought was a popularity sim had a LTW of having 20 lovers.  I immediatly got to thinking about the mismatched LTW thread on here but then I remembered....he was a romance sim before I moved him to Uni. 

I can't sure sure if the others in the house had the same problem...b/c they had been sitting in the family bin for a while before I moved them in and played them and I can't be 100% sure of their aspirations at this point, but for at least one...I know that the was a romance sim prior.


Neighborhood about to go kaboom?  I'm playing with the LTW mod in but I don't see this having anything to do with that.  I also did a Delete All Characters on this 'hood as well.

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 15, 03:24:33
DAC seems to not properly clean up dangling SWAFs, which results in want-weirdness later.

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: Nec on 2006 May 15, 04:20:19
DAC seems to not properly clean up dangling SWAFs, which results in want-weirdness later.

Really? I wonder if just deleting the character files does the same. That is my preference, and so far I have not noticed any weirdness in LTW - even in hoods I have had for a very long time. I never used DAC until the question about it not working came up, and I still don't use it for my own personal hoods. The only LTW weirdness I have noticed also effects the aspiration, and there again, it is only of NPCs that I have moved into my sims' homes, and there again, only if I change their aspiration with the orb....and they have to not be the selected sim. Then they simply revert back to their old aspiration and LTW if they have gone to sleep and awakened while not selected on the same sim day/night that they used the orb.

Did that make any sense at all? :P

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 May 15, 14:59:28
I got around to opening up the hood in SimPe & sure enough it looks like I have the same problem as Pegasys only it has manifested itself in a different way.  Eh..if I'm brave later I'll back up and try deleting the ones that appear to have no owners. 

Dang it, this is my favorite hood...I don't want to see it go up in flames.

Have SWAFs always been an issue with DAC like this or is this also something new Maxis broke with OFB and DAC?

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 May 16, 01:09:25
I've got kids with LTWs now.
I just adopted a came with a LTW and a locked want to get a job in the slacker career.
I'm holding on until the bitter end dammit.

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: vecki on 2006 May 16, 03:31:39
I just restarted Pleasantview again, but my last elder prior to that who hit her LTW of becoming Captain Hero, flatly refused to spin a new LTW.  Debugger, college clock did nothing.  Her husband who had the day before hit his LTW of becoming a Criminal Mastermind, spun a new LTW of becoming a Mad Scientist.

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 May 16, 15:23:44
I noticed my kids were getting LTWs too. My thought is that the game reuses the dangled SWAFs and so the kid gets leftover garbage LTW. When I rerolled using the Lot debugger, the new LTWs were always appropriate to their aspiration.

What I'm concerned about is that in my game, the swath of dangling SWAFs is in the middle of the SWAFs. :P  What I mean is that in SimPE, the SWAFs with no attached Sims have Instance numbers going from 0x00000039 to 0x00000056. I went ahead and deleted these.  But the SWAFs after 0x00000056 these are correctly assigned. So there is a gap. I am now wondering if I have enough Sims born in this neighborhood (I guess about 30) to fill the gap, after that will the game try to overwrite an existing, correctly-used SWAF, or will it go to the end as it should to assign them? If not, then it's definitely a BFBVFS waiting to happen.

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 May 16, 17:45:39
Mine had a gap too.
I deleted them..I guess we'll see what happens.  I'm not quite sure if I made a mistake b/c I now have 181 SWAFs for 183 Sim Descriptions.  Opps perhaps...I'm not sure.  I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 17, 00:10:48
I just restarted Pleasantview again, but my last elder prior to that who hit her LTW of becoming Captain Hero, flatly refused to spin a new LTW.  Debugger, college clock did nothing.  Her husband who had the day before hit his LTW of becoming a Criminal Mastermind, spun a new LTW of becoming a Mad Scientist.
If you have LTWvariety installed, elders will not spin career wants since, natively, elders cannot normally join a new career. No one can spin up an LTW they would already qualify for (Max all, Earn 100K, Max Career, etc), and LTWvar prevents elders from spinning impossible "have more kids"-related LTWs, so this means your selection can dwindle to nothing. No biggie, you already have perma, so who cares?

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: vecki on 2006 May 17, 02:13:30
Hmm.  I usually take out LTWvariety when I install the director's cut.  Maybe I missed it last time I updated ???

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 17, 19:42:32
Maybe you should leave it in and like it instead of being a sucky and stupid Vecki.

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: vecki on 2006 May 18, 00:05:33
Nah, it does stupid things to my LTWs  :P

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 21, 09:01:00
Well, I don't have LTWetc installed, and I've not had this problem with LTWs for kids or changing between home and college.  Hey, I even have a Pleasure sim who got the want to go to college, and when she got there she spun the want to do TWO majors!  And I never once had a problem with her writing term papers etc., and she'd go visiting and come back with her performance bar nearly filled from all the research and assignments she'd got through!

But why Oh Why did Maxis allow Family and Knowledge sims to get the want for a military career, but no related LTW?

And since OFB, I've noticed all my romance sims want is to get into the Slacker Career when they graduate, and usually they become a PPG the very day they start work as they are already way over-qualified!  Are my sims beginning to think for themselves?  Does it occur to them that it's the quickest way to get a decent income and plenty of time off? ;D

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 21, 09:02:00
Romance sims have always liked the slacker career. And you need Harder Jobs.

Title: Re: Aspirations going screwy
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 May 21, 15:54:56
I know they like it - but not half as much as most Pleasure sims!  It just seems a random Maxian thingy, that they all spin that want when they come back from college, even if they have maxed out charisma, mechanical and body and would get their LTW in no time!  Does harder careers actually increase the skills they need, or just start them lower on the ladder?  Maybe they should ALL have to max out 7 skills in order to reach the top of any profession!  And have 20 best friends!  etc  ........  (Hey, in sims1 they had to have far more friends to get their promotions in some of the "people" careers!)