More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Akharra on 2005 August 21, 22:19:55

Title: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: Akharra on 2005 August 21, 22:19:55
O.K. I have a small custom neighborhood. All cas sims. All houses made by me. On one of my lots my sim would randomly "jump" out of interactions..including "share interests". I got
 the lot debugger. I get the awol headmaster, reenable controls and rerandomize sim generater. Tried some other lots and I get the same three consistantly. I click on them and it will say 1 object fixed, but the option does not disappear. I also have "pay at box' and "no friends needed for jobs" and  the Christianlov maid npc installed. I do not have Uni. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Aslo after I used the lot debugger, now my buy and build are greyed out.

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: gali on 2005 August 21, 22:23:51
Do you have "chatbug fix" of JM too? It seems to be able to fix the jump problem.

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: Akharra on 2005 August 21, 22:24:38
No, I do not, but I will try that. Thanks for your reply!

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: Akharra on 2005 August 21, 22:31:13
O.K.  Commence lip ripping! I can't seem to find it. Only a computerchat fix. Can you tell me where it is, please?

I found it. I feel sheepish!

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: gali on 2005 August 21, 22:48:27

They are arranged in alpha-beta order, look for "ch"atbugfix

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 22, 02:13:24
The Maxis patch for TS2 original fixed the chat bug, so if you have the patch the chatbugfix patch should be superfluous.  I'm not sure if it would cause problems with the patch or not, but JMP said to remove it when the patch came out.

Tess, you do have the patch installed, don't you?

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 22, 03:00:35
The AWOL headmaster option appearing is not the sign of a problem, merely that the scenario controller will always respawn itself, and the object fixes a damaged controller by destroying it and causing it to respawn. Thus, it will always destroy one object.

As for jumping out every interaction including share interests....try running with a debug log. It might not be what you think it is. Attach the log here when a jump occurs. I bet it's an un-Awesome hack.

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: gali on 2005 August 22, 03:34:41
The Maxis patch for TS2 original fixed the chat bug, so if you have the patch the chatbugfix patch should be superfluous. I'm not sure if it would cause problems with the patch or not, but JMP said to remove it when the patch came out.

Tess, you do have the patch installed, don't you?

I have the Patch, and the chatbug fix doesn't work, so I had to paste again JM' hack.

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: Akharra on 2005 August 22, 16:26:10
I'm sorry I couldn't get back sooner...the problem seems to be a recolor of the desk in the grand trianon set at Mod. I got the error with an npc that was standing on the sidewalk and had no contact with the desk.
But, on this lot the build and buy modes are greyed out and unuseable, so, I can't delete it.
Thanks for your help.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 August 22, 19:29:55
I would remove this object from Downloads and see if that fixes the problem with Buy and Build modes being greyed out.  At least it would either solve the problem of not being able to delete it or it would revert back to the maxis object the desk was based on.

Title: Re: I seem to be having a major problem. Help, please?
Post by: Akharra on 2005 August 24, 19:54:12
Here are the log files you asked for, Most Awesome One!