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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Bone Chewer on 2006 April 25, 07:57:19

Title: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: Bone Chewer on 2006 April 25, 07:57:19
I seem to remember there was a hack that stops sims from being so easily addicted to playing instruments or play the bubble tower until they're about to die, but can't seem to find it again. I've upgraded my comp since then and only started playing again cuz of OFB so if I had it it is gone now. Greatly appreciate it if someone can point me to it.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 25, 07:58:07
THere isn't really an anti-addiction, the addiction still exists, but getting "NO BUSKERS" will greatly discourage the inappropriate performances.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: Bone Chewer on 2006 April 25, 08:01:01
That was fast, thanks! I do have the no buskers, but while performance for tips has gone down I find my own sims using PRACTICE for eternity. Any chance a timer to the practice action can be added for No Buskers? bubbles too tho that would deviate from the original mod.

EDIT: Automated Practices are the ones thats undesired, of course. Just in case that wasn't obvoius.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: Simlover on 2006 April 25, 09:07:12
You could always put the instruments etc in a locked room!

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 25, 09:21:26
Yah, put them in a locked room and set it to "Deny Autonomous" using Authorized Personnel Only if you want. That should prohibit them from autonomously entering the room, permitting them to do so only when YOU tell them to.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 April 25, 14:13:42
EDIT: Automated Practices are the ones thats undesired, of course. Just in case that wasn't obvious.

Check around -- there's a bunch of 'no autonomous' mods out there.  Monique has some over at MTS2, and Squinge has a whole bunch over at  I forget which one put it out, but there's two real nice patches available that keep sims from autonomously playing instruments if they have max creativity, or chess if they have max logic (two of my bigger annoyances). I don't mind the autonomous behavior much if the sim is still building skills, but sheesh -- get away from the damn instruments and give someone else a shot if you're maxed out. :)

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 April 25, 21:20:00
Monique over at MTS2 made a hack so sims that have higher level than 50% in fun need won't rush to those instruments.

At the inseminator site, Squinge made a mod to lower the attraction of the bubble blower.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: C.S. on 2006 April 25, 22:26:03
I forget which one put it out, but there's two real nice patches available that keep sims from autonomously playing instruments if they have max creativity, or chess if they have max logic (two of my bigger annoyances).

I used Monique's no autonomous chess for a while, but noticed my sims didn't fulfill their play chess wants on both community and residential lots. It's not really important, but I'm wondering if anyone else had the same problem?

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 April 25, 23:50:13

I used Monique's no autonomous chess for a while, but noticed my sims didn't fulfill their play chess wants on both community and residential lots. It's not really important, but I'm wondering if anyone else had the same problem?

Yea, that's the ones I was referring to, and yea, I noticed that too -- just didn't associate it with the hack (d'oh!).  I get around it by turning the testing cheats on and ctrl-clicking on the want to fulfill it.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 April 26, 01:45:19
Did any of you report that to Monique so she can fix it?

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 April 26, 03:23:23
I've never seen a play chess want.  ???

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 April 26, 03:30:06
I think Pleasure Sims get it - I've never had any other Sims get it.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: C.S. on 2006 April 26, 12:03:31
Did any of you report that to Monique so she can fix it?

Uh, no, because I haven't tested to make sure it was a problem with the mod and not some conflict :P. And the boards there look frightening and confusing to me, so I didn't dare post what I'm not sure of :-[.

I've never seen a play chess want.

Most sims roll up this want with a picture of the chess board - if there is one on the lot - when they arrive at community lots. They don't seem to want it at home though.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 April 26, 12:53:58
Yea, I never reported it to Monique because I never associated the problem with the hack until now. :)  My sims don't usually go to community lots with chess boards, so I only saw the glitch in the want being fulfilled once, and never really followed up on it. Next time I'm over at MTS2  I'll drop Monique a note about the possible conflict.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 April 28, 16:08:56
For those that are still interested in Monique Chess mod, she updated it today so you can get the new OFB compatible one now.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 April 28, 17:25:38
For those that are still interested in Monique Chess mod, she updated it today so you can get the new OFB compatible one now.

Cool!  Thanks for the heads-up -- I'll head over there shortly to get it.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: Morrigan on 2006 April 29, 00:36:56
I seem to remember there was a hack that stops sims from being so easily addicted to playing instruments or play the bubble tower until they're about to die, but can't seem to find it again. I've upgraded my comp since then and only started playing again cuz of OFB so if I had it it is gone now. Greatly appreciate it if someone can point me to it.

jfade has hacks for no autonomous instrument playing at (page 2 sims 2 hacks) if that might help :D

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 30, 11:58:47
Autonomous instrument performance is covered in "No Buskers". Do not combine with non-awesome hacks, or it may leak, catch fire, or explode, causing injury and/or death.

Title: Re: Anti-Addiction?
Post by: Morrigan on 2006 May 01, 01:14:57
I have both and they seem to live happily together (albeit jfade's is obviously less awesome  :P)