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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 17, 10:50:35

Title: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 17, 10:50:35
I just entered one of my lots and saw this strange-looking thing.  It looks like a tombstone, but it's very smooth, not rough like a regular tombstone in the game.  I can see it from the neighborhood screen.  When I enter the lot, I can see it when I zoom in close but as I zoom out, it disappears.  I can't click on it, and I can't shift-click with testingcheats on to force an error.  It doesn't even appear to exist because the sims just walk right though it.  I can't pick it up in Buy/Build mode.  I tried nuking it with JM"s Stuck Object Remover and I tried to burn it with buyable fire.  Nothing works.

I just had an elder die on another lot, but she wasn't even related to them.  I also just installed shaklin's love bed, but I can't imagine why it would cause something like this.  I haven't noticed anything on any other lots.  I might try removing all my hacks and opening the lot to see if it goes away.  Other than that, I have no idea what it is or how to get rid of it other than moving the family and bulldozing the lot. 

Any ideas?  ???



Title: Re: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: Emma on 2006 April 17, 10:54:00
Eep! I don't know what that is-but it does look like a gravestone. Weirdness.

Title: Re: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 April 17, 11:09:04
Clueless...go for the remove hacks approach.

Title: Re: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 April 17, 11:26:28
Very strange.

Are you attached to the lot?  Pack the sims up and bulldoze it if not.
Or I guess if it doesn't appear to be causing in problems, your sims have new sidewalk decor!

Title: Re: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 17, 11:39:12
Very strange.

Are you attached to the lot?  Pack the sims up and bulldoze it if not.
Or I guess if it doesn't appear to be causing in problems, your sims have new sidewalk decor!
I have the original house in my houses bin so I can reuse it, although I had done some remodeling and redecorating.  They haven't been living there long.  This thing would just bug me too much to leave it as is, even though it does not appear to be causing any problems. 

I just tried loading without hacks, and it didn't change anything.

Title: Re: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 April 17, 11:41:42
Yeah, it would bug me as well.

Title: Re: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: maxon on 2006 April 17, 11:42:02
It looks like a gravestone but it's squarer and boxier than the regular ones.  Weirdness.  OTOH I'd be quite happy with that for a story I'm writing ATM.

Title: Re: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: Karen on 2006 April 17, 11:45:37
I have seen this type of tombstone before, but only when trying to view a neighbor's house from the currently active lot.  If there's a tombstone on the neighbor's lot, it will look exactly like this when viewed from a distance, with squared-off corners and no details.  No idea how it would have happened on the lot you're playing, though.

If the Stuck Object Remover doesn't fix it, then my guess is that the game thinks it is not really there.  Can you move this lot to another location in the neighborhood and see if it makes a difference?  Maybe put it in a location away from other houses.  I suppose it's possible that one of the neighboring lots is bleeding into it somehow.


Title: Re: Has anyone seen anything like this before???
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 17, 12:21:54
Yes, I have figured it out.  You are onto something, Karen.  I had the same thought when I noticed the neighbor's mailbox across the street had the same type of texture.  Across the street is a house with a family that has four tombstones.  I entered the lot and I saw the tombstone on the sidewalk across the street, but it looked more normal instead of like in the picture.  I zoomed in and moved my mouse over it, and it said "Here lies Coral Oldie."  Then I remembered.  I had forgotten about this, but her tombstone disappeared a while back.  I didn't know why, but I used the Lot Debugger to respawn her tombstone and put it back where it was.  I thought no more about it and played several other lots in the meantime.  I still don't know why her tombstone moved, but it must have reappeared at some point at the edge of the lot, and I never noticed it.

I was trying to see whether it was normal for lots to overlap like this.  When I was trying to get rid of the object earlier, it said it was out of bounds, and I had to turn on moveobjects to place the stuck object remover.  I noticed when I was at the lot across the street, there were fine lines demarcating their lot that included the sidewalk opposite their house.  I could send the sims to walk out here, but could not place objects.  When I went back to the other house, the lines appeared around the opposite sidewalk as well, so it appears as if they are overlapping.  I guess this is normal, but it just never caused any problems before.   :-\  Then again, we could never see neighbors before until NL.

Thanks for all the ideas, everyone. :)