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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: uaintjak on 2006 May 07, 23:38:18

Title: Kick me in the head. Seriously.
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 May 07, 23:38:18
Ok, since I've obtained University and Nightlife, I've been on a quest to find out which hacks I need and which hacks are now obsolete, as of the latest Nightlife patch.  The one problem I'm having is that there are SO many hacks here at MATY, for so many versions of the game, that I'm becoming more and more confused as I search.  I thought I'd be ok by just downloading the hacks featured in the (as found in the All-Hacks thread), but it seems like I came across hacks that either weren't featured but maybe should have been, or were featured but were not necessary.  Anyway, the short of it is, I ended up confusing myself something fierce.

Take, for example, the amnesia fix.  This is not included in the, but is listed under the index of /ffs/nl/hacks.  Do I need it?  I don't know.  Same thing with the wedding party fix.  Do I need it?  I don't know.  Please.  I'm a desperate man.

There are a lot of discrepencies listed between the and the /ffs/nl/hacks.  I don't know the difference between the two, as to which ones I should be installing.  If it's listed in one, but not the other, should I install it?  Is it safe?  Aaaaaaaaah.

Edited to add: I would be more than happy to type out a list of each hack and which expansion pack that hack is okay with, but I need someone willing to tell me "Yes, that hack is fine" or "No, not with that expansion" in order for me to do it correctly.  Does such a list already exist (and is updated?)

Title: Re: Kick me in the head. Seriously.
Post by: Ness on 2006 May 07, 23:56:46
The file is essentially the directors cut.  It contains all the hacks that Pescado himself had in his game.  Anything in that file is safe, but you won't necessarily be able to find an RTFM for it.

The things you found in the hacks directory that were not in the directors cut are likely to be experimental - I personally wouldn't touch them (unless asked, I have done some testing), but if you think they sound like something you need, proceed with caution.

Title: Re: Kick me in the head. Seriously.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 08, 02:20:59
If there are major discrepancies in the directories, it's probably a leftover from Hurricane Josh. The "hacks" directory generally contains the current version of things, with the Director's Cut being updated less frequently, when it comes to older editions of the game.

Title: Re: Kick me in the head. Seriously.
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 May 08, 02:25:27
Don't panic, uaintjak (Gah, I'm having Grammar Seizures just typing that! Heavens!)
Most of us have been there. If you stick to the director's cut, read the RTFMs that exist, don't worry about the ones that don't, and keep an eye out for updates, you'll be fine.

Title: Re: Kick me in the head. Seriously.
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 May 08, 05:57:54
Don't panic, uaintjak (Gah, I'm having Grammar Seizures just typing that! Heavens!)

The worst part is that I'm a teacher  ;)

I'm not too worried about not having the RTFMs, because I can generally figure out what a hack does by searching for it on the boards.  That's the easy part.

Are these hacks still viable? (By "still viable" of course, I mean in my version of the game, which would be Sims2+Uni+NL+official patch)
Aspiration Recharge
No plagiarism

I remember reading a post here that said these had been fixed in one of the official patches (well, not the aspiration recharge, but the other two at least) but they still appeared in the Director's Cut zip.

Title: Re: Kick me in the head. Seriously.
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 May 08, 13:14:56
That's the same version I have, and I have those hacks installed. So, if they aren't viable, at least they haven't blown up my game (yet...knock on wood).

Title: Re: Kick me in the head. Seriously.
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 May 08, 20:32:18
Thanks, Elf.