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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ashleigh on 2006 April 20, 20:24:19

Title: Townie/NPC Precreated Templates?
Post by: Ashleigh on 2006 April 20, 20:24:19
I just created a mod for my personal game (after studying the great one by jordi for way too long - I'm not that smart) that gets rid of all the Abjiheets and Goopys and Caryls and Meadows and the weird last names, etc. I'm getting ready to go in and spawn the NPC & Townie Maker and create some new Solveig Chin-less neighborhoods for good.

Something I've noticed since Nightlife was released, however, is that there seems to be a set in stone "townie template." For example, if I don't use deleteallcharacters and leave the game-spawned characters in place, the townies retain their original Maxis-created names. If I DO use deletallcharacters in a neighborhood and then respawn the townies, I end up with townies that look exactly like the Maxis-spawned townies but with different names. I didn't note this to be a problem before Nightlife, but now it seems I always have a skintone 4 townie with the green glasses and supergay vest and the blonde girl in the brown hat and blue sweater.

To make a longwinded story short as possible, I've prowled through the game files until I got confused and decided I was more apt to do harm than good, so I thought I'd ask - is there a file somewhere that has townie templates (other than the face templates; I mean, these bastard spawns are identical from makeup to clothing to the expressions on their insanity-laced faces) and can it be altered?

Title: Re: Townie/NPC Precreated Templates?
Post by: Ness on 2006 April 20, 22:09:27
I noticed this with nightlife also...  it was my habit to take the clones of teens off to uni and make them playable.  I never looked into the files or the reasons for this to have occurred

If it is any comfort, the whole system breaks down with OFB...  DACing does not work any more, regenerating townies does not work any more...  Making them one by one seems to result in different townies being made - but I've not done enough testing to confirm this.