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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Nadira on 2006 May 06, 12:04:15

Title: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: Nadira on 2006 May 06, 12:04:15
Does anyone know: Where is the phonehack NL version gone? The download-link is dead!

Title: Re: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 06, 12:25:46
Phonehack NL was lost in action during the Josh incident. Rainbow apparently has a copy that she'll be sending to the Fat Head. In the meantime you can find it in the NL Director's Cut archive, which survived.

Title: Re: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: gali on 2006 May 06, 12:32:59
I play now NL, and here it is.

Title: Re: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 06, 12:33:56
That's not the original zip with the documentation. We need it still in its original shrinkwrap. Silly Gali.

Title: Re: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: gali on 2006 May 06, 12:37:22

Title: Re: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: Aldebaran on 2006 May 06, 13:32:36
I have an NL phonehack in the original archive, though I'm not sure it's the most updated one, the rtfm says
"Phone & Taxi Hack: NUCLEAR WAR EDITION! (v7.1b) for TS2NL v1.0p1".
If you need it, I can upload it.

Title: Re: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 May 06, 13:41:29
I have already sent it to Bluesoup.  If you are waiting for someone named Fat Head, I'm afraid you'll be waiting quite awhile.  Check with Bluesoup.  I sent her the original zip file because I keep all original zip files on a separate drive.  It has the RTFM, phonehack.package, and talk module.

EDIT:  Here it is.

Title: Re: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 06, 14:59:21
Re-upped. Now accessible from thread again.

Title: Re: Phonehack NL - where is it?
Post by: Nadira on 2006 May 08, 09:00:15
Thanks a big lot to all of you! Downloaded happily  ;D ;D !