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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Zootyzoot on 2005 August 24, 16:39:34

Title: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: Zootyzoot on 2005 August 24, 16:39:34
After about a year slaving over a hot Bodyshop, my sims are able to boast a most excellent wardrobe. I'm getting an iBook for uni (*joyful dancing frenzy*), and would love my new Mac sims can be as beautifully dressed as my current PC ones. Obviously I'll have to leave the clothes based on uni-additions behind, but will I be able to transportalise the bulk of my Projects folder to my new iBook - will the PC clothing files be compatible with Mac ones?

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 26, 10:23:18
Simfreaks Forum has a section devoted to Mac Users.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: Zootyzoot on 2005 August 27, 18:14:41
That site doesn't really answer my question, but that's okay. I get the impression that PC-made downloads work fine on Mac versions of TS2, so I imagine the clothes, and possibly even Sims, I transfer to my Mac will work fine. I'll experiment myself.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 27, 18:30:22
Always best in the long run, I think.  What works on one computer, whether it's a Mac or a PC, doesn't always work on another.  So much depends on what other downloads you have, your computer specifications etc.  However, if you have any really difficult questions, Peter is the guy to ask if it's specific to Macs.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 August 29, 03:43:45
Hey Zooty,
The answer is will work.  I own a mac as well, and almost everything works the same as pc.  I have had no problems with any  downloads so far.  All objects, clothing, meshes (etc) have worked for me. Even some hacks have worked, though I don't use many on my mac version of the game.  I can't say that all hacked objects or hacks will work since I haven't tested many, but everything else should.  You just need to make sure (obviously) that the files are for sims 2 Original and not University.
Let me know if you have any other questions about the mac stuff.  I'm happy to help.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: Zootyzoot on 2005 August 29, 16:20:56
Thank you very much, RabidAngel  :)

Do you know if the game will just ignore the uni files it doesn't understand, or will they cause problems? Can I just plump the whole EA Games folder - Sims, clothes, neighbourhoods, the lot - onto the Mac, and just jettison the bits that depend on uni (though I'll still have them on my iBook - they'd just be harmlessly ignored)?

And do PC-to-Mac-transferred Sims, neighbourhoods and lots work, as well as clothes?

I've asked the people on the site that ZephyrZodiac kindly linked me to, and they indicated that Sims etc would work fine, and that the game would ignore the uni-files it didn't understand, but it'd be great if you could tell me from experience.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 29, 18:33:35
I'm pretty sure they're ignored, as they are for PC.  Not so sure though about objects, recolours would be ignored, I think, but new meshes based on a Uni object might cause something nasty, I just don't know.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: Zootyzoot on 2005 August 29, 20:57:11
I haven't got any non-originally-shipped objects apart from Pescado's hacks, which will be fine, apparently. So that's all dandy. It was the files for the uni-mini-neighbourhood that I was vaguely, ignorantly, worried about. But if you think they'll be okay then I'm lazy enough to take your word for it  :)

Incidentally, these are possibly the cutest emoticons I've even encountered. Most are ugly or moronic (more moronic than the necessary basic degree of moronary that is included, by definition, in an emoticon). But even the usually-hideous Grin (;D) has a sort of serene quality around the corners of its mouth that make it bearable, and the rest are just adorable.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 29, 21:02:58
We have some good ones at simFreaks!

I think since the new clothes are mainly for YAs, since there are no YAs (Young Adults) there shouldn't be a problem, but if there is, you can always go back and remove those files, they usually have YA somewhere in the file-name, don't they?  At least, most of the ones I've downloaded have.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: Zootyzoot on 2005 August 29, 21:44:00
I make all my own clothes 8)

But yes, after a while I realised that it was getting confusing having the clothes named after a lyric from the song I was listening to at the time, and started sensibly calling them by an acronym of the age they were made for followed by a brief description of the item. So, yeah, it'll be easy to delete them.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 29, 21:54:15
Great, but I hope you don't need to, after all, you'll only have to put them back when Uni comes out for Macs!

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: Zootyzoot on 2005 August 29, 22:04:58
Yeah, but that won't be to onerous, as they'll all be on my PC at home anyway.

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 29, 22:55:31
Oh, well in that case, I just hope your Mac game is less dodgy than the PC one - and have fun!

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: Zootyzoot on 2005 August 29, 23:13:58
Thank you for your help  :)

My Mac, by the way, if anyone's interested (but, yaknow, I'm going to show it you you even if you're not) is a superbly shiney 14-inch iBook which is frankly enough to give anyone a spontaneous orgasm ( (who needs enough of their student loan left to be able to buy food when they've got one of those?), and arriving mid-to-late-this week, yeeeeeee!

Title: Re: Well-dressed sims for Mac
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 30, 03:03:50
I felt a bit like that when I got my sony Vaio!

My niece is forever telling me to get a Mac - how she thinks I can afford one on a pension, I don't know!  Especially when my friend's partner is in the PC building business and upgrades mine for the cost price of the parts!  And although the Vaio is ok, it won't work with downloads in the game, and if a neighbourhood gets crowded, it starts to slow down, I can't get the Special Event Camera which is a shame, so I don't often use it now!