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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jennydeenyc on 2006 May 07, 22:29:38

Title: come look, stupid question inside!
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 May 07, 22:29:38
Hey all,

Was wondering if anyone knows if there is a keyboard shortcut that allows you to cycle through all your sims in a household in Live mode without actually changing the camera's position? Sometimes I just want to check on what's in my sims' queues without actually looking at them. I know this can be done by clicking on their individual icons on the screen, but with 14+ sims in the household, all that clicking is a bit tough on my carpal tunnel. Also, is there a keyboard shortcut that allows for reverse cycling through all sims? Just curious. Thanks for your time. Feel free to throw things at me for my ignorance!  :D

Title: Re: come look, stupid question inside!
Post by: cabelle on 2006 May 07, 22:31:31
I think the space bar allows you to do that.

Title: Re: come look, stupid question inside!
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 May 07, 22:37:31
No, the space bar cycles through sims while recentering the camera on each one as they become the selected sim. I'm specifically looking for a way to cycle through without moving the camera.

Title: Re: come look, stupid question inside!
Post by: Emma on 2006 May 08, 14:43:33
I'm sure if you just click once on the sim's thumbnail it doesn't centre on them.....don't know for sure though! I'm sure it is only when you double-click on the thumbnail that it centres on the sim.

Title: Re: come look, stupid question inside!
Post by: jrd on 2006 May 08, 15:01:09
And clicking is just what OP wants to avoid, apparently.

I think the 'N' key does what you want… not sure if this centres the screen or not though.

Title: Re: come look, stupid question inside!
Post by: Emma on 2006 May 08, 15:32:18
I thought the sims was all about 'point and click' :D You're right though jordi, just checked the keyboard control instructions and you can use 'spacebar' or 'N' I'm pretty sure it would centre on the sim you selected though.

I don't think you can reverse cycle though your sims using those shortcuts though.