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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ElfPuddle on 2006 May 08, 16:21:54

Title: Peasantry Empty Packages?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 May 08, 16:21:54
In moving my downloads from one place to another, I somehow lost the recolors of "bathroom uses you", the baby controller recolors, Oddysey's "sport of kings" flamingo, and the stereo, guitar, piano, etc. paintings. I tried to re-download them, but the packages I unzipped appear as "empty packages" according to Clean Installer.

If this isn't my mistake somehow (and it might be, or I wouldn't have lost them in the first place), then it might be a left-over from Hurricane Josh. Either way, could someone either re-post or otherwise share? Thanks ever so much.

Title: Re: Peasantry Empty Packages?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 08, 16:33:35
Have you tried downloading them again?  I re-uploaded my recolors since Hurricane Josh, so they should work ok.

Title: Re: Peasantry Empty Packages?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 May 08, 17:28:47
I tried last night....Once again, it was a late night after a rough day. I'll try again when I get home and see if a clean head makes the difference. :) At least, if I know the problem is me, I'm half-way to fixing it. :) Thanks, Rainbow.

Title: Re: Peasantry Empty Packages?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 May 08, 17:45:32
Actually, Rainbow I noticed that your zip files read corrupted when I try to unzip them.  I figured I was doing something wrong and then I sort of forgot about it as I was busy with other packages.  Perhaps something is wrong?

Title: Re: Peasantry Empty Packages?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 08, 19:47:47
I've just tried downloading both the Baby Controller and Bathroom packages on both my computers, and they opened fine.  I opened them using 7zip, Winzip, and WinRAR, just to be sure, and I opened the package files in SimPE.  Everything seems to be in order.  Try downloading them agian and let me know what happens.

Title: Re: Peasantry Empty Packages?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 May 08, 19:58:34
Hrm...will do.  I tried with the Clean Installer, then 7-Zip, IIRC.

Title: Re: Peasantry Empty Packages?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 May 08, 23:11:39
Hmm. Bugger.
I just downloaded Rainbow's recolors and Oddesy's flamingo. This time CI said all was well. I didn't do anything differently, as far as I can tell, but nothings wrong now. Sigh. When will I learn not to play on the computer late at night?! Thanks for the support, ladies, my embarrased butt will now go crawl under a rock. Sigh.

Title: Re: Peasantry Empty Packages?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 09, 03:55:20
Don't worry about it.  Stuff happens like that sometimes. :)  Glad it's working for you now.