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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Orbit on 2006 May 05, 01:15:24

Title: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Orbit on 2006 May 05, 01:15:24
I hear Greek houses aren't allowed at Acedemie Le Tour.  Is that true?  And, does Acedemie Le Tour have a Secret Society?  If so, how do you get into it? (Besides knowing people who are already in it.)

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Nec on 2006 May 05, 01:17:23
did you actually try to make a greek house or get to know a ss member? that would be the way to find out.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Kala on 2006 May 05, 01:24:44
You have to make your own greek houses at Acedemie Le Tour.  ALT is the campus connected to me custom hood and I was able to make two greek houses.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 May 05, 01:29:46
Academie Le Tour does not come with a greek house but you are certainly allowed to create one.  And as any other of the 3 pre-made University, it does come with a SS.

You can use twojeffs college adjuster, by a simple clic of a button you will become a SS member but don't expect to be kidnapped and brought to the SS lot if you do it that way.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Orbit on 2006 May 05, 01:36:50
Academie Le Tour does not come with a greek house but you are certainly allowed to create one.  And as any other of the 3 pre-made University, it does come with a SS.

You can use twojeffs college adjuster, by a simple clic of a button you will become a SS member but don't expect to be kidnapped and brought to the SS lot if you do it that way.

How do you get to the SS lot if you do it that way?

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: gali on 2006 May 05, 02:06:26
You go to the SS club, when you click on the phone, and get the option "go to Secret Society".

I made once a Greek house in Academie Le Tour - it's my favorite college, and I play it all the time.

Go to objects in buy mode, and search for the Greek Letters. Choose one, and hang it in the front wall of your house.

Get the phone, and search the option "apply for Greek House" (don't remember the exact words). I think you have to be a friend to 2-3 Greek-House members, but as there is not Greek House there - you have to be a member of the secret society.

After a day or two, a group of 2-3 students will come, and check if your house is appropriate to be a Greek House. If it is, you will get a message that from now on your house is a Greek House.

Personally, I didn't like it, because my students always went out autonomously (I couldn't contol their leaving), and brought home all kind of trash, as pizzas and objects.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Rose Outlaw on 2006 May 06, 15:55:01
After a day or two? Check out if the house is appropriate? If that's how Greek status should work, something is very, very wrong in my game.

For example: Yesterday, I founded a Greek House in a custom college, with no other Greek Houses around. One of the two inhabitants applied for a charter by phone, the other soon after went to Campus and brought home one of the Greek Letters to place it in their home. They weren't friends with any Secret Society members as far as I'm aware, just good friends/in love with regular dormies.

The only time a group of the Greek guys comes over to a home in my uni(s) is upon a request to join their house. It starts the scenario of reaching a certain short-term relationship level with the members to be accepted as member.

The way described before is totally new to me.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Tyraa Rane on 2006 May 07, 00:22:07
After a day or two? Check out if the house is appropriate? If that's how Greek status should work, something is very, very wrong in my game.

If something's wrong in your game, it's wrong in mine, too. I built a Greek house on the Le Tour campus, and all I had to do was move the students into the house, apply for a charter, and buy the letters to go on the front of the house. It's at level 5 (I think) now and doing fine.

The only time I can think of that involves other students coming to visit you like that, other than the SS abductions, is when you apply to get into an existing Greek house. Current members will drop by and you have to make nice with them and all that.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: AuKestrel on 2006 June 05, 16:11:21
After a day or two? Check out if the house is appropriate? If that's how Greek status should work, something is very, very wrong in my game.

If something's wrong in your game, it's wrong in mine, too. I built a Greek house on the Le Tour campus, and all I had to do was move the students into the house, apply for a charter, and buy the letters to go on the front of the house. It's at level 5 (I think) now and doing fine.

I'm playing a Legacy challenge and decided to try for that Greek house bonus and, yeah, that's all I did. I didn't even buy any more letters than the one the guy came home with. Now when the founder's heirs went to college and had to pledge, the first son had no trouble - he was already friends with most of his dad's friends. But the 2nd son, not quite so outgoing, had to do the thing where five people came over and ran around the dorm and hid while he tried to find them and interact with them. He got in by the skin of his teeth (and from now on I'm going to make sure the heirs are well-socialised with the people still in the Greek house before they go to university! Fortunately since they keep rolling Popularity this hasn't been a problem so far, since they love throwing parties.).

It's been interesting playing the Greek house because they're always bringing home pizza, even if there's a perfectly good chef salad sitting on the table, and the other stuff they drag home just cracks me and my daughter up. Sometimes we keep it, sometimes we sell it... but it does seem to accurately mimic how the RL Greek houses work around here! (Well, except for setting the couches on fire. I haven't seen any Sims set couches on fire in the street. Yet.)

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: nectere on 2006 June 05, 16:39:37
I was wondering if you could turn a dorm into a greek house? I mean if its a dorm, can you still apply for charter?

I guess you can gather I have never played with greek houses...

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: jrd on 2006 June 05, 16:49:33
You can't. To apply for a charter you must be living on a rental lot, not in a dorm.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 June 05, 18:12:25
I made once a Greek house in Academie Le Tour - it's my favorite college, and I play it all the time.

Why is that gali? (just curios)

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 05, 18:35:35
My favourite Uni is Academie Le Tour as well, but in my case it's because I really like one of the dorms there, and I always remake it so it's even better.  I remove all the insides and gut it completely, and remake it so only my playables live there, completely macrotastically.  And no dormies live there, because I remove all the dorm doors, but the cook still comes.

It's the only way I can stomach playing Uni - it's just too boring otherwise.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 June 05, 18:37:36
Hmm, good idea Blue. I'm going to try that.

What is wrong with the other Univ? I've only played LeTour and I was going to start playing the others but if they suck then I won't bother.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 05, 18:56:51
I've never played the Strangetown one, so I don't know what that's like.  I did play Sim State, but I just like the look of Le Tour better.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Nova on 2006 June 05, 19:11:41
I play uni with eight to a household at all times and if they live in a house the first thing I do is apply for a charter..basically for the free pizza while they're broke.  Anyhoo, the application is approved immediately and it doesn't matter if I have a greek letter hanging on the house or not.  IMO, all three colleges are cool to play but if you want some fun, La Fiesta Tech is the place to go.  For some reason the sorrority sisters tend to autonimously fall in love with each other each time I play.  Makes for interesting gameplay.  :D

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: nectere on 2006 June 05, 19:14:47
Le Tour has my two fav uni simmies Marla Briggs (in the bin) and that Sharpe kid (the nerdy one), they make the most perfect couple ever and are fun to play. I have never played Fiesta Tech - I guess I should sometime. I usually just stick to Sim State because its easy to load and play (with exception to the above couple).

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 June 05, 19:45:34
I play Le Tour (aka Le Anus in my game) and I took a dorm and changed it into a greek house. So yes a dormcan be made into a greek house.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 June 05, 19:45:56
My favourite Uni is Academie Le Tour as well, but in my case it's because I really like one of the dorms there, and I always remake it so it's even better. 

FYI, every dorm from every uni is in the lot bin under the specialized lots icon -- I've added favorite dorm buildings from other campuses to the ones I'm currently playing that way. The configuration may not be 100% like the ones that are pre-installed, but since you gut them anyway, that doesn't matter too much for you. :)

I currently have Sim State and Le Tour active with my p-view, though I also had La Fiesta there at one point too (I've since removed it).  I've associated La Fiesta with Strangeville though, now that I'm playing it, and I kinda like that one.  The campus isn't too big, and there's something about that desert landscape that just appeals to me.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 05, 19:48:15
Thanks, I didn't know that.  I've only actually just started sending Sims to Uni, and I still haven't tried a lot of the options and features and stuff out yet.

I only play with one neighbourhood, and one Uni attached.   I only ever send at most 4 Sims through Uni at a time too. 

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Ness on 2006 June 05, 20:56:17
ALT is pretty much my favourite campus, but I got bored of ALWAYS using ALT.

In my first ever custom hood I attached LFT, for some weird reason I really liked Blossom Moonbeam.  Sadly, due to something weird last night that hood became breakfast food.

I've since started another, this time I've added Sim State, just for a change.  The pre-made uni sims are decently attractive, and I've actually decided to take them all through uni and then choose from them which sims will settle in the main hood to start the ball rolling from there.

I've found that if I always have 7-8 sims in a dorm running college rampage the whole time it breaks the tedium.  Making sure they don't all graduate at the same time helps!  I basically end up with one dorm on a constant rotation of sims.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: neriana on 2006 June 05, 21:24:58
After a day or two? Check out if the house is appropriate? If that's how Greek status should work, something is very, very wrong in my game.

If something's wrong in your game, it's wrong in mine, too. I built a Greek house on the Le Tour campus, and all I had to do was move the students into the house, apply for a charter, and buy the letters to go on the front of the house. It's at level 5 (I think) now and doing fine.

The only time I can think of that involves other students coming to visit you like that, other than the SS abductions, is when you apply to get into an existing Greek house. Current members will drop by and you have to make nice with them and all that.

This is correct, gali is mistaken. There is absolutely no overlap between founding a Greek House and being a member of or knowing anyone in the Secret Society. You actually don't even have to buy the letter, just apply for a charter over the phone. Your Sim will run to campus to get a letter on her own. You might have to have a couple friends to get the charter, though I don't know about that; I do know that you do NOT have to be friends with anyone in a pre-existing Greek House. The college administration doesn't care if you have an actual house, either. I'm pretty sure you can be sitting on a blank plot of land with only a phone, and you'll get your Greek House status. They upgrade you to Greek House status as soon as you apply for a charter over the phone, though to get it to work correctly you might have to save and exit the lot.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Emma on 2006 June 05, 21:31:41
They upgrade you to Greek House status as soon as you apply for a charter over the phone, though to get it to work correctly you might have to save and exit the lot.

That's right, you do have to save and exit the lot and re-enter for it to 'work'

Found that out last week thanks to Pes :)

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: nectere on 2006 June 05, 21:32:49
so do I have to move everyone out of the dorm and change the lot zone to rental first or what?

How can I get dear old Serpico's custom built dorm for his ancestors to be a greek house? (it has to be that dorm/house for my minuscule imagination to stay interested in the idea of playing a greek house)

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Emma on 2006 June 05, 21:48:09
The trouble is, if you re-zone a lot you need to make sure there are no sims living it it or they could get screwed up. If you have a copy of the dorm you could drop that down and change the zoning to greek house. Trouble is you might not have enough money to move your sims in there! :D

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 June 05, 22:23:47
I have the four Maxis made sorority girls and I changed from dorm to greek house with them in it and no problems art all.

I have to add tho: I don't like them and the only reason I play them is to get two of my sims into the sorority (making friends with everyone first to make the 'join' sequence easier.) So, maybe I haven't noticed if they have any issues?....I think I would have tho since I have to play them while I make friends...?

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: nectere on 2006 June 05, 22:27:20
well I wonder if I get 100% player sims in the dorm, and then enable the build mode and replace the dorm doors with regular doors, save, exit, renter and then change lot zoning (to rental first?) if that would work? Currently there are only two dormies in there right now with 6 player sims

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 June 05, 22:36:18
make a backup and go for it, either way.

Title: Re: Acedemie Le Tour
Post by: Emma on 2006 June 06, 08:26:26
Yeah, try it nectere :D You need to change the zoning to residential, then apply for a charter. Don't do it on your lot you want to change though, do it on a test dorm first. I would play them for abut a day or so to make sure dormies move in etc, then get rid of the doors etc...that way you can see if anything gets screwed up.