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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: baratron on 2006 May 07, 20:59:19

Title: Fixing b0rken downloaded accessories
Post by: baratron on 2006 May 07, 20:59:19
Not in Oops! You Broke It! ( because I'm not the guilty party here :D.

I have quite a few downloaded accessory meshes where the mesh is only available to one gender. These generally show up under Glasses, although most of them aren't glasses or even headgear. They include swords, lightsabres, bows & arrows, collars, earrings etc. Some of them are correctly gendered, and the thumbnail and item only show up for the gender that can wear them. However, some of them are broken. So while the "correct" gender gets to e.g. hold a sword, the "incorrect" gender gets a bad recolour of some sunglasses.

How on earth do I fix this so the items only show up for the "correct" gender? I have SimPE and BodyShop and am reasonably competent with both. I'm presuming I need to remove all the incorrect gender meshes. But where's the flag that tells the game which gender the accessory is available for? The .package files don't have a Property Set, for some reason.

Title: Re: Fixing b0rken downloaded accessories
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 May 07, 21:26:53
If the item comes as a mesh file and a recolour file, you should be probably be looking in the recolour file.