More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ecaguimbal on 2006 April 18, 10:34:12

Title: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: ecaguimbal on 2006 April 18, 10:34:12
Does anyone also has the issue of when you ressurect Lyla Grunt (wife of Gen. Buzz Grunt), she will not have hair? And if you ressurect Willow Nigmos (Ophelia Specter's sister), her whole body would like be a monster?

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 April 18, 10:45:33
 I think that is because they are using clothing and hair meshes that were taken out of the game.

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: gali on 2006 April 18, 12:20:04
Yes, in my game I resurrected Lyla (with the O-Nomitron), and she came back without hair (which is easy to fix with "change appereance"), and with distortured mouth (the end of the lips were torn) - which I had to fix with the Dr Vu Surgery machine.

About the reason, I think too as simsbaby.

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Emma on 2006 April 18, 15:23:18
I'd love to see pictures of Willow Nigmos..... :D

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: gali on 2006 April 18, 15:28:31
I'd love to see pictures of Willow Nigmos..... :D


(Is he Ophelia's father?)

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 April 18, 20:23:29
I'd love to see pictures of Willow Nigmos..... :D
Oh god! These things sicken me.

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: maxon on 2006 April 18, 21:42:30
The second one is distinctly creepy - I WANT ONE!

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Emma on 2006 April 18, 21:44:54
I'd love to see pictures of Willow Nigmos..... :D


(Is he Ophelia's father?)

Because! ;D

Thanks for posting pics Simsbaby, she really looks freaky!

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 April 18, 21:49:06
The hair thing makes sense..but I wonder why the features are so distorted...

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 April 18, 22:16:16
Just a little bit of decomposition, that's all... I mean, they've been dead for how long?  ;)

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 April 18, 22:31:08
I think because they were made before certain changes were made to the face and because since they were dead Maxis didn't bother to fix them.

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Dea on 2006 April 18, 22:50:19
Thats why I decided to leave them where they were...

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 April 18, 23:50:01
I was able to fix them by using the surgery machine.

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 April 19, 06:18:57
Those pictures teach us an important lesson!



Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 19, 06:57:31
There is a bit of a problem with many of the Strangetown & Veronaville characters - missing a string or two - which makes it problematic if they are resurrected and you ever try to breed them.  You may want to check out this thread which suggests how you go about changing it.

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 19, 09:27:55
Every time I see the title of this thread, I wonder why anyone would want to resurrect bugs?  :D

Title: Re: Ressurecting Bugs
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 19, 10:15:25
Those pictures teach us an important lesson!

Yeah, seriously.

Necromancy is bad, m'kay?

Bad Things Happen when you resurrect sims that were never meant to be resurrected.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: SockMonkey on 2006 April 19, 16:00:36
I did that at the Spectre lot just to get rid of all the headstones, but mainly to hone my attempts with SimPE.  Lyla was a bit tattered too and I had to export her out to Body Shop, though she wasn't bald.  She finally was able to realize her potential for starting her own Army and went on to produce lots more little commandos for the General - Ahhh.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 April 19, 16:29:03
Could someone send me either of those sims?

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: SockMonkey on 2006 April 19, 17:19:51
I just did a fresh reinstall with the expansion packs and I did not keep any games.  I checked my older SavedSims files, but as yet I have not found Lyla.  I will see if I still have a back-up on my server later.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 20, 00:14:49
Could someone send me either of those sims?

Sorry, bit confused, did you want the fixed version (i.e. with strings added)? Or to see how dodgy they turned out in other people's games?

EDIT: If you use Dr Vu's plastic surgery machine before you try to add eyebrows and/or hair then you won't get the torn look e.g.



Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: C.S. on 2006 April 20, 22:25:12
Gretle Goth also has hair issues... specifically, facial hair issues. In my game, when I had her ask Victor Goth if he likes what he sees, he got pretty disgusted because facial hair is one of his turn-offs. The only way I could try to fix her is change her character traits in SimPE, but it seems to always come back. She doesn't look like she has a beard in the game though. :D

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 21, 02:35:40
Mini tutorial on how to get your resurrected sims looking sweet. There are other ways but I found this the easiest.

You will need: a sim who knows the person you want to resurrect, Dr Vu's plastic surgery machine, resurrect-o-thingy, mirror, about $9000, wardrobe and a sense of humour

If you don't already have the plastic surgery machine or the resurrect-o-thingy select a sim that is aged teen or older (as younger sims don't have career rewards option) hit ctrl shift c which will bring up the cheat box. Type in unlockcareerrewards and then hit enter.

Go to to career rewards & place the 2 items.

Select the sim that knows the person you want to resurrect and have them ring the grim reaper.  Make sure you give a decent donation so that your sim comes back intact.  Congratulations you have resurrected your sim. 

Save the game at this point.  If your sim is missing hair, eyebrows and perhaps wearing default clothing and you wish to fix this follow the further steps below.

It is very important to save in case the surgery does not work.  After saving, have your resurrected sim use the plastic surgery machine - you may wish to alter some of their features (the lack of hair will make this easier). 

After you have used the machine successfully have your resurrected sim change appearance with a mirror - add hair and eyebrows. 

Finally have your sim plan their everyday outfit with the wardrobe. Save the game.

This should ensure you won't get any physical issues with your resurrected sim.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: gali on 2006 April 21, 05:42:49
I play now OFB, and it seems that you can't resurrect pre-dead sims anymore. I enterred General Grunt house, and tried to resurrect Lyla. Buzz got the message, that he doesn't know anybody to resurrect.

While, in NL, I tried the same, and Lyla's name popped up immediately.

Did we return to previous EPs (Uni)?

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: MsMaria on 2006 April 21, 06:02:01
Yeah, Gali, it's back to the future. :P

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 21, 06:03:25
The only thing I can think of is that Maxis unlinked Lyla (and perhaps others) in OFB due to problems when they were resurrected.  

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: gali on 2006 April 21, 14:23:48
Yeah, Gali, it's back to the future. :P

 ;D ;D ;D Back to the cheatings! - more and more I dislike this EP.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: SockMonkey on 2006 April 26, 18:17:29
I play now OFB, and it seems that you can't resurrect pre-dead sims anymore. I enterred General Grunt house, and tried to resurrect Lyla. Buzz got the message, that he doesn't know anybody to resurrect.

While, in NL, I tried the same, and Lyla's name popped up immediately.  Did we return to previous EPs (Uni)?

I think Gali may be right.  Since I could not find a copy of my old Lyla, I tried the same thing using the newest SimPE version with NL and OFB installed.  I was able to export Lyla to Body Shop like always, but when I selected the image to clone her the Body Shop program crashed.  So, I guess you aren't able to resurrect the older Sims anymore with OFB installed.  Too bad.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: gali on 2006 April 26, 18:43:43
SockMonkey, just yesterday I uninstalled OFB, and remained with Uni and NL only. First thing I did was, enter Strange Town and try to resurrect Lyla Grunt with the O-Nomitron - without using SimPe at all.

Buzz called the Grim Reaper, and Lyla's name popped immediately in the window.

While, when I played OFB, I got the message that Buzz don't know anyone to resurrect.

...Down with OFB...:).

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: Tina G on 2006 April 26, 22:10:04
Hmmm...  I have all the EPs and was able to resurrect Mortimer Goth's grandparents (the Goth ones), his Grandpa Simon Crumplebottom, and his Aunt (Simon's daughter), but apparently poor Mortimer didn't know his Grandma Crumplebottom nor his parent's because it said he didn't know anymore dead people.  ??? 

The only reason I resurrected them in the first place is I tried to move the graves to Gothier Green Lawns and lost the damned things somehow. I'm just glad I had decided to leave the parent Goths in the home graveyard, or they would have been lost forever.  ::)

Stupid Maxis! lol

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 April 26, 22:28:53
The Career Reward that revived sims was always screwy, it declared one of my sims dead when they really weren't.  However, they were never messed up when they came back.  The last time I even messed with the thing was NL though, they probably changed a few things since OFB.

Does the No Character File Shredding hack by Pescado improve the ressurection probability?

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 26, 23:01:41
I think they are just unlinked so all you have to do if you are in SimPe is choose Tools > Neighbourhood > Sim Browser and find the sim you want to be able to resurrect.  Check to see if there is either a blue or pink, or both boxes in the top left of the sim's picture.  If there is just a blue box (which means the sim is unlinked) then you should be able to resurrect the sim by changing one little detail.  If there is a pink box at all (which means there is no character data) then you have a problem.

Click on the sim that you want to resurrect (if only a blue box is present) and then select open.  This will bring up the sim description file.  Click on the other tab and under Misc (which is the last column on the right) look for Unlinked: 0x0001 - you need to change the last figure from 1 to 0 so it should read Unlinked: 0x0000

The next step is to click on the relationship tab and make sure that the sim you want to resurrect has a relationship (i.e. is known) by at least one live sim.  You can then use that person to ring the Grim Reaper & resurrect your sim.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: sadiebutterfly on 2006 April 26, 23:24:14
<blockquote>If there is a pink box at all (which means there is no character data) then you have a problem.</blockquote>

Is there any way at all of retrieving these sims? Brandi and Dustin Broke are showing as 'no character data' after their tombstones disappeared, even though when I open their files in SimPE their personality, skills, memories, and everything else are intact. It's driving me nuts. I don't even want to resurrect them, I just want the graves back.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: Tina G on 2006 April 27, 00:17:59
It's a bug or some other dumb shit alright... I am looking in simpe right now at Gunther Goth. It does not show him as unlinked and it says he is known by Mortimer. Yet, Mortimer does not know any other dead people?  ???  Makes no sense at all to me.  Oh well, I don't want to resurrect him anyway. Just now got two of the four old geezers to die again. Hopefully I won't lose the graves this time. lol

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: C.S. on 2006 April 27, 00:25:19
See the replies in No Unlinkage On Urnstone Delete (;topicseen#msg58100), might help with the missing graves.

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: Tina G on 2006 April 27, 00:56:47
Oh I have that handy little hack!  ;)  Gunther's and his wife's graves never went missing. I decided the Goth Estate just wouldn't be the same without one or two spirits floating around. Morty's dear ol mom and pop are busy haunting around outside almost every night. It's just that Ol Grimmy claims Mortimer does not know any dead people, when his parents are definately 'dead and kicking'! lol

Simpe definately shows them as linked and that Mortimer knows them.  :-\   


Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 27, 04:03:05
@ Tina G - I was able to resurrect Gunther Goth with no problems after I relinked him.  I have base, uni, NL & OFB + all patches.

Would you please open up the sim browser and under the column titled Available, can you please tell me what it says for Gunther Goth? It should say Yes after you have relinked Gunther. 

Did you remember to press commit and then save after making changes?

Here is a photo of Gunther Goth - I know it isn't brilliant but I did the resurrection thing in under 5 mins


@ sadiebutterfly - you might want to read this thread about resurrection with no character data

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: Tina G on 2006 April 27, 14:37:20
*slaps self upside the head...HARD!*   :P 

I went back and re-read your intructions (a couple more times) and finally get it! I was looking at the wrong numbers. One that already IS  0x0000 under his name in 'Overview'.  Anyway, now I see what you mean. Though I never did change anything because as I posted above, I really don't want to bring ol Gunther back right now. Though it is nice to know I can if I ever decide I do. lol

Thanks vilia !    *slinks away like a true dumbass*   :D

Title: Re: Resurrecting Bugs
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 27, 21:25:18
No biggie 8).  I'm not that brilliant at writing tutorials so it was probably a little confusing anyway  ;D