More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Pegasys on 2006 April 12, 23:09:08

Title: OFB version of Sims2DB
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 April 12, 23:09:08
... is now available for download at Meant to post this last week but with the site being mostly down, etc. didn't get around to it.

For those who haven't seen it, as my siggie says, it's a database for obsessive-compulsive types who have pages of notes or spreadsheets about their Sims.

Title: Re: OFB version of Sims2DB
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 12, 23:19:37
I've got it, I've used it and it is lovely!!

I've got in and started checking out the genetics of families and the problem (not with you Pegasys) is that Sims2DB clearly lists the genetic make up - so Maxis has screwed up repeatedly with Gilbert Jacquet, Lisa Ramirez, Checo Ramirez, Malcolm Landgraab, Lillith & Angela Pleasant, Melody Tinker etc not being the genetic offspring of their parents.  Yes it is a minor point given all the bugs but it does bug me.

[ends rant]

I love how you have put all of the business perks they can earn as well

Title: Re: OFB version of Sims2DB
Post by: witch on 2006 April 13, 09:37:39
Pegasys, I used the database all last weekend, imported the data and the pictures fine. (Once I worked through help and bugged you a bit :P) It has been working fine for me and i'm really pleased, it's given me a real incentive to start tracking the sims DNA again. :)

Title: Re: OFB version of Sims2DB
Post by: kacidama on 2006 April 13, 11:45:31
I am so glad that the new version uses SimPE - it was tedious transferring all those names.
Am off to update my db now :)

Title: Re: OFB version of Sims2DB
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2006 April 13, 12:35:35
Thanks Pegasys, I'll update this weekend. I will be exploring the neighboorhood filter since I switched to Strangetown with OFB. Pleasantview was getting crowded with all those Nightlife folk!

Title: Re: OFB version of Sims2DB
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 April 13, 14:32:09
Great I'll have to download

This reminds me that I haven't used the database in a while...I need to get to updating :D

Title: Re: OFB version of Sims2DB
Post by: Liss on 2006 April 13, 21:27:01
... is now available for download at Meant to post this last week but with the site being mostly down, etc. didn't get around to it.

For those who haven't seen it, as my siggie says, it's a database for obsessive-compulsive types who have pages of notes or spreadsheets about their Sims.

Oh my have no idea how this feeds my OCD!!!!!!!!!  yay I can throw my stacks of notebooks away now!!!!!!!
*clap clap clap*

*EDIT*  Is the site having problems?  It won't download :(