More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Final Warrior on 2006 May 13, 00:32:53

Title: Problem with changing Wages
Post by: Final Warrior on 2006 May 13, 00:32:53

I can't change wages for my employees, dammit.

When I click on management, I can only choose "Assign...", "Craft...", and "Make Many..."

The only mods I currently use that affect wages are the wage fix from here and the "Fairly Paid" mod (, which I downloaded to see if I can fix the problem. All of my employees are either overpaid or rediculously overpaid (with the exclusion of one townie; everyone else is a character I created).

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

-- Griffinhart

PS. On another note, I can only do "Offer at Very Cheap" even though I have a Gold Badge in Sales.

Title: Re: Problem with changing Wages
Post by: Nec on 2006 May 13, 01:09:50
The only reliable way I have found to do it is when your business is closed and your employees are there. Calling them in and taking care of that before opening seems to work the best.

Title: Re: Problem with changing Wages
Post by: Final Warrior on 2006 May 13, 01:27:23
Nope. Doesn't work.

Also, I can't tell my Manager Sim to stop tending to the store.

-- Griffinhart

Title: Re: Problem with changing Wages
Post by: Nec on 2006 May 13, 03:18:19
is he stuck in "tidy"?

Title: Re: Problem with changing Wages
Post by: Final Warrior on 2006 May 13, 05:52:17
Nope... he's stuck making Servos. I can control him and everything... it's just that when i select him and go to "Management..." I get the same options ("Assign...", "Craft...", and "Make Many...")

-- Griffinhart

Title: Re: Problem with changing Wages
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 13, 05:53:24
For some reason, managers can no longer be reassigned to a new task. You can still reassign them to the non-option tasks using the Business Runs You! hammer and sickle. And make their tasks often less stupid.

Title: Re: Problem with changing Wages
Post by: Final Warrior on 2006 May 13, 08:55:44
It's not that, it's just that I want him to stop tending to the shop.

And i want to be able to assign wages again.

Oh, and I'd like this damn Memory manager problem fixed...

Hmm... gonna try nuking all my non-Awesome hcks.

-- Griffinhart

UPDATE: I fixed my Memory Manager problem... now to see if fixing that fixed my Wages problem...
UPDATE2: Yes it did. Yeayz! Check "Memory Manager Problem" to see what it was... and be warned. Else you'll suffer the same fate as me, and almost become a BFBVFS.