More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Lerf on 2005 August 22, 17:33:35

Title: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: Lerf on 2005 August 22, 17:33:35
This is mere morbid curiosity on my part, and if you don't know the answer  I would be honored if you'd rip my lips off.

However, as one who has seemingly taken Sims 2 apart and put it back together again can you answer this burning question.

In what order is the game putting custom walls and floors in the catalog?

(Yes, I know there's no chance in Hell of fixing it, but I'd just like some hint as to what it's doing.)

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: JenW on 2005 August 22, 17:57:24
I'd love to know this too. It appears to be completely random and it drives me batty :P


Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: DuckSpeak on 2005 August 22, 18:29:04
I third that - some files from the same creator seem to gather together while others go simply berserk.

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: SJActress on 2005 August 22, 19:26:56
I fourth it!

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: gali on 2005 August 22, 19:56:10
In my game, all the walls and floors are marked with asterik (*) - and they appear sometimes at the beginning of the sub-section, arranged by price, and sometimes at the end of the sub-section, arranged by price too.

But when you download walls and floors, they have the default 1$ price, which you have to edit with the Sim Homecrafter Plus. The 1$ walls/floors will give your rooms negative environment rate, so be careful.

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 22, 19:59:34

The 1$ walls/floors will give your rooms negative environment rate, so be careful.

I had no idea! I thought I was getting a bargain...Finicky, materialistic sims!

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: JenW on 2005 August 22, 20:01:50
Not all downloaded floors have $1 price...the creator sets the price in Homecrafter. And yes, the price affects the room score. It could be that they're sorted by price, I'll double check but I'm not sure......


Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 22, 20:35:26
I wouldn't know anything about custom walls or floors. The existing floors are good enough for me, and when in doubt, there's always concretium.

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: gali on 2005 August 22, 20:43:45
I wouldn't know anything about custom walls or floors. The existing floors are good enough for me, and when in doubt, there's always concretium.

The existing floors are too dark, and the room, even with many windows, is still dark, and the environment rate is reduced.
That's why I downloaded many floors with "light" color (white, pale yellow, pale green). I don't use anymore the red/dark blue/dark green, etc colors. The "light" colors lighten the room, but even with them, I have to turn on all the lights, in all rooms.

Besides, you are a man - and men are not obsessed with decorating...:).

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 August 24, 00:51:55
The existing floors are a lot better than the walls... but I use downloaded stuff as it actually matches.

I haven't noticed a negative reaction to cheap walls and floors, then again, it's better than their alternative (drywall and grass)

Not sure about the ep, but my walls/floors sure aren't sorted by price (which would have been handy). I think they may just be arranged by file name or something because it's completely random.

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: Lerf on 2005 August 24, 15:31:34
If they were sorted by file name then sets would be together if they had similar file names.   So that RainbowBarf1.package would be near RainbowBarf2.package.    That's not the case.

Title: Re: Question for the Awesome One
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 August 29, 01:24:19
I was thinking not of the file name that shows up in Explorer, but of the one in PE. The uh... heh heh, I don't know what it's called, but the one that when done improperly allows custom content to replace default.