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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: qvcatullus on 2006 May 01, 16:31:39

Title: Door lock trouble -- think it may be a conflict
Post by: qvcatullus on 2006 May 01, 16:31:39
A quick search didn't turn up anything relevant, but I'm also not very good at quick searches. So point and laugh if this has already been dealt with.

The 'door locks' in OFB are doing me no good. I have a sim with a home business, ground floor is business, upper is private living. The door to get to the staircase is locked -- I've tried the locked for all but me, all but household, and even all but household and employees, but people just keep on walking through. In fact, EVERY customer marches right upstairs. Making them selectable, I noticed that they're all going upstairs because they're 'walking away from portal,' so that might be a conflict with one of the hacks here (TJ's?), but even if I deselect this option for them, they still like to wander upstairs and use my tv. They'll happily march through the locked door.

I imagine that it is probably a conflict with a hack -- something that changes door behaviors must be overwriting the door locking gizmos in the game (don't I sound knowledgable?). I took a spin through the clean installer, and didn't see anything that jumped out at me -- hacks are supposed to show up in red in the installer, and I admit that I don't keep a clean downloads folder. If someone could point me too the package name of a likely suspect, that would be great.

Things I think I have that might cause a door problem:
JM's security thingy, but I updated everything on his list of things to do for OFB.
Tuna's doors -- don't remember if they used a global hack or just changed the doors. I don't have any of tuna's doors on that lot, and I didn't see them in clean installer to take out. I can look again if I need to, if they do in fact alter global code.
the Simlogical door controller -- the one that let's you put in colored fire alarms and control access. This is my chief suspect, since I remember installing some sort of global doo-dad, but I don't know where that doo-dad is to make it go away.

And the move away from portal hack seems to demand that folks go upstairs to move away from the portal; I can try removing that one cuz I actually found it!

Thanks for helping me!

Title: Re: Door lock trouble -- think it may be a conflict
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 May 01, 17:31:23

the Simlogical door controller -- the one that let's you put in colored fire alarms and control access. This is my chief suspect, since I remember installing some sort of global doo-dad, but I don't know where that doo-dad is to make it go away.

This would be my chief suspect -- anything that globally affects doors would cause a problem.  I think all of those simlogical hacks started with the letters 'ij', so look for anything with that name in you downloads folder.   If that doesn't help, you can here: and download and check the original zips to get the exact file names.