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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: V on 2006 April 15, 01:05:12

Title: Obsessive Turn Off Computer
Post by: V on 2006 April 15, 01:05:12
Whenever I have a sim who is writing a novel other sims in the house come over wanting to turn off the computer. Then when they can't reach the computer they stomp their foot and wave their arms and yell about it.

My novel-writing sim has a pretty high level of creativity so her books can't be THAT bad!  ::)

What is up with this?

Has anyone else had this problem?

Title: Re: Obsessive Turn Off Computer
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 15, 02:28:16
I've only ever had sims try and play games on a computer that is already in use.

Try crammyboy's hack this should stop them stomping & waving.

Title: Re: Obsessive Turn Off Computer
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 April 15, 03:53:09
The only time my Sims (and that includes Servo) decide to turn off a computer is when they are supposed to be doing something really important which will result in some type of benefit.

I'm resigned to the fact that there exists a few lines of code titled POP (Piss off the Player) that is executed during strategic play.

Am just surprised that it hasn't happened just before or during whoopee.

Title: Re: Obsessive Turn Off Computer
Post by: Venusy on 2006 April 15, 04:03:43
Is noturnoffcomputer ( the hack you are looking for?

Title: Re: Obsessive Turn Off Computer
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 April 15, 04:43:42
I often have the"8 other computers in the house but stupid Sim wants to use the only one is use , even when there's 2 free Computers in front of him" problem .
I'm starting to think the programers of this game are sadists :-\

ETA:Stupid, stupid mistake. Wrote what's instead of wants.  Aack!That's it ,no more posting when I'm almost asleep

Title: Re: Obsessive Turn Off Computer
Post by: Cat Moonshadow on 2006 April 15, 09:36:32
That makes me think of the bathroom problems. Even visiting sims who have to pee will rather trek up the stairs and through the entire house to a locked bathroom and complain for length about that, then try to enter it again followed by complaining, rinse and repeat until they leave entirely because obviously the household won't allow them to pee - rather than use the guest bathroom downstairs, that was in fact right next to them before they ventured upstairs.

Stupid sims.

Title: Re: Obsessive Turn Off Computer
Post by: V on 2006 April 15, 14:49:03
Thanks Venusy for reminding me. I remember now that I had rejected the noturnoffcomputers package because I liked them turning off their computers sometimes and it didn't bother me. But in this new household I can't leave the husband alone for a minute without him running into the den to turn off the computer while his wife is writing a novel.

I have also had the stomping and crying over ONE door rather than going to any number of other doors right there handy. But of course if the NPCs get too annoying I can always ask them to leave or lock them in a room until they go away. <grin> Mostly I just ask them to leave.

Vilia, I thought the link you sent was to the "less whiny" hack that I rejected because the paperwork said you have to be careful because they might not complain when they are really in need of something (like food). But when I went ahead and clicked the link I found Ancient Sim was describing the exact problem I have been having. My couple is a 3 bolt couple, they came that way right out of CAS (is that the in-game create a family?). Maybe that is why he can't stand it when she is working. I think I will try that hack as well and hopefully it will help too.

Thanks to everyone for helping me with this problem. I am off now to play my game.