More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Syera on 2006 April 07, 22:13:42

Title: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: Syera on 2006 April 07, 22:13:42
Awhile back, I started thinking about the possibility of making a genie NPC.  That was the one NPC I really, REALLY wanted to see carried from TS1 to TS2, and as of yet, Maxis hasn't done it.

I started thinking out how the genie might work in TS2, and I realized... it was getting way too cool to let Maxis do.

Bear in mind that I am not a programmer; while I have had some experience with the way programming works, it's been very, very limited, and this is all *theoretical* programming I've planned out.  I'd absolutely love forever anyone who could make this into a reality.  :)

So here you have it - the genie NPC and all related goodies, the way I'd thought them through.  Like I said, this is theoretical - and I'd love it if anyone would be willing to make it for the game!  :)

Just an object you can use to make pre-existing Sims into genies.  Thisaway, they'll look exactly how you want them to... or you can just get obnoxious townies out of your hair for awhile.


Make Me A Genie
-Make currently-selected Sim into a genie NPC.  He/she will join the pool of genie NPCs and disappear from the family and lot.  Whew, looks like we won't see weird old Cousin Greg for awhile...

The genie lamp.  Now, to the details.


-Check if genie is attached to household.
   -If not, attach genie from genie pool to household.  (Shouldn't appear on family list... is this possible?)
-Check if attached genie is already summoned.
   -If already summoned, then just abord the script.  Having the same person around twice is just creepy.
-If/once attached, summon attached genie.
   -If no genies are available in the pool, then pop a message telling the player to use the genie creator to make pre-existing Sims into genie NPCs.

-When lamp is sold:
   -Check to see if the player has any other lamps on the lot.
   -If No, then unattach the genie NPC and place back into pool.
   -If Yes, then just sell the lamp and do nothing more.

If this is not possible, then an option should be added...

Lamp>Set Genie Loose
-Places genie back in pool.  After this option has been used, you cannot reattach another genie to the lamp.  It can still be used as a pretty decoration, but that's it.

Once we have our genie in the house...

Like most service NPCs, the genie should have all regular social options available.

Send Into Bottle> Pretty self explanitory.

-When the genie is inside the bottle or whatever, his/her needs/aspiration meter should refill and the genie remain thus in stasis until the next time he/she is summoned.


Wishes should be affected by the amount of Niceness points the genie has and how good his/her relationship is with the Sim making the wish.  Also, all Sims with the exception of Toddlers should be able to use the lamp - though not all options should be available to all ages.

Also, more wishe types could be added if thought up.  I just couldn't think of any more at the time.

Wishes under the "Ugly" class should not occur unless the genie meets one or more of the following:
-Doesn't know you well and has one or less nice points
-Has a minus relationship
-Is Furious

Life (all ages)
Good: Few days of life are added
Bad: Few days of life are subtracted
Ugly: Force age transition
   -If Elder, just subtract about a week.

Money (all ages)
Good: Money is added
Bad: Money is subtracted
Ugly: Most, if not all money is lost

Friendship (all ages)
Good: All friendships receive slight boost/one friendship receives major boost
Bad: All friendships receive slight drop/one friendship receives major drop
Ugly: Several friendships re-set to 0.

Love (teen, adult, elder)
Good: Someone developes a crush on your Sim.  (Gender depends on Gender Preference.)
Bad: Any crushes/loves already present are removed.  If not present, the genie summons someone with whom your Sim will not get along and make him/her madly in love with your Sim.
Ugly: All existing loves/crushes are dropped and your Sim gets fat and stinky!

Body (all ages)
Good: Your Sim gains a few body skills/advances to next body-type
Bad: Your Sim loses a few body skills/slides to worse body-type
Ugly: Your Sim gets fat and loses all his/her body skills

Repair (all ages)
Good: All broken objects on the lot are fixed
Bad: A few objects get broken
Ugly: All breakable objects are broken

Clean Up (all ages)
Good: Everything on the lot gets cleaned.
Bad: Several objects get messy.
Ugly: Every putridifiable object is at maximum putridity.

   If the genie has a really, really low relationship with your sim, he/she may simply set your Sim on fire.
   If a Really Ugly occurs, the genie would immediately go back into the lamp... or set your Sim on fire first, then go back into the lamp.  ;)

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 April 08, 21:24:24
Sounds cool!

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 April 08, 23:42:07
Great idea, Syera! I love it! You've given this a lot of thought and I think it would be an awesome NPC!

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 09, 12:12:07
If I ever found a real genie, I'd be sure to have my lawyer draw up my wishes for me.

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: witch on 2006 April 09, 22:30:55
Stories about genies used to frustrate the hell out of me as a kid. I always thought they wasted their wishes so stupidly. I always figured I'd ask for unlimited wishes, for my first wish.  :-\

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: vilia on 2006 April 10, 13:39:17
I think there is usually something in the fine print that won't allow you to do that.  My first wish would be for a never ending packet of TimTams - wouldn't need anything else  ;D

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: witch on 2006 April 11, 07:25:43
1) Health
2) Happiness
3) Longevity

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 11, 11:57:53
My first and foremost wish ever since childhood has been for "Armageddon". There's just nothing quite as heartwarming as the fiery destruction of the world.

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: witch on 2006 April 11, 12:20:53
My fantasy from childhood would be that one day I'd wake up and everybody else would have disappeared.
Glad it didn't happen or I would never have had the sims.

If Armageddon happened JM, you'd die too. Mind you if Pakistan carries on, you might get your wish.
How's the hackers?

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 11, 12:21:47
If Armageddon happened JM, you'd die too.
Death is an experience best shared!

How's the hackers?
This was one of those hit-and-run type dealies. Inge is back to skulking wherever it is she has taken to skulking now.

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 April 11, 12:26:13
I would like to see all the idiot politicians burninated, and a egalitarian society with a green conscience put in place. Oh, and telepathy (with some controls), cos then you could "hear" what some sneaky SOB was thinking and pre-empt them. Way to get rid of arseholes.

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: witch on 2006 April 11, 12:37:31
Hah! Thoughtcrime...

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 April 11, 12:43:23
Heh... yeah.  ;D

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 April 11, 13:44:52
->quickly loads the mp3s into Winamp
...I remember now...

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: Syera on 2006 April 14, 03:18:30
*Shuffles feet*  I don't s'pose there's anyone here who thinks this'd be more fun than a barrel of monkeys to make?   ;D

(Yeah, I know programming ain't a walk in the park.   ;D)

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: witch on 2006 April 14, 03:32:13
I think we all do think this hack would be fun to make.

I was really disappointed in the genie in sims 1 - more an object than an NPC. I had a hack of it -  a golden cat I think? - that was more fun than the genie.

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 April 14, 03:49:46
 I wasn't too thrilled with the genie from Sims 1 either. I kept getting the bad results. Sure wasn't too fun having all those roaches  that suddenly appeared after my Sim made a wish. I finally stopped using it altogether and just left it as a decoration.

Although having a genie in the game now would be great especially since I now use hacks. The only way I'd use a Genie is if I was assured to get a good result.

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: witch on 2006 April 14, 03:56:41
or if it was tied into aspiration level - platinum always works, gold sometimes works etc.

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: Syera on 2006 April 14, 03:58:11
The programmer could probably make a good-results-only version, probably.

So... anyone think they could do the hair-pully, head-scratchy, hands-dirty part?

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 April 14, 04:23:10
or if it was tied into aspiration level - platinum always works, gold sometimes works etc.

Just like any other asp reward.  Good idea Witch.  It could possibly BE an asp reward?


Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: Syera on 2006 April 14, 05:50:20
I'd rather it be a buyable object, myself.

And think of the story/album possibilities with a genie lamp/bottle.   ;D  (I'd really like to see both made!)

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: holly on 2006 April 14, 21:16:08
there are a few objects with good and bad results i carrigan made a few i think a tarrot deck and a wishing well , and the  cat in question is zencat now available for sims2 as well at simslice

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: witch on 2006 April 14, 22:47:36
Zencat - that was it. Simslice seems to be all pay now and I tore my credit card up last xmas.  :'(

I saw the party pills there too, that used to be good for a laugh in sims1.

I didn't know Carrigon's objects had some effects, must try them out, cheers holly.

Title: Re: Possible to make genie NPC?
Post by: Syera on 2006 April 17, 20:26:43
Unfortunately, Carrigon's objects don't come with a FREE Barbara Eden.   ;D