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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: dusty on 2006 April 17, 10:06:02

Title: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: dusty on 2006 April 17, 10:06:02
Why would my romance sim get a want to beat up her daughter when they get along and are not furious (and never have been)?


What would bring that on??

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Simlover on 2006 April 17, 10:11:12
It actually says she wants to beat her up?

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: dusty on 2006 April 17, 10:12:07
Well, it's "want to win a fight with", which amounts to about the same thing.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 17, 10:14:49
It doesn't say it in so many words, but I would assume when a Sim wants to win a fight with another Sim, that, yes, they want to beat them up.  :P 

I've had this a couple of times too, but I have no idea what causes it.  Mine weren't Romance, and they didn't have a bad relationship with the family member either.  One was a Knowledge sim.  I thought maybe he wanted to learn about fights, LOL.  I can't remember what the other one was.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 April 17, 10:16:47
I have another weird issue like this too... a sim wants to drink her husband.Its so gruesome...

Of course, its the cowplant we are talking about here. Whatever are you thinking of? :-\

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: dusty on 2006 April 17, 10:17:10
Good to know it's not just my sims then.

Heh, maybe it's something to do with that lightning bolt she has for her son-in-law...  ;)

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 April 17, 10:18:58
Hmph! Is the son in law that red haired dube at the friends' panel?
Hmmm... a pretty good looker. No wonder she wants to beat up the daughter!  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: dusty on 2006 April 17, 10:21:15
Yep that's him - I'm not letting her touch him though!

Is your sim angry at her husband? What did he do that she wants to feed him to the cow plant?

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 April 17, 10:26:28
Nothing! They love each other (no affairs either) and have 2 blots. But she still want to inherit dead husband's money (+2,500 aspiration points) and drink husband (cannot rem the +aspiration points)...

Its spooky. And she is a family sim! No pictures though. I didn't think of taking them at that time  :-[
I feel sad for the romance husband. He give up his lovers to marry this sim and all she thinks is about how to kill him..
but nope, I just have him leave unnecessary killings allowed in my game.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: maxon on 2006 April 17, 10:35:39
Nothing! They love each other (no affairs either) and have 2 blots. But she still want to inherit dead husband's money (+2,500 aspiration points) and drink husband (cannot rem the +aspiration points)...

Its spooky. And she is a family sim! No pictures though. I didn't think of taking them at that time  :-[
I feel sad for the romance husband. He give up his lovers to marry this sim and all she thinks is about how to kill him..
but nope, I just have him leave unnecessary killings allowed in my game.

Aw - what a shame.  I can see a good plot line in there.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 17, 10:42:02
Nothing! They love each other (no affairs either) and have 2 blots. But she still want to inherit dead husband's money (+2,500 aspiration points) and drink husband (cannot rem the +aspiration points)...

Its spooky. And she is a family sim! No pictures though. I didn't think of taking them at that time  :-[
I feel sad for the romance husband. He give up his lovers to marry this sim and all she thinks is about how to kill him..
but nope, I just have him leave unnecessary killings allowed in my game.
Does she also have a fear of his death or the death of a family member?  Family sims often have these fears.  Deaths in the family are always hard on them unless they are permaplat.  They always want to fall in love again right away.  I bet if you were to allow this to happen, she would be so upset it wouldn't really be worth it.  Of course, you could always acquire the Resurrect-O-Nomitron and resurrect him after she drinks him.  ::)  Still, it's too creepy.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 April 17, 10:52:50
She is a weird family sim. She wants to flirt with other simmies too ...I am shocked.
I cannot remember her other fears (both of them are long dead now) aside from the fear of changing nappies and also having a child. In fact, I believe she has rolled wants and fears of having a child at the same time before.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 April 17, 10:58:41
I once too had a sim that wanted to win a fight against his daughter...'cept he was an elder and his kid was still a child! I ignored it and it went away...

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 April 17, 11:31:02
She is a weird family sim. She wants to flirt with other simmies too ...I am shocked.
I cannot remember her other fears (both of them are long dead now) aside from the fear of changing nappies and also having a child. In fact, I believe she has rolled wants and fears of having a child at the same time before.

None of those things are really that uncommon in family sims...err at least not mine.  The changing diaper fear is caused by the sim having low neat points.  But family sims seem to be big flirts and have way too many episodes of not being able to decide if they want the baby or not.  I did have one family sim who did actually in fact fear having a child without ever having the want for one as well for the last part of his adult life.

The whole win a fight against thing..I have only seen in popularity sims.  And I have seen  them want to win a fight many times against someone that they held a very positive relationship with.  Some resentment going on there perhaps..hmmm.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 April 17, 11:42:42
Mine was in a fortune sim. Even in the sims, attacking a child is just wrong.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: kacidama on 2006 April 17, 12:06:03

The whole win a fight against thing..I have only seen in popularity sims.  And I have seen  them want to win a fight many times against someone that they held a very positive relationship with.  Some resentment going on there perhaps..hmmm.

This happened last night to one of my knowledge sims - she is an elder - after her daughter beat her at chess.  It's the first time I've seen it in Sims with a good relationship

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 17, 12:07:15
My family sims only seem to have wants to flirt with their spouse, unless I've allowed them to flirt with others, which I rarely do.  All my sims are monogamous, except for Romance Sims.  That's what the Romance aspiration is for.  ;)  Besides, with the Romance mod, Romance sims don't get jealous of their lovers having other lovers. 

A lot of my family sims will have a fear of having a baby at the same time they want one.  Sometimes they will roll the fear immediately after giving birth, and I don't blame them. :P  Also, I've seen the fear roll up if they are a few days away from becoming an elder.  I usually ignore it.  My sims are limited to one child per family, or two if twins or for some reason I like their genetics or want them to have a second child for some reason.  The neighborhood is getting a bit too large and unwieldy.

All in all, I love Family sims, second to Knowldege.  All the aspirations have their ups and downs, of course.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 April 17, 16:37:30
She is a weird family sim. She wants to flirt with other simmies too ...I am shocked.
I cannot remember her other fears (both of them are long dead now) aside from the fear of changing nappies and also having a child. In fact, I believe she has rolled wants and fears of having a child at the same time before.

Did you change her aspiration?

My Romance that I changed to family still had remnants of her romance wants. (flirting with previous lovers, etc-when I changed her aspiration, I removed the loves using testingcheatsenabled) I just ignored them, and they went away...but she was permaplat, so it didn't matter if I ignored her wants

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 April 17, 17:18:14
My family Sims tend to have romance Sims wants when they are free (not engaged or married).  From the moment you marry them it stops and they are all over their partner.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 April 18, 03:17:51
No She is a default family Sim and she is a downtownie. She is a weird one. I don't like her a single bit and her horrible nose get passed down the generations. I have no idea why I allow this marriage to happen save for the fact that she is a criminal mastermind and have $10,000 to bring in.

Anyway, I don't play family sims much. They are a bother :P

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: DoomPuppy on 2006 April 18, 22:54:50
Mine was in a fortune sim. Even in the sims, attacking a child is just wrong.

I have to agree here.  Daniel Pleasant started attacking Lilith in my game and even though the Pleasants aren't my fave family it bothered me.  Since when has it been an option to abuse your own child?

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 April 19, 15:51:14
One of my sims attacked his toddler, and the toddler actually won.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Onion Girl on 2006 April 19, 23:07:22
One of my sims attacked his toddler, and the toddler actually won.
LOL, oh my. That sounds odd, a glitch maybe?

Sometimes I think the sims has a lot of subtle twistedness in it. Parents getting wants to win fights with their kids, cheating, sims sleeping with zombies, vampires, robots, aliens, having sex in cars, dressing rooms, lifts (elevators) hot tobs, I'm amased they can't do it in the swimming pools and showers, or bath tubs. I don't see why they didn't bother letting teens have sex and babies with all this going on.

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: dusty on 2006 April 20, 09:19:12
Sometimes I think the sims has a lot of subtle twistedness in it. Parents getting wants to win fights with their kids, cheating, sims sleeping with zombies, vampires, robots, aliens, having sex in cars, dressing rooms, lifts (elevators) hot tobs, I'm amased they can't do it in the swimming pools and showers, or bath tubs. I don't see why they didn't bother letting teens have sex and babies with all this going on.

You sound like sanmonroe ..

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Onion Girl on 2006 April 20, 13:24:16
Sometimes I think the sims has a lot of subtle twistedness in it. Parents getting wants to win fights with their kids, cheating, sims sleeping with zombies, vampires, robots, aliens, having sex in cars, dressing rooms, lifts (elevators) hot tobs, I'm amased they can't do it in the swimming pools and showers, or bath tubs. I don't see why they didn't bother letting teens have sex and babies with all this going on.

You sound like sanmonroe ..
LOL...well, sanmonroe has a point! :P That, and I always find her posts hilarious to read. :D

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 April 20, 14:30:57
I dunno, I find his/her posts rather disturbing at times.  I think JM's title for him/her is quite apropos. 

Title: Re: Want to win a fight weirdness
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 April 21, 02:10:09
"Sammonroe" is a "she". She said she is a small sized Japanese woman who lives in US and knows a lot of gong fu.